Newsletter Vol 7


As we move into cooler seasons, the MRG Christmas incentive is heating up and the home run for the end of the year is in sight! Before we dream of next year’s ad- ventures however there’s everything to play for.

ALL TO PLAY FOR IN Q4 An outstanding set of results were had at the end of last quarter. A new group record at £751,781 - 36% up on last year and 240% up on this time in 2019. Just brilliant! Q3 fees £1.661m + 44% on our re- cord breaking Q3 fees in 2021. But now is the time for caution - the UK is sailing hard into some stormy conditions and conver- sions are below what we budget- ed. We are getting squeezed in Q4 so need to be on our best form. Anything less and we will get hurt. However, we are a diverse busi- ness in resilient markets, populat-

PERFORMANCE UPDATE After a fantastic September re- sult, we started October with a big challenge to rise to. The UK Busi- ness started October on £205k and therefore needing c. £145k to hit target (a low target by our usual standards of productivity). Our Global teams were focusing on conversions for forward pipeline. We rose to the challenge! The UK hit the £350k target and the Global Teams achieved £110k in conver- sions. Well done all. We find ourselves in November with an even bigger challenge - needing

ed by some very talented people. At Group level, our diversification globally brings stability, with our international markets run counter cyclical (Malaysia and Neom are energy exporters rather than im- porters). The Global team had a very strong September and have a very healthy position for Q4. Ma- laysia is growing across Asia and with the addition of Singapore our Asia business under Olly will be- come a formidable force. Further expansion is also still to come.

£75k to hit target with two weeks to go! We know what we need to do. Focused, specific and measurable week plans and day plans, a relent- less approach to generating and delivering shortlists (whether it is a retained, contingent, key account or interim assignment) to meet deadlines, and carving time out to execute meaningful business de- velopment. We have successfully met big chal- lenges before – let’s do it again!

Simon Cheshire

Ben Duffill

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