The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.8


The Fundamentals Man was created, not evolved. That is, he did not come from protoplasmic mud-mass, or sea ooze bathybian, or by descent from fish or frog, or horse, or ape; but at once, direct, full made, did man come forth from God. When you read what some writers, professedly religious, say about man and his bestial origin your shoulders unconsciously droop; your head hangs down; your heart feels sick. Your self-respect has received a blow. When you read Genesis, your shoulders straighten, your chest emerges. You feel proud to be that thing that is called man. Up goes your heart, and up goes your head. The Bible stands openly against the evolution- ary development of man, and his gradual ascent through in- definite aeons from the animal. Not against the idea of the development of the plans of the Creator in nature, or a varia- tion of species by means of environment and processes of time. That is seen in Genesis, and throughout the Bible, and in this world. But the Bible does stand plainly against that garish theory that all species, vegetable and animal, have orig- inated through evolution from lower forms through long nat- ural processes. The materialistic form of this theory to the Christian is most offensive. I t practically substitutes an all-en- gendering protoplasmic call for the only and true God. But even the theistic-supernaturalistic theory is opposed to the Bible and to Science for these reasons. 1. There is no such universal law of development. On the contrary, scientific evidence is now standing for deteriora- tion. The flora and the fauna of the latest period show no trace of improvement, and even man, proud man, from the biological and physiological standpoint has gained nothing to speak of from the dawn of history. The earliest archaeolog- ical remains of Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, show no trace of slow emergence from barbarism. That species can be arti- ficially improved is true, but that is not transmutation of spe- cies. (Dawson, “Origin of the World,” pp. 227-277.) 2. No new type has ever been discovered. Science is

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