C+S Fall 2024 Vol. 10 Issue 3 (web)

Tech & Innovation

• Version Control and Change Management: As digital twins evolve, keeping track of changes is crucial. Robust version control and change management features ensure that the digital twin accurately reflects the current state of the physical asset. • Lifecycle Management: The ideal platform should manage information throughout the entire project lifecycle, from design to operations, ensuring that the digital twin remains relevant and useful long after construction is complete. Veillette emphasizes that the right platform isn’t necessarily just Enterprise Asset Management Software or a BIM collaboration platform. It’s about making data readily available and easy to find, enabling informed action. The focus is on driving actionable insights, efficiency, and innovation throughout the project lifecycle. By selecting a platform with these capabilities, you can create a powerful foundation for your digital twin ecosystem. Such platforms act as the central nervous system, connecting all aspects of your project and enabling the full potential of digital twins. Conclusion As we move forward in the AECO industry, the line between digital twins and the platforms that manage them will continue to blur. Success will come to those who cannot only create accurate digital representations but also harness the power of the information they generate. By embracing advanced project information management systems with the capabilities we’ve discussed, we can unlock the full potential of digital twins. This isn’t just about keeping up with technology—it’s about driving innovation, efficiency, and sustainability in our built environment. The future of AECO is here, and it’s more connected and intelligent than ever before.

of the physical asset, which forms the foundation of the digital twin. This model is then enriched with real-time data from various sources: • IoT sensors: Collecting data on temperature, humidity, occupancy, and energy usage. • Building Management Systems (BMS): Providing information on HVAC, lighting, and other building systems. • Historical data: Past performance data for predicting future trends and potential issues. • User feedback: Incorporating occupant experiences and preferences to improve comfort and efficiency. The key to a successful digital twin lies in the seamless integration of all these data sources. This is where advanced project information management platforms become crucial, acting as a central hub for all project information. Choosing the Right Platform for Your Digital Twin Ecosystem When selecting a platform to support your digital twin ecosystem, consider the following essential features: • Centralized Information Management: Look for a platform that provides a unified view for all project information. Let’s be honest, a single source of truth does not exist from design documents to construction data. This centralized approach is crucial for maintaining an accurate and up-to-date digital twin. Finding a tool that doesn’t hold you hostage to one vendor and integrates the information from a myriad of sources without taking the information but pointing to where that information lives is key. • Real-time Collaboration: The ideal platform should enable real- time collaboration between all stakeholders, ensuring everyone works with the most current information. This is essential for keeping the digital twin synchronized with the physical asset. • Integration Capabilities: Choose a platform that can integrate various software tools and data sources. This flexibility is key for aggregating the diverse data needed to feed a digital twin.


Fall 2024


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