Clean Air Industries Welding Education Solutions

W eldstation™ byClean AirIndustries

Regulatory Com pliance Health and safetyissuesare being taken veryseriouslyby a growing num berofschools and com panies as OSHA, International,and industrystandardsincrease. Many large US m anufacturers are planning ahead and adopting European exposure lim itsasa globalstandard for their entire com pany and are exceeding OSHA Standards.

To m eet these standards,facilties m ust im plem ent a highlyeficientdustand fum e filtration system to filterout the harm fulparticulate. The exposure lim itsthese com paniesare targeting range from .02 – 1m g/m 3 depending on com pany policy,wel below the 5m g/m 3standard setbyOSHA. 1-866-665-1829

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