King's Business - 1932-07

July 1932

T h e K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


us for? The music of the life of Jesus was sweet and beautiful because He took time for prayer and meditation. We, too, are made for communion with God. Yet the youth of today is not taught this truth. He is told to aspire. Such questions as these are put to him: “ Would you rather be a clod, or an eagle? Do you want to soar, or do you want to squirm? Will you remain in the herd, and be like ‘dumb-driven cattle,’ or will you assert your independence? You have hands to lift, feet to run, eyes to see, a brain to think, and a heart to feel; your success depends on you.” But does it ? Jesus says, “ Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me.” “ Gome unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” We are to stop worrying. We are to rely upon His leadership, to acknowl­ edge His ownership, to yield to His mastery. Thus will result life-music that is sweet and true. Are our lives in tune with the will of God ? Do the chords of our natures respond to His delicate touch? Are our bodies the temples of the Holy Spirit? If these things are true, then we are in harmony with the rest of that great symphony and chorus of divine creation. Then indeed, and then alone, can we know the beauty and fullness o f the music of life —HIS LIFE.

B I O L A Dedicated to Bible Institute o f Los Angeles

Words by Ida Nield Con spirito I

Music by J. B. Nield


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I 1. To Thee, E-ter-nal God, whosehandHath all earth’swonderswroughtWhoseheart is 2. Es-tablished on the Word of God, Tho’ darksomepowers as-sail And e - vil 3. In lands a - far or near, where’er The cry of need is heard, t.v N i "l i ^_ / Bi - J la’ s § 1 a 3= f Tsh

the a - bode of love, Who man's redemption bought; foes as-sault, yet she Un-shaken,will pre-vail. son’s and daughters bear The light of God’s Own Word. r U w

To Thee whose love our As set-tied as God’s On them we ask Thy

school hathblessed, We lift our grateful praise, And ask that great-er mer-cies yet May Word inheaven, So may her teaching be, Thatno untruth may e’er per-vert Her blessing, Lord, Forthemourprayerswe raise, That Thou theirsure defense wilt be, And frg-

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IS Gentile Hymns Omitted y , | ccording to the New York Times, at a f_JL recent conference in New York, “ Rabbi Louis Wolsey of Philadelphia, Chairman of the Hymnal [New Jewish Hymnal] Com­ mittee and a former president of the Central Council, announced that 177 hymns by non- Jewish composers had been removed from the hymnal now in use, and the new music service would include 200 new hymns by Jewish composers and poets. The principle purpose of the committee, according to Rab­ bi Wolsey, was to compile ’a new hymnal that would deepen the consciousness of Jew­ ish religious life through the works of the finest Jewish poets and composers. Pointing out that many o f the hymns now were identi­ fied with the Christian and other religions, he recalled that Reformed Judaism had often been criticized for a lack of unity in its song service.” Were the Christian church to take such a stand and de­ clare itself in favor only of hymns written by Gentiles, she would have a hymn book unworthy of her great heritage and of the central Object o f her worship. We thank God for His marvelous goodness and wisdom in blessing the Hebrew race with such fine instincts for the expression of lyric poetry. Our most glorious expressions concerning Cod and the promised Messiah, the Redeemer of the race, have come through the Hebrews. Have not all true poets gained their inspiration from the Psalms of David? Where in all literature of any race, at any period, can be found such poetic effusion, such wealth of imagery, such lofty conceptions of God, such a true picture o f man’s helplessness apart from God, such a clear revelation of


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crown her fu - ture days. firm in-teg-ri * ty. Then onwardmarch Bi Guide in all their ways. ■ 1 m m HI

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f i m r ly - mg; The Gos-pel* armor thy defense, and love, thy ban-ner fly - ing. 1 J -jÄ ji o* m God’s plan to restore lost man to perfection through the promised Messiah as can be found in the Psalms, in Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah, Amos, and Obadiah? We of the Christian faith can sing, “ The God of Ab­ ram praise,” because we were in that covenant when God swore to Abraham that in him (Abraham) should all the nations of the earth be blessed. Surely, then, the Gentile who was in God’s plan and covenant, and who has become an heir according to'the promise, has some worth-while contribution to make in the matter of worship. The “ grafted branch” has expres­ sions of religious value and experience which would profit even the Jew. It is, therefore, a matter of great regret that the great hymns o f the Gentiles have been excluded from the new Jewish hymnal.

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