King's Business - 1929-02


February 1929

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s



i O u r L i te ra tu re Tab le WHAT TO PURCHASE AT BIOLA BOOK ROOM

L E T T H E JEW S K N OW A B O U T CH RIST “MAIL E V A N G L L I /M ” B y C H A R LE S W IESEN BE RG A* catalogue of 36 “Dear H e b r e w Friend“ letters, written by a Christian Jew to spread the truth of Christianity among his own people. The letters deal with the difficulties that exist in the minds of the Jews regarding the Lord Jesus Christ, and form a com­ plete system of evangelism. The catalogue is sent FREE to those in­ terested in the evangelization of the Jews. Christian Witness to Israel, Inc. 521 WEST 179th STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y.


The Child’s Life of Jesus B y C. M. S teedman

The Lord’s Return B y R ev . J esse F orrest S ilver

This is really a wonderful book. Its simple, .ample; but revereftt treatment o f this great theme wins the hearts of chil­ dren and helps them toward a better and truer knowledge of the Saviour. Many of the existing stories of the life of our Lord for children, are mostly of the abridged type, but this volume presents the Life and Teaching of the Saviour in a fuller and more generous outline. It is printed in large, clear type on good paper and illustrated with 16 full-page colored pictures. There are 425 pages, 8j^x5^ inches. Jack. Cloth. Price $2.00. Postage —25 cents. — o— Robben Island B y J ames W . F isk A splendid, outstanding example of de­ votion to God and man. A true narrative of the author’s thirty-four years’ Gospel work among South African lepers. This intensely interesting volume is a simple setting forth of facts about the poor un­ fortunates on Robben Island, without any attempt at elaboration for the pur­ pose of producing an effect, or to magnify the workers or the work. Illus­ trated with photographs. 210 pages. 7y2- x5 inches. Ritchie. Cloth. Price $1.25. Postage—25 cents. The author has most charmingly and entertainingly retold two incidents in the life of our Lord, urging believers to the most important of all red cross work— that of bringing the halt, the lame and the blind to the Great Physician. Brightly pointed, exceedingly stimulating, and an altogether likable book that every Chris­ tian will enjoy. 64 pages. 7j4x4j4 inches. Revell. Heavy Board. Price 60 cents. Postage—6 cents. This captivating and convincing book will be welcomed and treasured by all Christians. It uncovers the bed-rock foundations of Christian belief, and pre­ sents easily grasped irrefutable facts. Amid present-day noisy denials, reckless repudiations, and appalling apostasies, these messages come like refreshing showers to the thirsty, truth-seeking soul. A copy of this inspiring, faith-strengthen­ ing book should be in every Christian home. 225 pages. 8 x 5 y inches. Conrad. Cloth. Price $1.50. Postage—25 cents. — o — Two Ancient Red Cross Tales B y P. W hitwell W ilson — o — The Seven Finalities of Faith B y A. Z. C onrad , D.D.

This work has gained an'international reputation by reviving a lively interest in' the study of the return of the Son of man and the coming crisis of the world. Few writers would attempt so ambitious an undertaking; still fewer could crown the ambition with an achievement of such dimensions. The book is a veritable encyclopedia on the subject and is crowded with valuable facts. Of exceed­ ing value to all Bible students. 315 pages. 7y2x 5 inches. Revell. Cloth. Price $1.50. Postage—13 cents. A vital, vivid missionary book in which preachers will find inspiration, thrilling incidents and illustrations. Parents and Sunday-school teachers will find their tasks simplified with apt lessons and heroic examples. Church officers will find here the acid test of their church’s vitality. Business men will see amid what deadly perils and shining possi­ bilities they are daily living. The objector will find his questions honestly answered. And the church member will learn in brief compass what it is all about and be amazed to discover how fascinating is the story of missions and missionaries. 195 pages. 7}^x5y inches. Doran. Cloth. Price $1.50. Postage—13 cents. This is a very engaging book, but not one adapted to hurried, careless reading. Its chapters sparkle with the light of genius and it is, indeed, a great book for the minister, Bible student or earnest Christian. The author brings to the reader’s attention all the great and won­ derful things that are yet to be, and points out that with Imperialism and Christ is bound all hope for humanity. 318 pages. 7j^x5j£ inches. Cook. Cloth. Price $1.25. Postage—25 cents. — o — The Desire Of All Nations Bv E gbert W. S mith — o — Imperialism and Christ Bv F ord C. O ttman

i r r . T O J i . i i r EVERYCHURCH shoulduse. Catalog Free. LOW PRICES. Collection and Bread Plates. Tray and 36 Cups, $8.60 up. ThomasCommunlonServloeCo. Box 542 ,Llma, 0 .

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Grace Before Meals B y A. W illiam N yce and H ubert B unyea

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This little volume has been prepared for the home circle, in order to encourage reverence and gratitude. It supplies appropriate graces to be spoken before meals at which the family meets together, and to provide a pleasing variety of form with special prayers for national feast- days without doctrinal or denominational allusions. 168 pages. 5J^x3j4 inches. Winston. Cloth. Price 50 cents. Postage —5 cents.

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