FOR COUNCIL Doug Cargill, P.Eng.
Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart. -Elizabeth Andrew Doug Cargill has at times lived by these words. He began his love for volunteering at a young age when he got involved with school yearbook committees in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. He went on to get his engineering degree at Lakehead University
From the time Doug made Alberta his home over a decade ago, he has been deeply involved in the community. He has volunteered on numerous boards and committees, including the APEGA Practice Review Board, the Alberta Summer Swimming Association, and Rhythmic Gymnastics Alberta. Doug and his wife are parents to two daughters. And besides carrying out the duties of dad/driver/repairman, there is no such thing as down time for Doug. When not engaged in daily engineering tasks, he is often out flying, vacationing, scuba diving, or even acrylic painting. In the spirit of giving, Doug has been an event photographer for both the Alberta Summer Swimming Association and Rhythmic Gymnastics Alberta at their regional and provincial competitions. In running for APEGA Council, Doug wants to contribute to create change. He wants to give his fellow professionals a voice. Doug wants APEGA to have more public recognition. He wants APEGA to be relevant to its Members. And he wants his fellow professionals to know what APEGA is doing for them. Doug has ideas. And he wants to help his fellow Councillors to develop their ideas. Together: we will make things happen!
(Thunder Bay) and returned north upon graduation. During his university years, Doug was the President of the university chapter of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME). In his career thus far, Doug has worked his way up from project engineer and now holds the position of National Mechanical Engineering Practice Leader for WSP Canada Inc. He has worked on projects across Canada’s Arctic, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, British Columbia, and even Siberia. He has held board and committee positions in both the Northwest Territories Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists (NAPEG) and APEGA. And he is also a past Councillor of NAPEG.
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