Pulse Forward Magazine

PULSES & BEYOND MATÍAS MACERA DESDELSUR invest in our farms, which will make for a more profitable business. How competitive is Argentina in the chickpea market? Chickpeas were usually grown mainly in Córdoba, but the main area shifted due to drought, with 50% moving to the north in Salta and other regions. This year, Córdoba had a little more subsoil moisture, so they increased their area. Argentina increased production by 25% year-on-year, and everything was looking good until weather issues arose - we had some rains. The first part harvested in the north was of okay quality, but then rains affected about 40-50% of the Salta crop. In Córdoba, they started the harvest with some quality issues due to snails staining the chickpeas, and then rains caused water damage to a good portion of the crop. It was a reasonable year for yields but not for quality. That's why the market is

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