King's Business - 1929-02

February 1929


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

Striking Stories o f God’s Workings GATHERED THIS MONTH FROM BIOLA WORKERS

Knowledge of Bible Increased One Hundredfold “For many years I have been a te,acherin the Sunday school. To most teachers this calls for diligent reading?of the Word of God, in addition to the best helps you can procure on the lesson. “Besides teaching in the Sunday school, I led a prayer­ meeting each week in a community where there was no church, and assisted in the Sunday services, sometimes having the entire service to conduct in Baptist and Meth­ odist churches. I also held a Young People’s mid-week service. “Feeling my great need of some definite method of study, I was led to enroll as a student in the Corres­ pondence School of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles as advertised in their monthly magazine T he K ing ’ s B usi ­ ness . “I first took up the study on the Gospels, by Rev. Keith L. Brooks. This study more than came up to my expecta­ tions, in that, by the systematic study given, I was brought to see so clearly our Lord as thè Son of man and the Son of God. Upon completing this study, I proceeded by en­ rolling in the Personal Evangelism and Practical Work Course, by Rev. T. C. Horton. In addition to teaching some of the most important doctrines of the Bible, this course teaches one how to conduct various services and how to approach the unsaved. From this study I enrolled in the Course on Doctrine, by Dr. R. A. Torrey. I com­ pleted this course in ten months, which is considered by the Correspondence School to be considerably short time to finish, such a course. My reason for this being that the more you study the more hungry you become, and find that you are giving more time to the studies than when you first began. No teacher can afford to miss these studies in these days when the teaching of the Bible is so much desired. “Finally, the results of such systematic studies, in­ creased my knowledge of the Bible one hundredfold. Some ministers have told me that I had a wonderful mem­ ory of God’s Word. This, I truly believe, is largely due to the help received through the Correspondence School Courses.” —From a student in Canada. —o—, Evening School Some of the students and friends of the Evening School who are far away from Los Angeles have been ask­ ing why they do not hear about the Evening School in T he K ing ’ s B usiness . It is not the fault of the editors nor any of the staff, but the neglect of those in charge of the Evening School. We have been so busy looking after the work in the immediate vicinity that we have neglected our own outside. Forgive us and we will try to do better. God has blessed and is blessing the Evening School. We will let a missionary tell in her own words how the school1impressed her this fall. She says in a letter to one of the faculty, “I am indeed grateful that such a fine evan­ gelistic spirit is so strongly manifested in your evening class ; and I feel God is wonderfully blessing the class and yourself.”

The fall semester opened with as fine a company of students as one could wish. The attendance is excellent and the devotion and spiritual earnestness~are very marked. The students are applying themselves to the four-year course with much diligence. On Monday, Thursday and Friday evenings you will find them hard at their task. It means something for them to spend their evenings for four years studying a systematic course in Bible study and kindred subjects after working from eight to ten hours a day at their trade or their profession. One busi­ ness man who has a family of wife and four children comes twenty-two miles to attend sessions. And, besides making a lucrative living at his business, and giving the family due consideration, he has time to be superintendent of the Sunday school and is active in his church. One housewife looked after five children, took care of her home and yet found time to complete the course in five years. This is the kind of men and women that make up the per­ sonnel of the Evening School students. Think of a dentist, after spending most of the day engaged in that nervous work, taking three evenings a week to study the Bible. An accountant poring over his books for eight hours a day comes to look into the Book of books for a couple of hours at night. So they come from seventy different professions and trades to study with us. We hope our former students and friends will remem­ ber in prayer daily those who are pressing their way through the Evening School. — o— Our Evangelists in Washington Our evangelist, Rev. Britton Ross, assisted by Prof. Leo Polman, has carried to success a great campaign at Yakima, Washington, and at this writing is moving the tabernacle to Harrah, Washington, where a fine founda­ tion has been laid for revival services. The results at Yakima were specially gratifying, con­ sidering that the meetings were conducted during the closing days of the presidential campaign, and in the midst of apple harvest in that locality. One feature that rejoices our hearts is the dedication of sixty-seven young people for life service, many of whom look toward Bible Institute training. Will you not pray that the Spirit of God may work in mighty power in the campaign now in progress and that revival fires may spread through many of the adjoining towns ? Knew Him by His Walk “There goes a man who has served in the Civil War,” said some one to Moody as a stranger to both was pointed out to him. “How do you know?” asked Moody. “By his walk,” was the answer, which Was found true. Christian, make your own application.

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