Changes to recycling program
Norfolk County’s recycling program is now managed by Circular Materials, a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to creating an efficient and effective recycling system in Ontario. This change does not impact current recycling collection. For more information, visit Circular Materials’ website at
• There is a 4 bag limit, and 18 kg (40 pound) weight limit per bag • Waste must be set out by 7 a.m. on day of scheduled pickup • Recyclable materials in plastic bags will not be accepted • To inquire about recycling bins, please call Norfolk Disposal Services Ltd. at 1-800-616-0347
Zone 1 : Long Point, Simcoe
Christmas tree depot
Zone 2 : Port Dover, Langton, Port Rowan Zone 3: Turkey Point, Vittoria, St. Williams, Courtland, Delhi, Waterford
Collection delay all areas in Norfolk County
Collection delay all areas except Simcoe
Bulky item appointment deadline 12 p.m.
All zones: Leaf and yard collection is the same day as garbage and recycling
Household hazardous waste event
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