King's Business - 1929-02


February 1929

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

The Faithful and True Witness B y T heodore R oberts

Science, Christ and th e Bible B y R ev . G erald B. W inrod Satanic Obsession (Same Author)

feature of his services that has always proved of keen interest has been his de­ scription of the Jewish Passover and the light that he throws upon it from the standpoint of New Testament interpre­ tation. He has been prevailed upon to put this message in print, together with the story of his conversion, and all believers will get a real thrill out of reading it. Gerald B. Winrod writes an introduction highly commending the contents of the booklet. The author’s address is P. O. box 1207, Los Angeles.—K. L. B. This author gives us in a 25c booklet his expositions of Galatians 3 and Romans 3 and 4. This follows the verse-by-verse method and will prove helpful to Bible teachers and others desiring a Scriptural study of the subject of justification. A study on the covenants between God and Abraham is added. The author’s address is Raleigh, North Carolina^K. L. B. The Four-Square Gospel and the Scriptures B y G. F. V allance This new and four-cornered brand of Gospel has spread across the seas from Los Angeles and is causing grave concern on the other side. Mr. Vallance takes up the claims of the leaders of this sect in the light of the Scriptures and attempts to show that they have handled the Word of God deceitfully and that many of the so-called healing cases bear no resem­ blance to those described in the Bible. It must be admitted that Mr. Vallance leaves the leaders of this new sect without props for their characteristic teachings and practices. This is published in England and will cost in U. S. 25c.—K. L. B. —o— International Marked Bible E dited by J. G ilchrist L awson The John C. Winston Company have brought out this newest help for the Bible student. The Authorized Version is pre­ sented in large, clear type, with self-pro­ nouncing text and references. Mr. Law- son, who is famed for his Bible helps, carries out a color system throughout the book. Salvation passages appear under red shading, the subject of the Holy Spirit under green, temporal blessing promises under brown and prophetic subjects un­ der purple. One is enabled at a glance to tell the subject of any verses marked. This is valuable in making exhaustive study of leading subjects. All references to all themes can be followed from Gen­ esis to Revelation. A full concordance is provided in the back, with other new and valuable aids to the Bible student, in­ cluding maps in colors. Attractive and durable bindings are offered at $4.50, $7.90 and $10.00. Every class of Bible users should find this Bible helpful, es­ pecially the personal worker and Sunday- school teacher.—K. L. B. — o — Justification by Faith B y R ev . E. J. M c K ay

Marshall Bros. (London) sent us this new volume in which the author brings together a discussion of our Lord’s esti­ mate of the Scriptures, with an exposition of the epistle to the Hebrews. This he does, he declares, to give a needed bal- arice to the emphasis laid by so many on the sufficiency of Scripture. As showing what may be gathered from our Lord’s attitude and instruction, he shows how Christ affirmed the binding authority of the Old Testament, set His own injunc­ tions on equality with those of Scripture, declared the divine inspiration of the Old Testament, affirmed their truthfulness as history, declared their prophetic charac­ ter, affirmed that they testified of Himself, and interpreted them in a spiritual way. Price in U. S. will be $1.75.—K. L. B. Another new book from Marshall Bros. (London) brings us Dr. Horsefield’s sug­ gestive studies in prophecy. The plan is simple and the aim definite and practical. The author shows that the utmost im­ probability, even apparent impossibility, has been no bar in the past to the literal and detailed fulfillment of many of the predictions of Holy Writ. This he does by showing the minute fulfillment of prophecy concerning the Jews and the holy land and ancient cities. He then takes up other prophecies in course of fulfillment. The last part is given to a study of the prophecies yet to be ful­ filled, including Armageddon and Christ’s return as King. An appendix is given to an exposition of Mt. 25:31-46. Price in U. S. is $1.25.—K. L. B. —o— Pen Pictures on Calvary B y R ev . B ernard C. C lausen Dr. Clausen is the popular pastor of the First Baptist Church of Syracuse, New York, and his several good books have already introduced him to a wide circle of Christian readers. His latest book comes from the Revell Company ($1.50) and we are sure we can whet one’s appetite for its contents by giving the contents just as they appear in the front: 1. Forgiveness. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” 2. Freedom. “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” 3. Family. “Woman, behold thy son 1 Behold thy mother.” • 4. Forsaken. “My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” 5. Faltering. “I thirst.” 6. Finished. “It is finished.” 7. Farewell. “Into thy hands I com­ mend my spirit.”—K. L. B. —o— — o — Voice of Prophecy B y R ev . C anon F. J. H orsefield

We mention these two books together because they consist of popular lectures of Mr. Winrod, leader of The Defender movement. The first, a 35c book, nicely bound, contains two lectures of great im­ portance in this day of extreme material­ ism. Mr. Winrod seeks to approach the subject of Christianity from a scientific >viewpoint, showing that the challenge of Christianity is not simply “Accept and be­ lieve,” but “Demonstrate and prove” (see Jn. 7:17). These messages are admirably adapted for use among high-school and college young people, and Mr. Winrod’s sane and kindly spirit will, we believe, make its appeal to this class. The second, smaller book (15c) contains an address on Satan and demonism de­ livered at the Rader Tabernacle in Chi­ cago recently. So profound an impression was made that there has been a wide call for it. It is a study well worth delving into.iCJC L. B. —o— Dr. Jenkins is the popular minister of the Linwood Christian Church of Kansas City, and has often been called its “first citizen.” He is undoubtedly a gifted preacher and a beloved man. In the^chap­ ters of his book, he attempts to reveal to­ day’s trend in religion. As an index to the drift of popular opinion, it is illumi­ nating. Dr. Jenkins lets it be known that the idea of an “infallible Bible” does not appeal to him. He says that the follow­ ers of Luther who were fighting clear of an infallible pope, felt the need of an in­ fallibility of their own to which to ap­ peal, and looking around for such a source of authority, hit upon the idea of an infallible Bible. That’s how Funda­ mentalism got its start, according to this writer. “One who holds to this position,” he says, “cannot discuss any religious sub­ ject intelligently with one who has shaken free from it.” The Fundamentalist simply quotes Bible as final proof; therefore, the more enlightened of our day and age can­ not hope to hold any fruitful conversation with him. Dr. Jenkins gives full credit to Darwin for his discovery of the origin of species. “What these discoveries did to the ac­ count of creation in Genesis,” he says, “was a plenty.” “Protestant churches are today crawling out of the debris of this collision somewhat bruised and bleeding.” When it comes to the inspiration of the Scriptures, the beloved doctor tells us the old views must give way to “writer’s in­ spiration, which is a thing of degrees, greater or less, according to the personal power and insight of the individual writer.” The Bible is not the Word of God, but “contains it.” We started out to review this book, but why go further? We have tested it at the vital points. All that follows about crea­ tion, heaven and hell, three Gods in one, what is salvation ?, the second coming legend, etc., is necessarily written from the standpoint of “popular opinion,” which always has been the standpoint of unbe- The Drift of the Day B y D r . B urris J enkins

The Jewish Passover B y P hilip S idersky

We have here an interesting booklet (25c) by the well-known Jewish evan­ gelist, Mr. Sidersky, a converted Jew, who has had a most unique ministry. One

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