President’s Notebook
Study, Define, Frame, Move Forward — APEGA and Managing Risk BY DR. STEVE E. HRUDEY, P.ENG., FEC, FGC (HON.) FCAE, FSRA APEGA President
“Predictions are difficult — especially about the future.” -variously attributed to Nobel physicist Neils Bohr, baseball legend Yogi Berra, and others Risk is a four-letter word — that much we can agree on. Risk also has multiple meanings among different individuals and even for the same indi- vidual facing different circumstances. Normally, risk is relevant in the context of predicting future challenges. Yet too often debates and actions about risk (e.g., risk assessment, risk manage- ment, risk communication) proceed as if the word has a single, universal meaning. Resulting confu- sion from talking at cross-purposes can itself be very risky. Despite some very tangible risks associated with using the word itself, APEGA can and must manage the risks it is facing. This is essential to delivering on the primary reason that APEGA exists — to provide effective self-regulation of our professions to protect the public. We’re managing some of those risks right now. If you’ve read any of my past PEG columns, however, I think you know that I believe we can — and must — do better. IF APEGA IS TO MORE EFFECTIVELY MANAGE RISK, WE MUST FIRST UNDERSTAND WHAT APEGA MEANS BY RISK.
4 | PEG SPRING 2017
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