King's Business - 1929-02


’February 1929

T h e

K i n e - ' t » - í u s i n e s s

Keep Up Your Testimony A Presbyterian youth from New Or­ leans was a naval “wireless” orperator during the war. Early one morning, after a night on duty, he snatched a few min­ utes for his “Quiet Hour” when no mes­ sage was going over, and he was reading the twenty-third Psalm. Suddenly the thought came to him to send the psalm out over the water and see if any ship would take it up. He did, and as he sent the last word sixteen ships answered a wire­ less “Amen.” So says The Christian En­ deavor World. Water It Weekly There is a little plant called Reverence, and it is in a part of my soul’s garden that I like to have watered at least once a week.— Oliver Wendell Holmes. J b S Cast I t—Where? It does not say to cast it anywhere. It never says, “Cast your burden into the sea, or hurl your burden over the cliff.” Nowhere in the Bible are we advised to toss our burdens away recklessly. God in­ tends them for our good. I believe that the root weakness of the Church today is that we have so much to' enjoy and so little to endure. Cast your burden on the Lord. Remember He is always near. Remember He is the great burden-bearer, the great burden-sharer. “Nuffin Left But De Cob” Dr. Theodore L. Cuyler, of New York, tells the following good story, which points a timely moral: “We asked,” he says, “an old colored preacher how his church was getting on, and his answer was: ‘Mighty poor, mighty poor, brudder.’ We ventured to ask the t r o u b l e and he replied, ‘De ’sieties, de ’sieties. Dey is just drawin’ all de fatness and marrow outen de body and bone of the Lord’s Body. We can’t do nuffin without de ’siety. There is the Lincum ’Siety, wid Sister Jones and Brudder Brown to run it. Sister Williams mus’ march right in front of de Daugh­ ters of Rebekah, den dar is de Dorcases, de Marthas, de Daughters of Ham, and Liberian Ladies.’ ‘Well, you have your brothers to help in church,’ we suggested. ‘No, sah, dar are de Masons, de Odd Fel­ lows, de Sons of Ham, and de Oklahoma Promised Land Pilgrims. Why, brudder, by de time de brudders and sisters pay all dues, an’ ’tend all de meetings der is nuf­ fin left for Mount Pisgah Church but jis de cob, and dat is good for nuffin but to be frowed to de speckled chickens.’ ”

found on a tombstone, in England, we have a fine expression of the hope of life after death and of the Christian basis upon which this hope rests: Here lie, By the side of his beloved friend, the mortal remains of C h a r les R eade , D r a m a t is t , N ovelist a n d J o u r n a l ist . I hope for a resurrection, not from any power in nature, but from the will of the Lord God Omnipotent, who made nature and me. He created man out of nothing, which nature could not. He can restore man from the dust, which nature cannot. And I hope for holiness and happiness in a future life, not for anything I have said or done in this body, but from the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ. He has promised His intercession to all who seek it, and He will not break His word; that intercession, once granted, cannot be re­ jected; for He is God, and His merit in­ finite : a man’s sins are but human and finite. “Him that cometh to Me, |I will in no wise cast out.” “If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous: and He is the propitiation for our sins.” DEATH, LIFE AND IMMORTALITY Text: 2 Tim. 1 :10 I. What Is Death? (3 kinds.) (1) Spiritual —Separation from God in this life. (Gen. 1 :17; Eph. 2:1; Rom. 8:6-7; Lk. 15:24; 1 Tim. 5:6; Jn. 3:36.) (2) Natural —Separation of Spirit and body at decease. (Eccl. 12:7; Lk. 23:46.) Spirit of unsaved in hades (Lk. 16: 22-23). Spirit of saved in heaven (Acts 7: 59). (3) Eternal —Separation of body and spirit from God forever—“the sec­ ond death.” (Jn. 8:21-22; Rev. 20:14; 21:8.) II. What Is Life? (3 kinds.) (1) Natural Existence —all have this. (2) Eternal —present possession of all who are regenerated. (3) Immortal —glorified existence re­ ceived in the resurrection. III. What Is Immortality? (1 Cor. 15: 51-54.) (Hint of 3 kinds—1 Cor. 15:41-42.) Has to do with resurrection body, not the spirit or soul. Not bestowed until Second Coming. Given only to the saints. “Immortality. of the soul’’ an unscrip- tural expression. Conclusion: Intermediate state of departed spirit. (Lk. 16:19-31; 23:39-43 ; 2 Cor. 12:1-4; Phil. 1:21-23; Rev. 14:13; 1 Thess. 4: 13-18.) This not a completed condition. Our full hope awaits resurrection day. Sa­ tan will not even gain the believer’s dust 51:54.)

What do they Study in Sunday School f f tK O u g h i 1 To Know THE FULL GOSPELINE OF SUNDAYSCHOOL SUPLIES Fundam entally tru e to th e Bible. A deep­ ly spiritual exposition of th e International Lessons for th e home and for e v ery de­ partm ent of th e Sunday-school. FOR USE IN A L L DENOMINATIONS Writelor FreeSamplesandPrices Phase address Room 6 CHRISTIANAIIIANCEPUBLISHING«. ESTABLISHED 1886 THIRDANDSHIV SIS. HABRISBimG - PA. hie

Pipe-Tone Folding Organs 4 Octave Double Reed In order to introduce our LATEST MODEL LIBERTY PIPE-TONE FOLDING OR­ GANS, either leatherette cov­ ered, or 3-ply oak case, we will accept for a limited time orders at $40.00 each (list price $70.00). A. L. WHITE MFG. CO. 205 Englewood Ave., Chicago, III.


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SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH T h is is being done in A frica , 'China, India, b y N ative E van gelists and Bible W om en who are bein g supported for from 80c to $2.00 a week, $40 to $100 for a year. W rite R ev. H. A . Barton, Secy., B ox B, 473 Green A ve., Brooklyn, N. Y ., for free literature.

Our new address: No. 207 N. Wells S t

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