King's Business - 1932-07



T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

July 1932

He Went a Little Farther M atthew 26:39 1. In His humility (Phil. 2:5-9). 2. In His temptation (Matt. 4:1-11; Heb. 4:15). 3. In His sorrows (Lam. 1:12; Isa. 53:3, 4). 4. In His obedience (John 6:38; 8:29). —E.A.E. A Great Transition P salm 40:1-3 1. The sinner’s position—-in a horrible pit. 2. A cry o f distress—acknowledged help­ lessness. 3. A conscious deliverance—“ he brought me up.” 4. A safe standing^“set upon a rock.” 5. A new song—praise to God. 6. A new walk—goings established. 7. A converted man’s testimony— “many shall see.” . —B eliever ’ s M agazine , The Righteousness of God J R omans 3 :21-31 1. It is witnessed by the law and prophets (v. 21). 2. It is obtained through faith in Jesus Christ (v. 22). 3. It is without respect o f persons (vs. 22, 23). 4. It is the free gift o f God’s grace (v. , g S l 5. It is based upon the death of Jesus Christ (v. 25). 6. Its bestowment declares God’s right­ eousness (vs. 25, 26). —H. C. F ulton . The Excuses of a Prophet I. The Excuses. 1. “ I cannot speak” (Jer. 1:6; Ex. 4:10). 2. “They will not hear” (E x. 6:12, 30). II. The Root. 1. Fear. 2. Pride (Jer. 1:7, 8, 17). III. The Answer. 1. “ I have given my word.” 2. “ Speak, whether they will hear or forbear” (Jer. 1:9, 19; Ex. 4:11, 12; Ezek. 2:6-8; Isa. 51:12-16). IV. The Fruit (Jer. 1:10; 2 Cor. 2:16; Prov. 11:30). —H. A. W . Three Kinds of Praise There are three kinds o f praise, repre­ senting three stages in the praise life. I. Praise for Blessings Received —Thanks­ giving. Only one leper out of ten who were healed returned to give thanks. Do we return to give thanks for one blessing in ten? II. Praise for Blessings Expected —Faith. Often, the blessings never come until we believe God sufficiently to praise Him in advance. W e never praise in vain, for our praises soon become objectified in real and tangible blessings. III. Praise to God Himself —Worship. Worship has no reference to blessings, whether received or expected. It rises above our needs and our experiences and is taken up entirely with the present character o f the glorious Lord. There


are many who know thanksgiving, who do not know the praise o f faith. And of all those who know the praise o f faith, there are but a few who know extended moments o f true worship. Lectures to Young Preachers Volume I B y G eorge H enderson This is a splendid book to put into the hands of the young preacher or the theo­ logical student. It deals with the equip­ ment necessary for an effective ministry. The subjects treated are the preacher’s spiritual, intellectual, and physical quali­ fications, his message, and miscellaneous counsels. There are twenty chapters, and the arrangement o f the material is in a form that makes it most acceptable and usable. 122 pages. G. F. Variance. Cloth. Price $1.25. The Book of' Ephesians B y H. S. M iller This study of the book o f Ephesians was written by a Bible student for Bible stu­ dents. The epistle is studied by doctrines, by chapters, by verses, and even by words. Careful attention is given to the Greek words, and citations o f the various ways in which they are translated in the various books are given. 250 pages. Evangelical Press. Cloth. Price $1.50. The Secret of the Universe B y N athan R. W ood Dr. W ood is President of Gordon Col­ lege o f Theology and Missions, Boston, Mass. The thesis o f this remarkable vol­ ume is that the triunity o f God is reflected throughout the universe in the triunity of matter, o f space, and o f time. The spirit, soul, and body o f man is a reflection o f the basic principle of trinity that marks the universe. Dr. W ood has given us a book that is brilliant .in its concept, precise in its logical construction, scriptural in its theology, and one that makes clear to the honest mind many o f the baffling mysteries o f metaphysical reasoning. 223 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. These are meditations on sayings and in­ cidents connected with the passion of our Lord. First, the scenes about the cross come in review. Then, each saying that fell from the lips o f Christ is elaborated and its gospel significance magnified. Like all of the writings o f this Unknown Chris­ tian, this book is marked by deep rever­ ence and clear insight into the spiritual realities of the Scripture record. 92 pages. Marshall, Morgan & Scott. Paper. Price 50 cents. The Mirror of Egypt in the Old Testament B y V ictor L. T rumper Twenty years in Egypt have fitted the The Gospel from the Cross B y A n U nknown C hristian

author to write this book. During this time, he has been on the watch for facts and discoveries confirmatory o f the Bibli­ cal record. His method is to quote from the Bible and then to give the material that illustrates the point involved. As honorary secretary o f the Palestine Exploration Fund and a member of archaeological and historical societies, he has had unusual op­ portunities for observation. Writers and speakers can find in this book many illus­ trations to confirm the written Word. 174 pages. Marshall, Morgan & Scott. Cloth. Price $2.00. This message is a plea for the passion of saving men. It is a cry against the dead­ ening indifference that paralyzes so much o f ecclesiastical life. It is shown that such men as Finney and Moody were great in their own immediate work, and yet greater in the many triumphs accomplished through those whom they led to Christ. The pastor whose own soul is on fire can be the most effective of evangelists. 129 pages. Long & Smith. Cloth. Price $1.00. Stories from the Old Testament for the Little Child B y P aula M. K ohn Twenty-eight brief stories are given and are fully illustrated. They are told in clear, simple language readily to be under­ stood by the child. The stories are true to the Scriptures and reverent in tone. They serve to give in briefest form the gist o f the sacred record. 101 pages. Gos­ pel Trumpet Co., Anderson, Ind. Paper. Price 75 cents. Stories from the New Testament for the Little Child B y E skell L. B lore Thirty-four stories are told in simple, direct language. The book is a companion to the book o f Old Testament stories by Paula M. Kohn. There is no effort to dis­ credit the miraculous, nor to pare down the gospel message. 127 pages. Gospel Trumpet Co., Anderson, Ind. Paper. Price 75 cents. Songs of Life B y H enry W eston F rost Songs that have echoed through the years of a long and fruitful life of^ utter consecration to Christ and glorious achievement in Him are brought together in this delightful little book. The author is Home Director Emeritus for North America o f the China Inland Mission, having been intimately associated with the work since its inception in this coun­ try. Indicative o f the spirit of the man, the thought o f each poem is centered in a Scripture quotation. Naturally, then, there is about his songs something o f the music o f the Eternal. 120 pages. Loizeaux Bros., New York. Cloth. Price $1.25. Cyclopedia of Evangelism B y C harles L. G oodell

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