King's Business - 1932-07

July 1932

T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s


A Heart to Heart Talk T ^ od w ill notice that our stories for (>, this month are missionary stories. I am wondering how m any o f y o u dear children are planning to be mission­ aries when you are older ? I am sure that some o f you are, and I’m so glad—but how many o f you are missionaries now? “ Oh, but I’m only a boy (or a girl) now,” you are saying, “and am busy every day-going to school; some day, perhaps, when I am older, I’ll be a missionary.” But I believe that boys and girls can be missionaries now, right where they are. Why, a missionary is one sent on a mission —sent by the Lord Jesus on a very special errand, that o f carrying the “good news” to those who have never heard. Now if you boys and girls have received the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, aren’t you anxious to have your playmates also know and receive H im? He is such a lov­ ing Saviour, and the children’s Friend! Are you inviting your schoolmates to church and Sunday-school so that they may learn about the Lord Jesus? Have you asked your playmates to read the little red book, the Gospel o f John, and become members o f the K.Y.B. Club? Oh, there are so many ways you can be missionaries right n ow ! Then you know, when missionaries go far away to foreign lands to tell the gospel story, there are many things they have to do—many ordinary, everyday tasks. So, dear children, there are many opportuni­ ties for you to serve the Lord Jesus in your homes, helping Mother with the housework, caring for a baby brother, or helping Father with the work on the farm. All o f these things can be done as unto the Lord Jesus, for we are told in God’s Word, “Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name o f the Lord Jesus” (Col. 3:17). So, dear children, be missionaries now just where you are. —Y our E ditor . 23. Place for flowers or vegetables (Isa. 58:11). 27. Age. 28. Abbreviation meaning “ father.” 30. In music, first syllable o f a major scale. 31. Abbreviation for recording secretary. 32. Freedom (Isa. 61:1). U p and D own 1. Countries (Zech. 2:11). 2. T o observe, or honor (Isa. 38:11). 3. T o wash (John 9 :7 ). 4. Slender stick (Prov. 29:15). 8. Abbreviation for New English Dic­ tionary. 12. Together (add D ) (Psa. 86:11). 13. Parent (1 Cor. 1:3). 14. Not ourselves (add S) (Phil. 2 :3 ). 15. Unusual. 16. Pleasing to eye (Gen. 12:11). 20. Name o f a man (1 Chron. 27:9). 24. Atmosphere. 25. Abbreviation for Edward. 26. A f this time. 28. Printers’ pi. 29. First two letters in alphabet. The solution to the above puzzle will appear in the August issue o f the Junior K ing ’ s B usiness .

mother made me feel that my morning’s prayer for guidance had been definitely answered. Now I often visit the family, where a warm welcome awaits me, and [Continued on page 340]

that dear little fellow, “Yes, I know they are poisonous, but I must eat them, for I have nothing else.” It was a time of great need. Crops had failed and famine was in the land, and people were dying for want o f the harp ne­ cessities of life. His parents had nothing to give him. For days and weeks, he had lived on anything he could pick up. I had a sandwich in my pocket that my w ife had prepared as a lunch for the jour­ ney home, and seeing that he needed it far more than I ever could, I pulled it out, at the same time inviting him to come and get it. As I did so, I heard him say, “You’ll not poison me, Mister, will you?” (Some Chinese have accused the foreigners of doing this.) It was difficult to answer, so I just said, “ L o o k !” And taking a small bite, I began to eat slowly. This gave him a little confidence, and coming to my horse’s side, he received the sandwich from me. Ordinarily, Orientals are very polite, but his hunger was too great for politeness, and he ate it like some poor, famished animal. I can assure you, it hurt me to see so small a boy with such a bitter experience o f need. As I looked at him and thought o f his plight, I saw not only a boy famished with hunger, but a whole nation, o f whom he was the representative, stretching out its hands for something that should satisfy the need of the soul. All that heathenism could offer could never do this, for after centuries, in spite of their best efforts, they are still in their sins 1 Christ can meet their needs, but “ how shall they hear with­ out a preacher?” Perhaps some of you dear children of the Junior K ing ’ s B usiness family will hear God’s call to this needy field to carry the gospel to the little children who have never heard. Would you be willing to go if some day the Lord Jesus should say, “Go ye” ? A Toenail Story B y E. M. T iln e y * I a m afraid that I shall never lose my sensitiveness to pain! When I met two little Arab boys, one of whom was sobbing as if there was reason for it, and when I learned that Amor, the younger o f the two, had knocked one of his wee, dirty bare feet against a hard, un­ sympathetic stone, resulting in his toenail coming off, a shiver of fellow feeling went through me. Amor, who appeared very trustful, al­ lowed me to carry him, and as his home seemed to be fairly near, I suggested that I should take him to his mother. W e arrived at a quaint stone building, shaped like a cylinder placed lengthwise on the ground. In this one room, Amor’s father, mother, grandmother, and two sis­ ters lived, cooked, ate, and slept. A fter greetings and brief explanations, fresh water was brought at my request, the sand was washed from Amor’s toe and strips from my handkerchief bound round it, leaving the little lad somewhat eased from the sharp pain. Meanwhile, I had been singing verses o f Arabic hymns, and these seemed to fascinate him. The mother also listened with deep interest as I spoke about sin and God’s way o f removing it. Thus for the first time, I entered an Arab home in the island of Djerba, and the friendliness of little Amor and his *Missionary o f the North Africa Mission.

Memory Verses for July John 5:24 John 6:47 John 6:37 John 8:36 Answers to June Acrostic 1. R H O D A 2. H O B A B 3. O R P A H 4. D A V I D 5. A A R O N

Search the Scriptures Who said the following, and where (give book, chapter and verse) ? Those who send in correct answers by July 15 will receive bookmarks for their Bibles. 1. “ Speak, L ord ; for thy servant hear- eth.” 2. “Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.” 3. “ He must increase, but I must de­ crease.” 4. “ Here am I ; send me.” 5. “ Behold the Lamb of God, which tak- eth away the sin of the world.” 6. “ Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?” 7. “We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ.” 8. “I am the voice o f one crying in the wilderness.” 9. “ One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.” 10. “Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor?”


A cross 3. Flag— (Song o f Sol. 2 :4 ). 5. Preposition meaning “by” (Matt. 7:20). 6. Exclamation (Matt. 28:20). 7. Metal (Num. 31:22). 9. Abbreviation for Edward. 10. Garden tool. 11. To hold out (Mark 4:17). 13. A day in July which we celebrate. 16. Suitable. 17. Preposition meaning “by.” 18. Country for which stars stand. 19. Dryness in throat (Isa. 49:10). 21. Abbreviation meaning “that is.” 22. In this place. .

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