C+S Fall 2024 Vol. 10 Issue 3 (web)

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FALL 2024





VOLUME 10 ISSUE 3 csengineermag.com

publisher Zweig Group Editor Luke Carothers | lcarothers@zweiggroup.com media manager Chad Coldiron | 479.200.3538 | ccoldiron@zweiggroup.com

800-466-6275 225 N. Block Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72701 PO BOX 1528, Fayetteville, AR 72702-1528


Civil + Structural Engineer (ISSN 23726717) is published quarterly by Zweig Group, Fayetteville, AR. Telephone: 800.466.6275. Copyright© 2024, Zweig Group. Articles not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Zweig Group. Unsolicited manu- scripts will not be returned unless accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Subscriptions: Annual digital subscription is free. To subscribe or update your subscrip- tion information, please visit our website www.csengineermag.com/subscribe/ or call 800.466.6275.

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2 Fall 2024




THE COVER 12 Reshaping Transit in Washington DC

Luke Carothers The ZG-Suite 4 Time Tells All Chad Clinehens

INDUSTRY INSIGHTS 5 Are you Ready to Take On Ownership Ezequiel Tovar LOOKING BACK, MOVING FORWARD 7 Spanning the Mon Luke Carothers Industry Events 8 2024 YEA Kickoff CHANNELS Tech & Innovation 16 Real World Applications of AI Anne Hunt 19 The Adoption of Digital Twins Comes with Cybersecurity Concerns Jeff Schwarzentruber 22 The Evolution of Digital Twins Carl Storms 24 Using Machine Learning to Classify Unique Features in Point Cloud Data: Bridge Infrastructure 27 The Future of AI—Now Luke Carothers 28 The Future of Scheduling Garrett Harley ENVIRONMENTAL 29 A Continued Push Luke Carothers 31 Sustainability and the Port of Virginia Brent Hunt 33 Understanding Embodied Carbon & Affecting Change Luke Carothers WATER 35 Proactive Water Management Yaron Dycian STRUCTURES 37 Duralite ® is revolutionizing underground enclosures Jesse Hudgins 39 A Dynamic Approach to Adaptive Reuse Luke Carothers 40 ACI’s Suite of Concrete Knowledge INDUSTRY NEWS 42 Safety Training: Investing in your Team’s Wellbeing Dan Clapper 44 What its Really Like to Work as a Structural Engineer Harshda Prasad




Fall 2024


The ZG-Suite


The Summer of 2024 is drawing to a close , and the stirrings of Autumn can be felt on the breeze and seen on the trees. 2024 has been another historic year, and the past few months of summer have been hotter than ever for the AEC industry. This marks another year of growth, as we continue a decade-plus of the AEC industry soaring past financial metrics and benchmarks. Our industry is performing at historic levels in 2024, but, while the AEC industry as a whole is experiencing an upward trend, there are still many challenges ahead of us as we navigate the future. Our annual ElevateAEC Conference and Awards Gala will be held next week in Tampa, and I think this year’s theme of Return on Investment (ROI) is a fitting platform from which we can draw useful themes about how our industry will handle the challenges of the future and Elevate the Industry. While the basic definition of ROI—the net gain (or loss) of an investment compared to its cost— is simple, the concept often proves significantly more complex in reality. For most of us, the only way we look at ROI is in those simplest terms, of dollars and cents. However, as we think about the challenges that lie ahead, I think it’s important that we expand our understanding of ROI to include another more valuable asset: time. Over the last several years, we at Zweig Group have noticed what we understand to be fundamental shifts in how firms understand ROI, particularly as a function of time. Dynamic industry and economic elements over the last several years mean this fundamental shift in our understanding of ROI has the potential to create industry- defining change. As a result of this change, AEC firms will adapt and change the way they operate, further altering the landscape of our ever-changing industry. I believe one of the major changes that will come as a result of this shifting landscape is an even greater emphasis on time as a measure of ROI. At Zweig Group, time in relation to ROI is something we take seriously, and it’s something we have been building into our business

on a daily basis. Most notably perhaps, you can see the result of this way of thinking in the schedule for our upcoming flagship conference next week. Thinking of ways to innovate an already wildly successful industry event, we turned to nearly a decade of feedback from those who have attended the conference. As it happens, a common thread that bound these disparate areas of feedback was a simple fact: people valued their time more than almost anything else. This understanding helped us shape the schedule for the upcoming conference, condensing the standard three-day event into two, giving attendees a full day on Friday to explore beautiful Tampa or travel home to their families. This illustrates a major component of the focus on time in relation to ROI—that it is often a way to focus on people. I would be short of words trying to relate the importance of time to each of us, and to do so would be to speak a truth we already know. Time spent at work— during your daily schedule or at conferences near and far—is time not spent with your families and friends. There are a million things that matter to our coworkers and colleagues outside of their work, and more and more the value of individual time is becoming a pressing topic of conversations when it comes to the present and future of the AEC industry. We see this manifesting in widely-shared sentiments like more and more people looking for work that is meaningful and has a positive impact on their communities. Owners and principals who recognize this shifting perspective on time and ROI will be able to respond quicker when it comes to adapting. The firms that begin to expand their understanding of ROI and incorporate evolving sentiments about the value of time will thrive in the AEC industry in the near future. The ability to recognize and adapt to this shifting landscape will also add an incredible value to AEC firms over the long term. Closely tied into these conversations about ROI and time are themes of growing efficiency amidst the ongoing digital and AI revolutions. The ceiling is high, but the process must have a start. And, as always, time is one of our most valuable assets, so keep it in mind as you’re planning your firm’s future.

4 Fall 2024


Industry Insights

ARE YOU READY TO TAKE ON OWNERSHIP? By Ezequiel Tovar, Ownership Transition Analyst, Zweig Group

What next After observing and evaluating the current leadership situation, the next step is to synthesize this information with your own personal values and ethics. If you like the firm, the culture, and, most importantly, the people, what do you need to know, and how can you prepare yourself? In a survey that asked participants to list the things they wished they knew prior to becoming a principal, these were the top four responses: 1. Business education & experience with finance/accounting 2. The amount of stress and time involved 3. Skills related to emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and communication 4. How to prepare for ownership transition Knowing these things will set a candidate ahead of other people being considered. But what exactly do they mean? Business education and experience: As an owner, seeing and understanding financials will be a requirement. Being able to navigate this space will also depend on your firm being transparent on the financial end, which is essential for a prospective owner to feel secure about their investment. You don’t have to be a principal to begin this process. Talk to your firm and request information relating to your interest in the success of the firm. On the project level, see how billing is done in the firm and potentially even take on that responsibility for your own projects. Practice makes perfect, and the more you know the better. Stress and time: Ownership is great when the tide is high, but the low tide reveals those who aren’t ready for the responsibility. The AEC industry is oftentimes an incredibly precise industry, and there are a million things that can go wrong with a firm—a partner leaves, you lose an important client, and on and on. Firm owners should be leaders and problem solvers. No matter what your preparation level is, something will happen, and it will test your endurance and strength as a leader. Emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and communication: We all deal with different people all the time. On a daily basis, you may interact with coworkers, sub-consultants, contractors, and many other different people in different roles. When you are an owner, it will be your responsibility to resolve disputes between these different groups, and doing so requires tactfulness and effective communication. People problems are often the most sensitive issues. Egos clash, people get offended, and so on, but listening and trying to understand people in those moments can go a long way in resolving issues. The key is to show, not tell, them you have their best interest in mind. Producing

We serve a phenomenal industry. An industry we can be proud of. Each firm, no matter how big or small, impacts our built environment by improving lives. Now what if I told you that you could be at the helm of leading your firm in this crucial industry? Would you take it? Most importantly, are you ready for it? The AEC industry is a phenomenal space for innovation and change. As AEC professionals, we can take pride in serving such an impactful industry. Every firm—big or small—makes an impact on the built environment, and that has the potential to significantly improve people’s lives. This bestows us with a tremendous responsibility as an industry, and, for me, makes firm ownership a much more challenging question. Thinking about this responsibility shifts the way we view the qualities necessary for firm ownership. How would you respond if you were given the opportunity to lead your firm tomorrow? Would you take the opportunity? Perhaps more importantly, would you be ready for it? The process starts early, and it starts with you As an industry that carries such pride, I think we often overlook these crucial initial steps of the ownership transition process. If someone wants to be the owner of the firm, it makes sense that they are the right fit for that particular firm. While this seems like a logical first step, it ends up being a more complicated process that can only benefit from earlier consideration. During my time interviewing both incoming and legacy owners, there has been a consistent common thread that an understanding of trust and vulnerability must be established by both parties. In other words, the legacy owner relies on trust that the incoming owner will commit and deliver while the incoming owner relies on trust that the other party will relinquish control gradually and mentor them. Think about your work history past and present, in how many situations would you have felt comfortable taking on an ownership role? Would that have alleviated any feelings of mistrust or doubt? Probably not. In this way, spending more time at a firm—the longer the better—gives you a panoramic view of that firm’s leadership. You get to see them in the good times, and, crucially, you get to experience the response when times are bad. The latter of these two situations is a good measure of an individual’s character level, and these experiences allow you to observe their decision-making abilities. While performing this evaluation, it makes sense to pay attention to things like your company’s core values and whether or not those are being adhered to. Focus on their actions. As an individual evaluating whether ownership at their firm is a good career decision, these situations, both good and bad, give you a lot of information and insight into what that relationship would look like for you in the future.


Fall 2024


Industry Insights

results in these situations is what people want to see, but the actions that produce those results must be aligned with values/vision of the firm and advance it in the right direction. Preparing for ownership transition: Preparation for ownership transition starts now, or you will be trying to drink from ten fire hoses later on (re: amount of time and stress). Begin asking questions now, even if you are in an entry level position, if you think the path to principalship is for you. Asking questions will help an aspiring owner understand their own wants and needs as well as the thoughts of current leadership. Ask yourself questions too. Questions like: how much ownership would I want? Five percent? More? Do you plan on buying more ownership percentage over the years? Don’t let the years pass by. If you know you want it, go for it.

Final Thoughts Across the AEC industry, there are individuals who are excelling to various degrees in their current management positions and will get promoted to ownership positions eventually. Despite this promotion, time will reveal that many of these talented leaders in management are not capable, ready, or willing to do the things necessary to excel in leading at the ownership level. For this reason, being honest with yourself is ultimately necessary in determining whether or not you are a good fit to be an owner. Know where your abilities lies, be keen in your observations of how things are done, and don’t be afraid to forge a path forward into whatever the future holds. Now, who’s ready to be an owner?


Most see a sporting complex. We see a dream at work.

6 Fall 2024


Looking Back, Moving Forward

Steel City, the City of Bridges, Three River City —Pittsburgh has no shortage of nicknames, self-ascribed or otherwise. The city of Pittsburgh, PA is located at the meeting point of three rivers. Founded as Fort Pitt in 1758, the city and the people who live in it have developed a strong identity and rich culture. This identity and culture is writ large on the Steel City to this day. Much of the tradition that still colors the city today is a legacy of the city’s built environment. Straddling the confluence of three rivers, nestled amidst steep hills, Pittsburgh developed in patterns unlike many other American cities. And, of course, this development was fueled by an unparalleled history of industry, which made Pittsburgh a place of rapid growth for nearly a century and a half from around the start of the 19th century and into the 1950s. The formations of Pittsburgh’s industrial history can be traced back to America’s conflict with Britain known as the War of 1812. Just coming into its own as a young nation, the United States faced significant challenges from the experienced British military as well as another logistical challenge—Britain was then the manufacturing capital of the world. Faced with developing their own industrial centers and unable to effectively use sea trading routes, the United States turned towards its interior where Pittsburgh, with its rivers serving as the super highways of the day, provided the perfect location. Factories and metal infrastructure quickly began to rise up in the city along the rivers to produce iron, tin, brass, and glass. This early period of growth during and after the War of 1812 led to one of the first major engineering projects: the Smithfield Street Bridge. Today, the Smithfield Street Bridge cuts a remarkable image across the background of Pittsburgh’s downtown skyline. Clad in blue and beige, the 1,184-foot over-and-under lenticular truss bridge spans the Monongahela River and, at night, adds color to the city’s polychromatic skyline. However, while the Smithfield Street Bridge was one of the first in America to be constructed with structural steel, two other bridges existed at that spot in the city’s history. SPANNING THE MON By Luke Carothers

To support their rapidly expanding industrial base as well as a growing population following this initial period of growth, the people of Pittsburgh began to expand their infrastructure. There was a growing need to improve the ability to ship goods and resources as well as find new places for this growing population to live. Stoking the fires of competition, the first segment of the National Road was completed from Baltimore to Wheeling, giving the nearby Wheeling an early advantage over the growing city of Pittsburgh. The people of Pittsburgh responded with a massive infrastructure boom that transformed the city in the coming decades. This period of massive infrastructure expansion began in 1818 with the construction of the region’s first river bridge at the current site of the Smithfield Street Bridge. Recognizing the need to expand their infrastructure to maintain this early growth, the city turned to one of its earliest engineers: Lewis Wernwag. Like many of Pittsburgh’s citizens throughout the years, Wernwag was an immigrant, making his way from Germany to the United States a few decades prior. His design for the bridge was a wooden span that cost around $100,000. While simple in its design and material, Wernwag’s wooden bridge spanned the Monongahela River for nearly three decades before being destroyed by a city-wide fire in 1845, and the decision was made to immediately replace the wooden structure with a more modern design. Again turning to a German-born engineer, the notable John Augustus Roebling was commissioned to design the replacement structure. Roebling’s design was a wire suspension bridge, which stood for around four decades before being made obsolete by the late 19th century due to increases in bridge and river traffic. For the third time, the city turned to the engineering expertise of an immigrant, this time employing the expertise of the renowned Austrian-born engineer Gustav Lindenthal who designed the remarkable structure that now bears the name of the Smithfield Street Bridge. Still proudly spanning the Mon, as the river is known locally, Lindenthal’s structure is part of a vast history that is woven throughout Pittsburgh’s built environment.


Fall 2024



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Fall 2024


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Onwards and upwards, elevateHER cohort of 2024! Cheers from your fans at PK Electrical!


10 Fall 2024


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Fall 2024


The COver


12 Fall 2024


The COver

Opened to the public in November 2022 , the Silver Line Rail Extension in Washington DC is one of the largest capital construction projects in the United States—including 11.4 miles of new track, six new Metrorail stations, and a 9-acre railyard with storage capacity for 168 railcars and maintenance facilities. Through May 2023, six months into its existence, more than 1.1 million trips were recorded on the new extension. At the heart of the Silver Line Rail Extension is Washington Dulles International Airport, which received all new rail connections throughout the Washington DC Capitol region. The project was spearheaded by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (MWATA), and called for the construction of six new stations—Reston Town Center, Herndon, Ashburn, Loudoun Gateway, Innovation Center, and Washington Dulles Airport. The Silver Line Extension has had a major impact on surrounding communities—with more than 420,000 people living within five miles of the new stations being afforded greater access to jobs, entertainment, shopping, and Washington Dulles International Airport. This massive capital construction project was undertaken to provide high-capacity transit service between the Dulles corridor and Downtown Washington DC and expand the reach of the existing regional rail system. A major goal of this ambitious infrastructure project—in addition to providing all new rail connections—was to ensure these connections were pedestrian friendly. To make the new rail connections pedestrian friendly, project architects called for a unique design where pedestrian bridges and tunnels connected stations to parking and terminal points. These new pedestrian spaces became a focal point during the design process, and architects set out to design “a passenger environment infused with natural light and ventilation.” To achieve this intended effect, the design included metal mesh for shading, which yielded a reduced HVAC load, fall protection, and visual interest. More than 63,00 square feet of metal mesh panels were required in all to clad the project’s bridge spans, stair infill, turnstiles, and curtain wall. For the project’s pedestrian bridge sections, mesh spans the full length and height of the pedestrian bridge, without compromising the safety and integrity of the structure.


Fall 2024


The COver

To install these mesh sections, teams relied on using multiple framed panels with attached hardware that enabled crews to pre-install the panels. This meant the panels could be installed under tension while also accommodating movement within the bridge sections. To meet the unique requirements of the project, GKD metal fabrics were used. One of the unique aspects required for the project materials was the need for oversized mesh framed panels. With expansive weaving looms and turnkey engineering services, GKD was an easy choice for both the metal mesh framed panels and the engineered hardware required to attach them properly. In the process of designing the panels and attachment solutions, GKD’s Engineering team worked directly with the project’s architects. This meant accommodating for aspects such as wind load, snow load, and live load to meet code requirements. Another major aspect of the project was pedestrian experience, which led them to focus on adding visual interest.

To do so, the design team specified two weaves of rigid stainless steel mesh, Ellipse 2 and Ellipse 14, which both feature warp wires spaces to emphasize a horizontal pattern as a prominent visual element across all 63,327 square feet of metal mesh. The project’s focus on the needs of passengers threads a common refrain throughout each phase of a project that was over a decade in the making. Nearly two years after its completion, the Silver Line Extension is shaping transportation and pedestrian access in the Washington DC region with plans to further expand access to the transportation network currently under way.

14 Fall 2024



Fall 2024


Tech & Innovation

REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS OF AI FROM DESIGN TO CONSTRUCTION By Anne Hunt, Director of Data and Analytics at Trimble

Nearly two years after the launch of Chat GPT , Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to be one of the most talked-about technology advances of our time. As AI matures, the conversation shifts from whether it can transform the construction industry to how architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) businesses are using it today. AI has become more accessible at a time when the construction industry is facing increases in labor and supply chain challenges, project complexity and margin pressure. When used responsibly, AI offers a helping hand that can aid in navigating and overcoming many of these challenges. From design and construction, to operations and maintenance, AI is already moving the industry toward more innovative, efficient, profitable and safe projects. AI Architecture and Design Generative AI is being used by architects and designers to liberate them from monotonous tasks. By automating certain workflows with AI, they can focus on aspects of their work that require creativity, emotional intelligence and strategic thinking. The combination of AI and 3D modeling offers designers a new way to quickly generate images that inspire the creative process and support design narratives. AI offers architects and end users a source of inspiration, allowing them to explore new and unexpected concepts with little to no modeling. With a simple text description of an architect’s vision, AI tools will generate conceptual visuals in seconds.

Many tools allow users to decide how much influence prompts have and how strictly the model is adhered to in generated images. AI can be calibrated to generate images that retain or stray from the exact geometry, offering inspiration and a way to explore fresh ideas quickly. Further along the design process, AI can generate photo realistic or stylized images to communicate intent—within seconds. Instead of searching endlessly for a similar precedent and trying to convey to clients how the concept is “close but a little different,” architects can use AI tools to generate compelling visuals. With AI, architects can explore a design within its context, lighting conditions and materiality without changing the fundamental 3D model shape. They can provide specific instructions or parameters about the time of day, the type of lighting, the texture of materials and the context in which the design will be placed. It is freeing architects and designers up to focus on innovation, building client relationships and solving complex problems. AI in Construction Construction projects generate massive amounts of data that AI can analyze quickly and accurately to deliver insights that inform important project decisions. It can help distill complex data into action by using thousands of data points to create specific recommendations. Some technology companies are using AI to automate essential data analysis tasks like zoning studies, cost estimating, energy benchmarking, and climate analysis, for better project planning, resource allocation, and overall efficiency.

16 Fall 2024


Tech & Innovation

Construction professionals are also tapping AI to help: • Optimize Resources: AI and machine learning are being used to plan the distribution of labor and machinery across jobs by providing insights to help manage overworked labor and ensure machinery is being utilized effectively. AI-driven robots can continuously evaluate job progress, workers, and equipment, giving project managers instant visibility into which job sites have enough workers and equipment to complete the project on schedule, and which are falling behind. • Streamline Workflows: The rise of LLMs has changed how construction companies interact with documents. They can now chat and ask questions or extract critical information from documents, which changes how data is used in construction, making it more effective at managing data and risk. • Mitigate Risk: One in five worker deaths last year were in construction. AI and machine learning solutions can monitor and prioritize risk on the jobsite and automatically assign priority to more significant safety issues. This allows project teams to focus their limited time and resources on the biggest risk factors. • Automate Off-site Construction: Construction companies are increasingly relying on off-site factories staffed by autonomous robots that piece together components of a building for assembly by human workers on-site. Autonomous machines can complete structures, such as walls, assembly- line style more efficiently than their human counterparts, leaving human workers to finish the detailed work such as plumbing, HVAC, and electrical systems after the structure is assembled. • Increase Jobsite Productivity: AI powers self-driving construction machinery to perform repetitive tasks such as pouring concrete, bricklaying, welding, and demolition more efficiently than their human counterparts. The technology plays a role in excavation and prep work performed by autonomous or semi-autonomous bulldozers, which use human input to prepare job sites. This frees up human workers for the construction work and reduces the time required to complete the project. In service, workers can scan maintenance tags and extract prior history, enabling data to be delivered to the right person at the right time. • Streamline Operations: With AI intelligence, accounting teams can automatically turn paper and PDF invoices into invoice entries for faster, more accurate workflows that save contractors valuable time, effort, and money. AI in Asset Lifecycle Management AI plays an increasingly important role in ensuring assets function and can be maintained efficiently over time. Owners are using tagging and IoT alongside AI to better maintain the health of their assets. IoT sensors and QR codes placed on each asset


Fall 2024


Tech & Innovation

are linked to a mobile app that shows the asset’s current state, repair history, and work orders. AI then analyzes that data to help predict and prescribe when an asset will need maintenance. AI is also helping owners proactively identify asset issues so they can address them before they become a problem. For example, laser scanning technology is being used to create a digital twin of an asset, such as a bridge. The scan’s output—a dense point cloud—is then registered and aligned to the physical asset. AI uses the point cloud data to monitor and compare the asset to their model counterparts, sounding an alarm when even slight differences are detected.

Using AI, owners can periodically check for structural deformations or differences and proactively identify and address changes to keep assets healthy and the people using them safe. The Future of AI in Construction The AEC industry has a lot to gain from. Although we’re still far from having a completely AI-powered jobsite, the advancements being made today are helping pave the way for an even safer and more efficient industry in the years to come. According to McKinsey & Company, 50 percent of organizations have already adopted AI in at least one business area. This number will only grow as the AEC industry continues exploring new ways to unlock the value of AI.

ANNE HUNT is an accomplished leader at the forefront of data-driven innovation. She currently serves as the Director of the Trimble Data and Analytics team. With a passion for revolutionizing the construction industry, Anne and her team deliver cutting-edge data-first services that drive meaningful advancements.

18 Fall 2024




Fall 2024


Tech & Innovation The global digital twin market is expected to grow to $110 billion by 2028 at a CAGR of nearly 61 percent, showing immense interest in this sector. While the technology itself isn’t new (the concept of a digital twin has been used for years, mostly for product design and simulation by utilizing a data-driven 3D digital companion), most recently, data and advanced analytics have enabled digital twin technology to do more than simply mirror key processes within physical assets. Now a digital twin strategy uses machine learning to predict outcomes based on historical data and algorithms specific to parts and/or whole systems. This has led to the technology’s rapid proliferation into A digital twin is a virtual model of a process, product, production asset, or service. Sensor-enabled and IoT-connected machines and devices, combined with machine learning and advanced analytics can be used to view the “twins” state in real-time and test how various external factors will affect the real-world model. Digital twin technology is extremely valuable as it enables organizations to not only monitor the health of their systems but also simulate the effects of potential changes, leading to improved decision-making, proactive fault detection, and innovative problem-solving strategies. Digital twin technology is extremely useful in the built world as it helps solve various industry-specific challenges, including cost optimization, safety, thorough planning, predictive modeling, and more. The Köhlbrand Bridge Built in 1974, the Köhlbrand Bridge is Germany’s second-longest road bridge as well as one of its busiest. The cable-stayed bridge, which serves around 38,000 vehicles per day, has played a crucial role in the local economy for half a century. The age of the bridge and the amount of daily traffic it supported meant that continuous real-time monitoring was the best way to identify repairs and minimize disruption to traffic. Without this, issues could go undetected and lead to larger problems that could affect the safety and operation of the bridge. The Hamburg Port Authority created a digital twin of the bridge. Over 500 IoT sensors were connected to a digital sensor in the bridge model, providing real-time monitoring and automatically issuing alerts if problems are detected. Additionally, the digital twin “clone bridge” could be put to the test with various stress simulations, allowing the Hamburg Port Authority to test different solutions and scenarios digitally. For an infrastructure asset as essential as the Köhlbrand Bridge, these insights are vital for ensuring safety and minimizing disruption. Where There is Data There is Vulnerability various markets, including the AEC industry. Digital Twin Definition and Examples As the market grows and this technology is deployed on more and more projects, security concerns must be taken into consideration. Where two or more vectors of data meet, so does a “window” for bad actors in search of said valuable data. To be successful, a digital twin must be intelligent, collaborative, interactive, immersive, and fully contextual within the OEM’s enterprise—which means feeding it live data. Live data, and its possible leakage, is a real security vulnerability.

The possibility of cyber-attacks in construction, in part, is amplified by the amount of confidential and proprietary information digitally stored and shared across projects and their long information technology chains. From planning through construction to the operation of a building, there are enormous amounts of data created by multiple stakeholders. Typically, these types of data connections are easily intercepted and its integrity vulnerable to actual modification by bad actors. Infrastructure, financial accounts, as well as the data of employees, projects, and business sensitive information may be at risk. For example, on January 30, 2020, French construction behemoth Bouygues announced that threat actors were holding 200GB of data ransom. Earlier, Bird Construction, a large Canadian construction company, suffered a similar ransomware attack in December 2019, where the threat actors were demanding $9,000,000 CAD in exchange for decrypting the 60GB of data they were holding ransom. As digital twin technology becomes increasingly integrated with critical systems and infrastructure, the data connection between these physical and digital counterparts creates a considerable opportunity for threat actors and can expose significant risk to organizations and the public. Cybersecurity Considerations Construction, design, and architecture companies implementing digi- tal twin technology need to enact some clear cyber security protocols to keep bad actors out and infrastructure safe. The external sensors used in digital twins are commonly small com- puter devices that have network connectivity (e.g. wireless, ethernet, etc.). However, these IoT devices are ‘lightweight,’ relatively cheap, and such purpose-built devices typically sacrifice security for mobili - ty, such as encryption or monitoring. Based on the environments in which they are deployed and their inher- ent vulnerabilities, there are three key cybersecurity considerations to keep in mind when utilizing digital twins: • Understanding and managing the risks of OT/IoT devices. IoT devices are resource constrained and purpose- built for a specific function such as monitoring temperature, motion, video, etc. The main resource constraint is power, such that they can be easily manufactured to be cheap, reliable and efficient to their specific utility. However, unlike personal computers which have much more computing power and perform a myriad of security functions in the background (e.g. antivirus, encryption, monitoring, etc.), many of these security functions get stripped away for OT/IoT devices so that they can dedicate their computations to their specific function. Of course, this opens up several security vulnerabilities within the devices and, in most cases, “backdoor access” to the broader network on which attackers transverse their access.

20 Fall 2024


Tech & Innovation

• Data Protection. As mentioned, these lightweight devices sacrifice security measures so that sensors that support digital twins can be deployed en masse and send their data over the network. Depending on the environment in which they are deployed, an attractive solution for data transfer is to use a wireless communication protocol (e.g. wifi, bluetooth, etc.). It is well known, however, that these protocols are overtly susceptible to interception and manipulation. Understanding the vulnerabilities when using these methods for data transfer is essential for security. • Vulnerabilities of Legacy Systems. Many OT legacy systems were not designed for open, interconnected communication, including many of the existing sensors, actuators, and devices in the OT ecosystem. Connecting these devices directly or via an IoT device to a broader network has many operational advantages such as improved monitoring, remote access control, and fault detection, especially within the realm of digital twins. However, this interface between legacy systems and IoT devices presents several security challenges (e.g. network infiltration via the legacy system, DDoS on the sensor or IoT device, etc.) and may even introduce new vulnerabilities. Assessing the cyber risks associated with retrofitting such systems against their opportunity costs is an important consideration to manage the security concerns. An Example: Back to The Köhlbrand Bridge Before we begin, we must level-set on two fundamental concepts of cyber security: risk assessment and the CIA Triad. Risk assessment allows security practitioners to understand the criticality of systems and prioritize their mitigations, while aligning itself with the mission objective. In the case of the Köhlbrand Bridge, the mission objective of implementing a digital twin was to improve maintenance and while reducing delays—which has obvious safety and economic outcomes. The risk assessment compares the opportunity cost of the modeling capability vs the additional threat exposure of implementing such a digital twin system—which the leadership of the project deemed acceptable. During this risk assessment process, it is of the utmost importance to consider all the potential vulnerabilities introduced by such a system and prioritize their mitigations without severely inhibiting the benefits of the mission objective. However, in case of construction projects, which are often considered as critical infrastructure, this risk assessment must be scrutinized at the same level of the project’s catastrophic failure. In the case of the Köhlbrand Bridge, altered or improper sensor readings can lead to physical damage and/or injury— which is typically outside the digital sphere cyber-security.

The second concept—the CIA Triad—refers to the notion of maintaining Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of these digital systems and goes hand-in-hand with cyber-risk assessment. When thinking about these in the context of the Köhlbrand Bridge digital twin and its criticality, several obvious questions become apparent: What are the implications of leaking the sensor data to a nefarious party? What if the sensor readings are altered or become inaccurate? How do we track and ensure the sensors remain operational? These questions spark a plethora of additional security conversations between SMEs, business leaders and security practitioners that ultimately lead to the prioritization of many cyber security controls and system architectures. These controls and design decisions are crucial in ensuring that maximal benefit is achieved from the digital twin while mitigating the additional risks they present. Manage, Detection, and Response (MDR) Adaptation With the unique security environment that comes with the promise of digital twin technology, adaptations need to be made to an AEC organization’s cybersecurity plan. A proactive approach to cybersecurity includes integrating security at every stage of a digital twin’s lifecycle. This includes a zero-trust security architecture, which grants minimal access to the data and verification of every request before granting use privileges. The best providers of Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services offer advanced detection, 24/7 threat hunting, deep investigation, and reliable, swift response. In other words, you should trust your MDR provider to detect attacks on your sensitive data and stop threats on your behalf before they disrupt your business - full stop. By addressing these challenges head-on, the built industry can unlock the full potential of digital twins while ensuring they remain secure and resilient in the face of evolving threats. Dr. Jeff Schwartzentruber holds the position of Sr. Machine Learning Scientist at eSentire–a Canadian cyber-security company specializing in Managed Detection and Response (MDR). Dr. Schwartzentruber’s primary academic and industry research has been concentrated in solving problems at the intersection of cyber-security and machine learning (ML).


Fall 2024


Tech & Innovation


Digital twins are transforming the AECO industry, but there’s more to them than meets the eye. It’s not enough to simply have a digital twin—the real value lies in how we use the information they provide. We’re moving beyond static models to create dynamic tools that drive smart decision-making and boost operational efficiency. Let’s explore how advanced information management platforms are revolutionizing digital twins. If you’re a VDC, BIM, Engineer, or architecture professional, you’re familiar with the basics. So, let’s dive deeper into how these technologies are shaping our industry. Digital Twins in AECO: More Than Just 3D Models Digital twins in the AECO world aren’t just fancy 3D replicas. They’re complex information ecosystems that capture the unique challenges of built environments. Unlike twins in manufacturing or aerospace, AECO twins account for changing occupancy patterns and evolving urban contexts. Recent studies show impressive results: organizations using digital twins in construction projects have cut overall costs by 15-25 percent and improved project delivery times by 20-30 percent [McKinsey & Company, 2023]. But here’s the kicker—these benefits only materialize when digital twins are paired with robust information management systems. BIM vs. Digital Twins: The Next Step in Evolution We’ve likely all worked with Building Information Modeling (BIM), but digital twins take things to a whole new level. While BIM provides a solid foundation, digital twins incorporate real-time data, AI-driven analytics, and predictive capabilities. The key difference? Dynamism and connectivity. BIM models are typically just that models, but digital twins evolve with the physical asset. This shift allows for unprecedented operational insights and predictive maintenance capabilities. Advanced Information Platforms: The Brain Behind Effective Digital Twins Modern project and information management platforms act as the central nervous system for digital twin ecosystems. These platforms do more than just store data. They offer: • Real-time syncing between physical assets and their digital counterparts • AI-powered analytics for predictive maintenance and performance optimization • Seamless integration with IoT sensors and building management systems • Collaborative environments that break down silos between teams

With a platform that allows you to search and find—every time— users can easily get an impressive 40 percent reduction in information retrieval time and a 30 percent increase in cross-team collaboration efficiency on large-scale construction projects [Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2024]. Harnessing Advanced Platforms for Digital Twin Success When we combine sophisticated project and information management tools with digital twins, we see numerous benefits: • Better decision-making through comprehensive, real-time data analysis • Improved lifecycle management from design through operations and maintenance • Increased sustainability through optimized energy usage and resource allocation • Enhanced risk management and compliance through continuous monitoring and predictive analytics A case study of a large commercial development in Singapore demonstrated the power of this combination. By using information management with digital twins, they reduced energy costs by 22 percent and decreased unplanned downtime by 35 percent [Singapore Industry experts are realizing that the future of digital twins isn’t just about the models themselves. It’s about how we manage and use the information they generate. Carl Veillette, CPO of Newforma, puts it succinctly: “The true value of digital twins isn’t in their creation, but in their ongoing evolution and the insights they provide. It’s about turning data into actionable intelligence that drives better outcomes throughout the asset lifecycle.” Looking ahead, we can expect to see: • Greater integration of AI and machine learning for autonomous decision-making • Expansion of digital twins to encompass entire urban ecosystems • Increased focus on cybersecurity and data privacy in digital twin environments • Development of standardized protocols for digital twin interoperability across different platforms and systems • Creating and Feeding the Digital Twin The creation of a digital twin is a complex process involving multiple stages and data sources. It begins with developing a detailed 3D model Building and Construction Authority, 2023]. The Future of Digital Twin Ecosystems

22 Fall 2024


Tech & Innovation

• Version Control and Change Management: As digital twins evolve, keeping track of changes is crucial. Robust version control and change management features ensure that the digital twin accurately reflects the current state of the physical asset. • Lifecycle Management: The ideal platform should manage information throughout the entire project lifecycle, from design to operations, ensuring that the digital twin remains relevant and useful long after construction is complete. Veillette emphasizes that the right platform isn’t necessarily just Enterprise Asset Management Software or a BIM collaboration platform. It’s about making data readily available and easy to find, enabling informed action. The focus is on driving actionable insights, efficiency, and innovation throughout the project lifecycle. By selecting a platform with these capabilities, you can create a powerful foundation for your digital twin ecosystem. Such platforms act as the central nervous system, connecting all aspects of your project and enabling the full potential of digital twins. Conclusion As we move forward in the AECO industry, the line between digital twins and the platforms that manage them will continue to blur. Success will come to those who cannot only create accurate digital representations but also harness the power of the information they generate. By embracing advanced project information management systems with the capabilities we’ve discussed, we can unlock the full potential of digital twins. This isn’t just about keeping up with technology—it’s about driving innovation, efficiency, and sustainability in our built environment. The future of AECO is here, and it’s more connected and intelligent than ever before.

of the physical asset, which forms the foundation of the digital twin. This model is then enriched with real-time data from various sources: • IoT sensors: Collecting data on temperature, humidity, occupancy, and energy usage. • Building Management Systems (BMS): Providing information on HVAC, lighting, and other building systems. • Historical data: Past performance data for predicting future trends and potential issues. • User feedback: Incorporating occupant experiences and preferences to improve comfort and efficiency. The key to a successful digital twin lies in the seamless integration of all these data sources. This is where advanced project information management platforms become crucial, acting as a central hub for all project information. Choosing the Right Platform for Your Digital Twin Ecosystem When selecting a platform to support your digital twin ecosystem, consider the following essential features: • Centralized Information Management: Look for a platform that provides a unified view for all project information. Let’s be honest, a single source of truth does not exist from design documents to construction data. This centralized approach is crucial for maintaining an accurate and up-to-date digital twin. Finding a tool that doesn’t hold you hostage to one vendor and integrates the information from a myriad of sources without taking the information but pointing to where that information lives is key. • Real-time Collaboration: The ideal platform should enable real- time collaboration between all stakeholders, ensuring everyone works with the most current information. This is essential for keeping the digital twin synchronized with the physical asset. • Integration Capabilities: Choose a platform that can integrate various software tools and data sources. This flexibility is key for aggregating the diverse data needed to feed a digital twin.


Fall 2024


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