Interim CEO’s Message thought. “This is a huge responsibility. What a privilege it is to be here.” My motivation to be considered for Council was my desire to make a difference to our professions. I had not realized, however, the difference it would make to me . I learned about APEGA, about self-regulation, about working with others, about the importance of our pro- fessions to the people of Alberta. I learned that strate- gic leadership requires a disciplined outlook on current and future states, and that the consequences of what we do extend from our Members through to the public. THE STAFF PERSPECTIVE I had many opportunities to work closely with staff members over the years, and I found I really enjoyed this interaction. When the opportunity to join them pre- sented itself, I took it. I moved my family to Edmonton and became Director, Member Services in July 2014 — my third engagement with APEGA. I embraced the transition this represented — from providing strategic direction as a Councillor to provid- ing leadership to deliver on the initiatives resulting from those strategies. In this role, part of my vision was to better inform Branches about the strategies and hap- penings of APEGA, and as a result help build the desire in Branch Members to become more engaged with APEGA. In May of 2016, my most profound engagement with APEGA began. I accepted an appointment as the Interim CEO. In the last nine months, I have learned and grown immensely. I have never had this level of pride in my profession, knowing and appreciating the full engage- ment this current Council has given to APEGA, and the time and commitment all of our volunteers demonstrate, day in and day out. Why do they do this? Because they want to, and not because they have to. The desire to make a difference resonates with Council and all volunteers, and so does I HOPE YOU, TOO, HAVE A UNIQUE JOURNEY OF APEGA ENGAGEMENT AHEAD OF YOU, WITH ITS PLEASANT — AND SOMETIMES CHALLENGING — SURPRISES.
the desire to be engaged. They care about our profes- sions. The motivations aren’t that different for staff members, most of whom are not APEGA Members. For them, of course, this is employment. But I have learned that it is so much more than “just a job,” and I am confi- dent that I speak for most if not all staff members when I say that. It’s been a pleasure to witness, from the perspec- tive of Interim CEO, the hard work and thought deliv- ered on behalf of the public and Members. I wake up each day with gratitude for all that I have experienced with APEGA. YOUR APEGA JOURNEY Yes, I am the exception. Not everyone gets the opportu- nity or privilege of this position or the experiences my path has provided; I sure didn’t expect them. But I am truly honoured to be able to serve APEGA in this capac- ity. And I know it will not be my last engagement with APEGA, either. I hope you, too, have a unique journey of APEGA engagement ahead of you, with its pleasant — and sometimes challenging — surprises. Your single vote will not change the world or APEGA, just like it won’t change Canada or Alberta or your municipality or your school board. But your vote does count. And perhaps your vote will change you, and your relationship with APEGA and your fellow professionals. Then that will change APEGA. Maybe it will change the way you approach your work, and the sense of camara- derie you have with other Professional Engineers and Geoscientists. Maybe it will encourage you to volunteer and take a more active role in self-regulation. I'm not ignoring the collective impact voting has on APEGA. We are always moving forward and changing, and the people you elect lead that effort. I can’t tell you what to look for in a candidate. But I can tell you this: these are great professions because of who you are and the fact that you get to regulate them. That’s worth celebrating. That’s worth protecting. That’s worth getting out and voting .
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