The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.8


Paul’s Testimony to the Doctrine of Sin

a formal definition of sin. But by studying the terms mostly on his pen we can determine his idea of sin. He uses mostly the noun a papria (hamartia), 58 times, from the verb ¿impravoi (hamartano), to miss the mark, to sin. To miss what mark? In classical Greek it means ‘ to miss an aim , “to err in judgment or opinion”. With Paul to sin is to miss the mark e t h i c a l l y and r e l i g i o u s l y . T w o other words used by Paul show us what the mark missed is: aSuda (adikia), unrighteousness, lack of conformity to the will of God; avopia (anomia), lawlessness, failure to act or live according to the standard of God’s law. So the mark missed is the Divine law. Hapap

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