King's Business - 1932-07


July 1932

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Shut in? Yes, all shut in, Whatever ill betide; Shut into Christ, my L ord ; And oh, so satisfied!

is to be a final and complete emancipation from sin. There will be not a thought, a desire, an emotion sinward, not a craving after anything unholy, no affinity for any­ thing that is evil, and not a remaining taint o f anything that is corruptible. W e would not dare to say this if the Word o f God did not. The Apostle John himself con­ fesses that we do not know what we shall be; it doth not yet appear. There is only one thing we do know—that we shall be like Him. . . . W e are overwhelmed with the suggested possibilities o f the future body of glory. To' have a body like His body, with the capacities of His body! We have five senses n ow ; we may have fifty then. And then the gathering together of saints in Him—think o f it! W e have, all o f us, loved ones whose bodies are buried in the sepulchre. In the time to come, we shall all be gathered together. There shall never be a robe o f mourning, nor a hint of separation, nor a taint of alienation. —A. T. P ierson . “ Ye know the grace o f our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might become rich” (2 Cor. 8 :9 ). W e who know God and are His children do well to remind ourselves that it is our unchanging God who makes the water on the fire to boil, and the steam in the engine to develop such expansive power; that it is He who acts uniformly in electricity, whether we avail ourselves of His power in the useful telegraph, or succumb to it in the fatal thunderbolt; and that it is His uniform action that we recognize as the law of gravitation. No less constant and sovereign is He in the domain of grace. His sovereignty is never erratic or arbitrary. His method of action may be studied and largely discov­ ered in spiritual things as in natural. Some o f His laws are plainly revealed in His W ord ; others are exemplified in the ac­ tions recorded therein. And best o f all, by the illumination o f the Holy Ghost, God Himself may be known and loved and revered through the study of His written W ord ; and He is especially seen in the face o f Jesus Christ.—J. H udson T aylor . JULY 30 S h u t I n “I, therefore, a prisoner in the Lord” (Eph. 4 :1 ). Shut in; a prisoner; Within four walls confined; Counting the weary hours O f days and nights combined. JULY 29 S piritu al S cience

L a r g e P r o f i t s ARE BEING MADE BY ' C h ristian F ield W o rk e rs handling our line of 10c mottoes. Send 30c, coin or stamps, for sample set of 11 mottoes with full instructions and special rates on quantity lots. M. J. WHITE 1108 West First Street, Los Angeles, California Individual Cups Does TOUR Church use this cleanly method? Send for SPECIAL OFFER at low prices. Tray and 36 best glasses and Cover $9-00. Glasses $1.00 dozen. Collection and Bread Plates. THOMAS COMMUNION SERVICE CO., B0X542Uma, O DAISY FLY KILLER Placed anywhere, DAISY FLY KILLER attracts and kills all flies. Neat, clean, ornamental, convenient and can’t «pill or tip over; will not soil or injure anything. '•Guaranteed. Insist upon DAISY FLY KILLER from your dealer. H A R O L D S O M E R S , B R O O K L Y N , N . Y . cheap. Lasts all sea- son. Made o f metal, ^ f B e n n a rd ’s M e lo d ie s— S o lo s and D u e ts B y R ev . G eorge B ennard (author of “ The Old Rugged Cross” ) Continues to be very popular. Gospel Singers say the reason is, that it contains the most beautiful numbers to be found anywhere. Orders received from practically all over the world. A 96-page book. Attractive binding, 60c a copy The Bennard Music Company, Albion, Mich.

—H. W . F rost .

JULY 31 A F orgotten G race

“Blessed are the meek" (Matt. 5 :5 ). Unfortunately, meekness is one of our uncrowned and degraded words, and I heartily wish we could restore it again to its lost sovereignty. As the word is com­ monly used nowadays, meekness suggests a soft and emasculated character, indeed, meekness has come to be almost a syno­ nym for weakness. It is only the firm and the resolute who can be really tender. It is the surgeon with the unshaking and unshakable hand who can do his work with exquisite gentleness and grace. — J. H. J owett . AUGUST 1 T he T im e is S hort “ There is but a step between me and death” (1 Sam. 20:3). Oh, my friends, you who are letting miserable misunderstandings run on from' year to year, you who are keeping wretched quarrels alive because you cannot quite make up your mind that now is the day to sacrifice your pride and kill them, you who are passing men sullenly upon the street, not speaking to them out of some silly spite, and yet knowing that it would fill you with shame and remorse if you heard that one o f those men were dead to­ morrow, you who are letting your neigh­ bor starve till you hear that he is dying o f starvation, or letting your friend’s heart ache for a word o f appreciation or sympa­ thy, which you mean to give him some day—if you could know and see and feel that “the time is short,” how it would break the spell ¡-^ P h illips B rooks . AUGUST 2 T h e W ealth of F a it h “ By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come” (Heb. 11:20). Simple faith in the covenant promises of God to Abraham and his seed is the un­ derlying reality of this story. Had those promises materialized into countless ingots of yellow gold, they could not have been more real than were these bare words o f the Covenant God. Up to a point, this was true even o f Esau. The promise itself was intensely real to him, although, being worldly, he was blind to its higher and spiritual bearing, and so was called “pro­ fane Esau,” by an inspired writer; where­ as Jacob, markedly his inferior morally,

SECRET SOCIETIES Secret Societies in the Light of the Bible, 15 cents. The Secret Empire — The Final Anti-Christian Power, 25 cents. Testimonies A g a in s t Secretism by pastors of the M o o d y Church, Chicago, during the first fifty years of its existence, 25 cents. N a t i o n a l C h r i s t i a n A s s o c i a t i o n 851 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111.

W H I T E P IP E -T O N E F O L D IN G O R G A N S Best ever made — All sizes. Free catalogue and special prices. A. L. WHITE MFG. CO . Dept. K., 215 Englewood Ave., CHICAGO, ILL.

10,000 SERMONS From One Text

Shut in ; enclosed around; Sick, helpless, and alone; In pain and suffering, Each sigh almost a moan. Shut in ; in idleness; No duties to fulfill; Served, but not serving now ; My service to lie still. And is there nought beside? Ah, yes, thrice-blessed word; Shut into Jesus Christ, “ A prisoner in the Lord.”

Read the remarkable story o f ‘ ‘Uncle Jaggers” the wonderful negro preacher o f Carolina who preached 10,000 sermons from one text, and changed a million frowns into smiles by the bene­ diction o f his presence. Get the April issue o f The Evangelical Christian 20c a copy $2.00 a year— 2 years or 2 subscriptions $3.00 Send for a Sample Copy THE EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN, 366 Bay St., Toronto, Can.

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