King's Business - 1932-07


July 1932

T h e

K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s

Very different is the eagle. Like the ant, he goes from end to end of his course; but unlike the ant, his vision is broad, and unlike the sparrow, his flight is high and sus­ tained. He is not limited to earth and its vegetation. His place of defense is the munition of rocks. He sets his nest on high. His eye ranges from east to west, from north to south. He views mountain ranges, vast plains, lakes and rivers, deserts and fruitful fields. He soars aloft where his eye can meet the brilliance of the sun. He, too, seeks food and finds it; he also traces river courses and mountain systems, and learns the topography o f a continent. Oh, let us be like the eagle, not like the sparrow! Let us view the Bible as a whole. Let us trace its course, fol­ lowing the stream of promise from Genesis to Revelation; let us discern the two mountain peaks of the first and sec­ ond advents; let us take events, teachings, and prophecies in their proper relations. Let us seek not only food for our own spiritual life, but let us seek wisdom, under­ standing, and clear-sightedness to take in the whole range of the Bible—history, mystery, promise, fulfillment, prophecy, and consummation—and to behold the Sun of Righteousness Himself! Our Lord tells us that one who is instructed in the things of the kingdom of heaven is like a householder, bringing out of his treasure things new and old. He has come into a large property. Broad acres, noble forests, rich orchards -and gardens, an ancient mansion with mod­ ern additions, large important business interests—all are his, not merely to be viewed and known, as by the eagle, but to be planted, improved, made use of, turned to ac­ count to furnish not only a living, but work and occupa­ tion for himself and others. Treasures of antiquity are to be known and valued, old portraits recognized and claimed, furnishings, ornaments, jewels all used to best advantage. Grounds must be kept up, gardens cultivated, orchards pruned, and fields studied so that each one may yield the crop for which it is best fitted. The business which feeds multitudes and brings in a large income must be studied and administered. All this the householder does, not merely for himself, but to do honor to Him from whom he received this inheritance, and for the blessing and benefit of family, friends, neighbors, and de­ pendents. “ Oh child o f God, oh Mercy’s heir, How rich a lot is thine 1” Even here and now, before the wonders of eternity open to us, how wonderful is our lo t! Who would not be a wise and faithful steward, or householder, thoroughly knowing and faithfully admin­ istering the estate to which he has fallen heir, bringing out of his treasure things new and old ? Such a one is a workman not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth; a faithful servant, giving to every one food in due season; his own heart is fixed; he himself is poised, bal­ anced, knowing the Scriptures, and wise unto salvation. — T he C h ina F undamentalist . W ill W e Meet the Conditions? “I f my people, which are called, by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will hedl their land . . . Mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made."

Bible tells us, “ Behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, today is the day of salvation.” The people who put off accepting Christ are lost, the same as the scoffers. It might have been very discouraging for Paul, if his entire congregation had been made up of such people as we have named, but it was not. We are told that “ cer­ tain men . . . believed: among the which was Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris, and others with them.” These people mentioned were like this heart of wax. As soon as the image is pressed against it, the impression is taken and kept. Dionysius was one of the judges be­ fore whom Paul had spoken. He had heard Paul telling about the great judgment day to come, when Christ would be the judge. He had responded to Paul’s pleading that they should repent, in view of this coming judgment. He had accepted Christ as his personal Saviour. This was the only way in which he could escape judgment. It is the only way any one can escape. Damaris was a gentle woman, but she, too, needed to repent. There were others present who were not named. I f you could speak to those people this morning who ac­ cepted Christ that day, they would tell you that it was the greatest decision of their lives. They would have no re­ grets, but only praises to Christ for saving them. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain by receiving Christ as our Saviour, and showing His likeness to those around us. [Explanation: The rubber heart can be cut from a rubber sponge. The cameo can be bought for a very small sum at a variety store. A little lamp black mixed with the plaster o f paris will make the heart black. It will also cause things to be blackened which touch it.\ The Ant, the Sparrow, the Eagle, and the Householder B y A. T . W h it e he ant is a picture of constant progress, of a definite aim, and of absolute determination in at­ taining it. We respect the ant. No obstacle halts her; over or around it she goes, then straight on in her path. Here is a method that is invaluable in Bible study. A child, or one unlearned, who begins with Genesis or Mat­ thew, who perseveres steadily in spite of all difficulties, reading the Bible through in one year or two, gains in­ calculable blessing. To this day, in reading* Matthew, the writer remembers his first impressions of it, gained as a child of six at his mother’s knee. The ant has an object. She is seeking food. She stores it away and is off again—ceaseless activity and industry. “ Go to the ant . . . consider her ways, and be wise.” To read the Bible through, year after year, in search of food, will certainly contribute to steady and healthy growth. More attractive perhaps than the busy ant, is the lively sparrow, chirping and flitting about, picking a bit here and a bit there. Like the ant, he is seeking food, but with no definite.course or plan, his flights short and fitful and confined to a small area. This is: the child’s method— a picture here, a story there, a miracle or a parable, a verse or .a passage. And it is very good, for a child. It is practiced often by adults, who hardly get beyond the four gospels and some Old Testament stories, and whose knowledge, while affording some food, is scrappy and incomplete.

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