King's Business - 1932-07


T h e

K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s

July 1932

FAMILY CIRCLE . . . B y C utler B. W hitwell

Euodia 2 / I hoever is in touch with the work oi vJL| the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles knows something about Euodia, the week­ day Bible classes for girls in the high and junior high schools o f Los Angeles and vicinity. Born in the mother heart o f Mrs. T. C. Horton, over twenty years ago, this organization, purely for Bible study and Christian fellowship, has steadily pros­ pered. It is a great ministry in itself, and yet it is only one o f several departments of the work of the Bible women of the Institute, ably superintended by Mrs. Ly­ man Stewart. Miss Elizabeth Merritt is Director o f Euodia. Associated with her are the following Bible women: Emily J. Alexander, ’23, Anita Fletcher, ’23, Irene M. Hunter, ’24, Josephine Nelson, ’20, Kathryn E. Oestreich, ’24, Natalie Romans, ’24, and several volunteer teachers. During the past year, at least 1,000 girls have been reached each month, in about fifty-five different clubs. Once a year, a conference is held, cov­ ering several days and affording a choice opportunity for personal work and spir­ itual development. “ The call o f the can­ yon ’ was answered this year by approxi­ mately 250 girls who spent the week-end o f May 22 at the beautiful Pacific Palis­ ades where the eleventh annual Euodia conference was held. Many others wanted to attend but were financially unable to do so. Living in tents, roaming the hills, ad­ justing quickly to gayety or to heart- searching appeal, the girls lived through golden dream days when God seemed very near. Among the speakers were Miss Henrietta Mears, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Hill, ’12 and ’ 14, Miss Evelyn Woods- worth, ’31, Dr. John C. Page, Rev. Louis T. Talbot, Mrs. Lyman Stewart, and Dr. Louis S. Bauman. The conference music was directed by Mr. C. M. Books, with Mr. Gordon Hooker, ’22, as accompanist. Responses to public appeals to yield all to Christ were highly gratifying, but per­ haps the best work o f the conference was done when, in personal conversation with teacher or friend, individual girls saw the Light and began trustingly to walk there­ in. How many and to what extent these girls were touched for Christ it will re­ quire eternity to tell, but already stories of changed lives and homes and viewpoints are singing their way the country round. Golden Wedding Celebration A few weeks ago, a large group o f em­ ployees met in one of the Institute’s ' din­ ing rooms to do honor to Mr. A. E. Bassett, the capable and kindly mail clerk, who has been for many years in the Institute's em­ ploy. The occasion was that of Mr. and Mrs. Bassett’s golden wedding anniver­ sary. It. was regretted that Mrs. Bassett was not able to be present at the surprise luncheon. On behalf o f the employees, Dr. White presented the guest o f honor with five five-dollar gold pieces, as a token of appreciation and an expression o f good wishes.

Alumni Notes Earl Bruneau, ’31, is continuing his stud­ ies at the Moody Bible Institute, taking the Jewish Missions Course. He is also serving as associate leader of a group o f students who visit the Chicago Hebrew Mission each week. Mr. Bruneau will be remem­ bered by many because o f his efficient work at the Men’s Hotel desk, during his student days at Biola. Ottis L. Priddy, ’25, is in his senior year at Wheaton College, Wheaton, 111. He also serves as pastor o f the Bapist Church of Wasco, 111. Following his graduation from college, Mr. Priddy expects to enter the Northern Baptist Seminary for further training. Harold Kuhnle,’26, has accepted the pas­ torate o f the First Baptist Church o f Tur­ lock, Calif. At his suggestion, a series of special meetings was held in this church, under the auspices o f the Bible Institute. These were a great blessing, not-only to the Institute in making known its work to new friends, but to the church in deepening spiritual life and enlarging vision. From the far-off wilds of Nebraska, there comes word that Jennie Torgeson, T7, is teaching chapter summary in her church, at Lodi, using the same method that she learned to value while at the Bible Insti­ tute. Do you remember the testimony of Esther Becker, ’24— how she came to the Bible Institute because she wanted to study music and had heard that she could get a course here more inexpensively than else­ where, and how one night she found her­ self in a prayer meeting, with the Lord speaking to her and asking her to surrend­ er her life to Him? Now comes the glad news that she is devoting all her time and talents to the Lord’s work, acting as di­ rector of the adult, intermediate, and jun­ ior choirs and o f the Christian Endeavor work o f the United Brethern Church, Enid, Okla. Victor Ford, ’24, is moderator of the Presbytery o f Halifax and Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. Writing to friends in the Alumni office, he says: “ I feel that you are the links that bind me to three years o f priceless spiritual experience. My thoughts wander to the old corner room on the eighth floor. Memory conjures up for me old faces—Jones in India, Wilson in the British Solomon Islands, Eric Horn in Ethiopia, Professor Books singing, ‘It’s Always Amen, Jesus,’ and Stuchbery, the chauffeur par excellence, driving the shop teams through the crowded streets.” Hav­ ing completed his work at the Institute, Mr. Ford graduated from Xenia Theological Seminary, about five years ago, and with Mrs. Ford (Mynna Turkington, ’27), answered the Lord’s call to Nova Scotia. They have one daughter, two years old. Miss Christina J. Braskamp conducts a Bible class in a home on beautiful South Orange Grove Avenue, Pasadena, Calif., every Friday morning.


Work Among Indians Ethel Chamberlain,'¿24, P. G. ’27, has been a valuable helper for five years in the Indian work carried on by the Presby­ terian Church at Shiprock, N. M. She has done splendid work among the women and has also served as pastor’s assistant and church treasurer for several years. The accompanying group picture shows a com­ pany o f uneducated Indians gathered for a Sunday afternoon meeting. Put God’s mercy to the test! He can bear a greater pressure still. Lean hard, harder, hardest, again! You cannot fa­ tigue omnipotence.—J oseph P arker . Called to Serve O Master! Thou hast called us Forth in Thy name to go, In calm and brave endurance, With Thee to face the foe; Our confidence is in Thee, Our hearts are on Thee stayed, And o’er the hosts around us Thy power will be displayed. O Master! Thou hast called us, And can we say Thee nay ? Thy mighty love constrains us To follow close each day; . With steadfast purpose cleaving, Wholly, dear Lord, to Thee; With loyal, true allegiance, And faithful constancy. O Master! Thou hast called us, And though the strife be long, Though fierce may be the conflict, In Thee we shall be strong. W e know Thou wilt not fail us; Thy presence, Lord, shall be Our rest and our reliance, Our all-sufficiency. O Master! W e will follow, Until, earth’s warfare past, In heav’n’s unclouded glory W e see Thy face at last. A joyful consummation, When, with the ransomed throng, With mighty jubilation, We raise our triumph song! i ® —R uth T homas .

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