King's Business - 1932-07


July 1932

T h e

K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s

“ I am debtor to you for leading me to Christ. This past year I have died with Christ, and in the coming year, I am going to live a new life with Him.” G leanings of the Y ear After a year of experience in newspaper evangelism, Mr. Wang has proved several things. First, he has found that people can be interested in the Christian message through the daily paper, and that they are willing to “ rea­ son together” concerning the gospel. Second, he has discovered that, when his advertise­ ments were couched in flowery language, they awakened little response, but the searching language of the Word brought inquiries. Third, he has proved the faithfulness of God. No appeal for funds has been made, but over $200 in local currency has been received, a sum sufficient to cover the year’s expenses, including literature and Bible portions. God has wrought so wonderfully this year that Mr. Wang is considering a further step of faith, the publishing of a small monthly paper. In such a paper, perplexing questions could be treated and space given for the testi­ monies of converts. Some such link is desirable in order to follow up the good work already done and conserve it for the glory of God. As God, the Son, our Lord could say, “ Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up” (John 2:19). But of the Son o f God, it is written, “ Whom God raised from the dead” (Acts 2:32; 3:15; 4:26, etc.). And this is the fulfillment of various prophecies concerning this Son of God, such as, “ Thou art my Son, this day have I begot­ ten thee” (Psa. 2 :7 )and, “ Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corrup­ tion. Thou wilt show me the path of life” (Psa. 16:10, 11). Here then are three miracles in the natal circumstances of this birth, all showing it to be unique: A miracle in the physical realm, bringing into the world a God-Man; a miracle in the moral realm, bringing into being an impec­ cable Man; and a miracle in the spiritual realm, bringing into existence a begotten Son of the triune God. And we The Unique Birth [Continued from page 298]

your soul and tell you that every moment you have not claimed the blood of the cross you are on the edge of frightful danger. You may be good, you may have a perfect character, you may speak well of the cross of Christ and His un­ selfish death thereon. No matter! if you have not applied the sacrificial blood of Christ by faith to your soul, if the Passover of God has not become your Passover, then the judgment of God will not pass over you — it will fall on you without mercy. As you value your soul, as you contemplate an endless eternity separated from the love and mercy of God, an eternity without God and without hope, apply the blood, I beseech you. Delay not, let nothing interest you till you have applied the blood. My last word to you is this: Apply the blood! Take shelter by faith under the blood of Christ, the Passover Lamb of God. vertisement than any that were ever submitted to the press. He has brought many students for interviews, and he has written a testimony of 2,GOOwords, which has been printed and widely used among young people. A W ide -S pread M inistry Numbers of military men have become inquirers. A captain who was staying at a hotel in a city 150 miles dis­ tant picked up a Changsha newspaper and read something very strange: “ One road-fi-eternal loss; the other road—salvation.” He puzzled over it, and became so aroused that he in­ quired at a local church as to what these lines could mean. He secured a New Testament and studied it. Not long after, in the presence of two officers of the church, he made a clear profession of his faith in the Saviour. en about to commit suicide have been restrained by Mr. Wang’s challenge to something better. Several Buddhist monks have been stirred to the point of investi­ gation and some have believed. One day a letter came from a jailer in a certain city, asking for literature. This he read carefully and became a Christian, where­ Newspaper Evangelism [Continued from page 299]

upon he wrote for lit­ erature, pictures, and gospel posters to dis­ tribute among the pris­ oners under his care. One of the finest testimonies came from a high school student by the name of Chou. On the evening of Decem­ ber 31, Mr. Wang at­ tended a communion service at the Bible In­ stitute. When he re­ turned home, the gate­ keeper handed him a letter from Mr. Chou, who was then only a few months old in the faith; The letter reveal­ ed his great joy in the Lord and showed re- niarkable spiritual dis­ cernment. He wrote,

should rem ind our­ selves that, while little is said in the New Tes­ tament concerning the physical mystery, much is recorded concerning the moral and the spirit­ ual aspects of o u r Lord’s birth, this be­ cause it is with the two latter that Christians are connected. The Chris­ tian is impeccable be­ cause the seed of this God-Man remains inhim and He cannot sin (1 John 3 :9 ), and the Christian is a begotten child of God because, as is the first-born, so also are all the members of the family (Rom. 8 : 29; 1 John 3:1-3).

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