Clean AirIndustries isa leading innovatorofairfiltration products,engineered forenvironm entaland econom ic excelence.In addition to providing solutions for large m anufacturing environm ents, we have long been recognized astheindustrystandard fortradeschoolsand welding labsacrossthe country. Clean AirIndustriessolutionsare broad and oferbenefits oflowerinstalcosts,less m aintenance,and low energy costswhile im proving m orale and workenvironm entsby protecting students, teachers, and equipm ent from potentialyhazardouscontam inants.
Health & Safety Exposure to weld fume and smoke can pose various health risks.The specific health efects depend on the com position ofthe fum es,the duration and intensity of exposure,and individualsusceptibilty.Here are som e potentialhealth risks associated with exposure to weld
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