Newsletter Vol 7

THE BLUEPRINT Volume 7 - Oct/Nov 2022


As we move into cooler seasons, the MRG Christmas incentive is heating up and the home run for the end of the year is in sight! Before we dream of next year’s ad- ventures however there’s everything to play for.

ALL TO PLAY FOR IN Q4 An outstanding set of results were had at the end of last quarter. A new group record at £751,781 - 36% up on last year and 240% up on this time in 2019. Just brilliant! Q3 fees £1.661m + 44% on our re- cord breaking Q3 fees in 2021. But now is the time for caution - the UK is sailing hard into some stormy conditions and conver- sions are below what we budget- ed. We are getting squeezed in Q4 so need to be on our best form. Anything less and we will get hurt. However, we are a diverse busi- ness in resilient markets, populat-

PERFORMANCE UPDATE After a fantastic September re- sult, we started October with a big challenge to rise to. The UK Busi- ness started October on £205k and therefore needing c. £145k to hit target (a low target by our usual standards of productivity). Our Global teams were focusing on conversions for forward pipeline. We rose to the challenge! The UK hit the £350k target and the Global Teams achieved £110k in conver- sions. Well done all. We find ourselves in November with an even bigger challenge - needing

ed by some very talented people. At Group level, our diversification globally brings stability, with our international markets run counter cyclical (Malaysia and Neom are energy exporters rather than im- porters). The Global team had a very strong September and have a very healthy position for Q4. Ma- laysia is growing across Asia and with the addition of Singapore our Asia business under Olly will be- come a formidable force. Further expansion is also still to come.

£75k to hit target with two weeks to go! We know what we need to do. Focused, specific and measurable week plans and day plans, a relent- less approach to generating and delivering shortlists (whether it is a retained, contingent, key account or interim assignment) to meet deadlines, and carving time out to execute meaningful business de- velopment. We have successfully met big chal- lenges before – let’s do it again!

Simon Cheshire

Ben Duffill



Suited for Success 55 Springhill, Hockley, Birmingham B18 7BH Registered charity no : 1165131


To Stephanie, Charlotte, Nicky, Michael and Hannah, We would like to take this opportunity to say a HUGE THANK-YOU for the incredible amount raised by you all in taking on the mammoth Thames Trek back in September! Between you all, a whopping £3247 was raised for Suited for Success which is just phenomenal! As you know, we receive no government funding and have to raise all our own funds to provide this service, so this amount of money will allow us to provide:  216 1-hour interview coaching appointments  108 2-hour Interview coaching appointments (1-hour of 1-2-1 interview coaching and 1-hour of dressing and styling)  18 days of our centre being open for clients Suited for Success helps to ensure no-one misses out on an opportunity to gain the dignity of employment for the want of interview skills and interview clothing, and this is possible only thanks to generous funders such as you, so thank you for partnering with us and working so hard and walking so


Pinnies and trollies at the ready for the Board who will be serving Afternoon Tea in return for donations. Bring your bakes to be named STAR BAKER and the chance of a Simon Cheshire handshake! Donations going to our brilliant charity partner – Suited for Success

far to raise these funds for us. We are so grateful to you all! Many thanks once again for your incredible generosity. Kindest regards,

THE GREAT MRG BAKE OFF AND AFTERNOON TEA – SERVED BY THE DIRECTORS THURSDAY 24TH NOVEMBER Pinnies and trollies at the ready for the Board who will be serving Afternoon Tea in return for donations. Bring your bakes to be named STAR BAKER and the chance of a Simon Cheshire handshake! Donations going to our brilliant charity partner – Suited for Success.

Patricia White Suited for Success, Chief Executive Email: Tel: 0121 236 7770 Facebook: suitedforsuccessuk Twitter: @SuitedForBham Instagram: suitedforsuccessuk

Following the success of the Thames Bridge Walk in September, we’ve re- ceived a lovely letter commending the team on their impressive money raising efforts. Well done to everyone who participated and donated.

CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY FOR SUITED FOR SUCCESS THURSDAY 15TH DECEMBER Festive feels and Christmas knits at the ready to raise money for Suited for Success.



UPCOMING TRAINING SESSIONS FOR NOVEMBER Tuesday 22nd November – Attracting and Managing Candidates with Matthew Evans This Lunch and Learn session is essential for anyone in a candidate facing role. The training session will cover points from initial calls, in- terviewing, and candidate management. This will help you to control your processes and minimise dropouts and unexpected challenges. Wednesday 30th November - Guidance on MRG Client Contracts with Katherine Beesley This bitesize Teams session will give you the knowledge to navigate the MRG Client Contracts with your client, including common ques- tions and answers. Attendance not mandatory but highly recommend- ed if you are in a client facing role. UPCOMING WEWORK EVENTS – RSVP TO ATTEND Tuesday 22nd November - Candle Making – Room 3A RSVP here to attend this interactive & fun candle making workshop in room 3A. Tuesday 22nd November 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM - WOD Squad – Gymbox Covent Garden Pulling, pushing, climbing, lifting. You’ll mix up those four functional movements to give your body a good hiding; testing your strength, building your skills as well as an intense sweat. Don’t forget you can sign up to FREE Gymbox classes every day by log- ging into your Wework account. There’s Yoga, HIIT, and Cardio classes available every week :

Get your Christmas knits and festive feels on in aid of Suited for Success!

SELECTION OF OUR 2023 CHARITY PARTNER After a successful year of fund- raising for Suited for Success, we’ll be looking for a new charity partner for 2023. If you have any suggestions please let us know! Please get in touch with Steph- anie Howe. A shortlist will be shared for vote throughout the business in December. Fundrais- ing efforts for our new charity partner begin in Jan 2023!


After a successful year of fundraising for Suited for Success, we’ll be looking for a new charity partner for 2023. If you have any suggestions please let us know! A shortlist will be shared for vote throughout the business in December. Fundraising efforts for our new charity partner begin in Jan 2023!


Did you see Sian’s email the other week about LinkedIn moving all of their training online via their LinkedIn Learning Centre? This can be accessed here. We thought it would be and ideal opportunity to give you a couple of handy LinkedIn tips for you to try: • Have you ever sent a voice note through InMail? It’s a nice way to stand out from the crowd. Just a 10 second note will almost always be listened to. Perhaps try it next time someone has connected with you. • Don’t just broadcast (share/ like), comment! It’s a more personal way to engage with potential candidates / clients and will make them more likely to subsequently engage. • Share your opinions. Share something you discussed on a call with a client/candidate e.g. ‘I was just on the phone, and we were discussing xxx. What do you think?’. Asking an open question is a significantly more appealing way for people to respond to you. And it’s been a great first month for Emily Harris, who has been settling in well with the Marketing team and the wider business. Emily should be your first point of call for all Marketing request aside from purely design requests, which should go to Eliane.


For new staff and a reminder to all - MRG are allocated a small amount of credits for meeting rooms each month as part of our contract with WeWork. This month we have already exceeded our allocation and any additional credits cost £20 each (please bear in mind that an av- erage small meeting room for an hour is approx. 3 credits = £60). To ensure we keep within our month- ly credit allowance and avoid additional charges, please can you: • Use a meeting room only when Wework

common space does not suffice. • For example, your meeting requires a confidential space, or you need to use display screens to present informa- tion. • Always use the smallest meeting room capacity that you can (bigger rooms cost more credits). • Use Daily Desk credits in other We- work buildings only when necessary. • For example, you are at client meet- ings in a location that is too far away from 15 Bishopsgate to be able to use the MRG office as a base.

BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT GROUP UPDATE • Continued work on Bullhorn and website improvements are on- going. • Training session on Terms of Business to take place in Novem- ber with KB – 30.11.22 at 11am – please see People update for more information. • There will be training on ad writing to be done in the coming months. • Compliance rate continues to be much improved, aided by the weekly meetings and use of TrustID/WeSign. • BIG to roll out training on using our Microsoft products effec- tively.


Welcome to Choeng Joe Ee also known as J who has joined the MRGPA team as of 1st November as Recruit- ment Delivery Consultant. She is focused on recruit- ing for the Malaysian business, reporting into Ashley Mathew. J holds a Diploma in Flight Operations Management and she has 1.5 years’ recruitment experience working with HAYS Recruitment Malaysia specializing in the IT field covering the Asia Pacific region for Hong Kong and Singapore.

New Clients: • One International Group

New initiatives / projects: MRGPA has been strengthening hiring process over the months and now have the following in place: • Application form • Reference Check Form • Induction checklist • Onboarding Deck • New Hire Guide / 90 Day Roadmap • Probation Review Form (adopted from MRG UK) Company Activity: • MRGPA organized a team activity on 24th Septem- ber to participate in the KL Scottish Highland Games together with families. • MRGPA turned 3 years old on 1st November this year. • Our last CSR activity for the year was held on 4th No- vember. MRG People Asia once again partnered with Kechara Soup Kitchen (a NGO) volunteering to res- cue surplus provisions from supermarkets across Kuala Lumpur and thereafter distributing it to elderly homes and orphanages. We ended the day with a celebratory meal to welcome our newest members Chris Urban and Joe Ee Cheong to the team • JJ plays various sports and recently won the netball tournament

WELCOME TO... Jenni Barrett who joined the HE team as a Delivery Consultant. Jenni has previously worked in an independent school as a de- velopment officer. She joined MRG as she connected with the company’s value of In- tegrity and believes that MRG embodies this wholeheartedly, driving authentic talent finding and team building. Jenni provides 360 support with the HE team’s recruitment campaigns.

WELCOME TO... Chris Urban who started on the 19th October as the Country Head/Managing Director, Singapore, reporting to Asia Regional Managing Director, Olly Piltz. Having been operating in the Asian real estate recruit- ment market for over 15 years, Chris has an extensive track record across the region. Chris will initially be based in Kuala Lumpur and cover both the Singapore- an and Hong Kong markets with the aim to have the office launched and opened in the 2nd half of 2023. Click here to find out more about Chris Urban.

AND FINALLY, A HUGE WELCOME TO... our new Marketing Manager - Emily Harris. This is Emily’s first role since having her family and moving back to the UK from Du- bai, where she spent 10 years. Her career history spans The Daily Mail and Pandora jewellery to name but a few. We are super excited by her addition to the marketing and ops team.

WELCOME TO... Naz Chohan who joined the Bids team last month. Naz come with 10 years recruitment experience within technology and will be join- ing focus on building bid recruitment in finding bids and work win - ning talent for clients in that sector. Naz was recommended to us by Sam Holland and they have worked well together in the past. He is passionate about delivering best in class service and has both agency and internal recruitment experience as well as a keen inter- est in running events and thought leadership pieces.

WORK ANNIVERSARIES BINA PATEL - 10 Years on 29th October


MEL PYE - 10 years on 19th November


SALLY BROCKWAY - 6 years on 14th November


MATT G - 3 years on 14th October

DEE DAVIES - November

DAVE GREGSON - 3 years on 4th November

HAYLEY WOOD - November

JACKSON SEBASTIAN - 3 years on 18th November

This edition’s shout out goes to the daring Davina, who has had an awe inspiring run the last few months – converting on average a fee every week, she is on track to hit £200k for Q4, achieving more in this quarter than the rest of the year combined! Incredible hard work, dedication, and persistence with an often-tricky client, really well done. SHOUT OUT

MRG MEETS MEGAN The London team had a delightful visit from Megan Groenewald, Global’s Team support based in South Africa. Megan had a lovely time getting to know her UK counterparts and seeing what London had to offer.

“There are so many things that I enjoyed on this short but memorable trip to the UK! One of these things was finally meeting everyone in person and getting to work with my team in the office. Everyone made me feel so welcome and went out of their way to show me around, which I’m very grateful for. I got to tick off almost everything on my list that I wanted to see and experience whilst being in London which, I definitely made sure I have A LOT of photos to keep as memories. The biggest differences compared to my everyday life in SA and which I will miss the most is seeing everyone in the office (eating too many Percy Pigs!), walking around after work for hours, trying to learn how the tubes work and using public transport, and of course not having any loadshedding (a massive bonus). I can’t wait to see everyone again and make even more memories. I’m blessed to work with such amazing colleagues and company.”

HALLOWEENIES Spooky Season was upon us last month, Rob and Dee were both off spending time with their little ghouls – getting involved with pumpkin picking, spooky strolls and trick or treating.

REYLAXING IN REYKJAVIK Ali spent the week in Iceland with a friend, enjoying the hot springs and breath-taking volcano hikes.

EL CASTILLO Katherine and her partner David took a trip to Mexico and visited Chichen Itza, one of the seven wonders of the world.


Congratulations to Hayley Wood who got engaged to her partner, Ash, on holiday in Bali.


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