Interactive Nonprofit Impact Report: Purpose on the Planet

ReWrite Our Story

ONE ACT - DUAL IMPACT The ReWrite Our Story program provides sustainable livelihoods for vulnerable communities through the restoration of mangrove forests. This "reciprocal benefit" empowers us all to help mitigate the worst global poverty today while positively addressing climate change for tomorrow.

“ In the 21st century, I think the heroes will be the people who will improve the quality of life, fight poverty and introduce more sustainability.“ Bertrand Piccard, Explorer & Environmentalist

People, Planet, & Prosperity Through a close collaboration with our planting partner, Eden Reforestation Projects , we have been able to develop a holistic program that simultaneously works to support long-term environmental and human well-being.




Employ to Plant projects create livelihoods in under- served communities. Living wages will directly alleviate food insecurity and support human well-being. Mangroves store more carbon per unit area than any other ecosystem on earth. Mangrove reforestation also increases resilience in the face of future climate change. Donors can offset their carbon footprint by boosting mangrove sequestration levels. In addition, they can use content from our Sustainable Solutions series to lower future emissions.

Global Poverty & Inequality

Climate Action & Resilience

Public Engagement for a Brighter Future

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