broadcaster Monthly Publication of the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP Vol. 2 No. 3 MARCH, 1962 TRA IN ING CHRISTIAN YOUTH A T BIOLA ........................... 3 ISRAEL: GLOVE OF PROPHECY .. 7 ILLUSTRATIONS ...................... 10 ISRAEL: HUB OF THE EARTH .... 11 COLON IALISM A N D PROPHECY 15 THE BIOLA FELLOWSHIP PLAN ..18 BIBLE STUDY OUTLINES ..........20 MESSENGER OF THE C R O S S ...... 23 QUESTIONS A N D ANSW ERS .....25 THE SECRET OF LIFE ETERNAL ..28 THE HIDDEN LIFE ...................30 TOWN A N D CAMPU S ............. 32 DIVORCE ................................34 CONTENTS
Aroat & Station
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Bakersfield-Wasco, KAFY
550 7:30 A.M. Sun. 10:30 A.M. MTWTF 1050 9:30 A.M. MTWTF
101.5 (FM)
Chico-Marysvilie RHSL Fresno-Dinuba KRDU Los Angeles KBBI
1290 8:30 A.M. Sun.
1130 9:30 A.M. MW F
107.5 (FM)
8:30 A.M. MTWTF 1460 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 1390 11:00 A.M. MTWTF 1390 12:30 A.M. MTWTF
Los Angeles-Long Beach KGER Los Angeles-Burbank KBLA KGER
1490 9:00 A.M. MTWTF
Oxnard-Ventura-Santa Barbara KOXR 910
8:30 A.M. MW F
Sacramento KEBR
10:30 A.M. MW F
Redding-Red Bluff KQMS San Bernardino KITO
1400 8:00 A.M. MTWTF
1290 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 590 7:30 A.M. Sun.
San Diego XEM O
8:00 A.M. MTWTF
910 7:30 A.M. Sun
San Francisco KEAR
97.3 (FM)
10:30 A.M. MTWTF 810 9:00 P.M. MTWTF 1100« 8 :4 5 AAH. MTWTF
Santa Maria KCOY
1440 7:00 A.M. Sun.
1:00 P.M. MW F
Albany-Eugene KW IL Ashland-Medford KRVC Coquille-Coos Bay KWRO KW IL
790 790
8:00 A.M. MTWTF 3:00 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MW F 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 5:30 P.M. MTWTF 8:00 A.M. MW F STATES 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. Tues.-Thurs. 3:30 P.M. Tues. 10:00 P.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MW F
Portland KPDQ KPDQ
93.7 (FM)
Blaine-Vancouver, B.C. KARI 550 Seattle-Tacoma KGDN 630 Spokane KCFA 1330 KCFA 1330 Walla Walla KTEL 1490 OTHER Billings, Montana KURL 730 Caldwell-Boise KBFM 94.1 (FM) KBGN 910 Denver KLIR 990 Lapeer, Michigan W M PC 1230 Miamisburg, Ohio 93.7 (FM) Pueblo-Colorado Springs KFEL 970 Phoenix KHEP 1280 Tuscon KAIR 1490
8:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A M . MTWTF
Training Christian Youth at Biola
by Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, President
T h ere are th r ee general areas of study into which all knowledge may be classified — namely, the hu manities, the sciences, and religion. The humanities have to do with all that relates to man and his environ ment as, for example, history, geogra phy, philosophy, psychology, sociology, civics, languages, and the arts. The sci ences quite easily fall into two great divisions — life sciences and natural sciences. Under the former are such subjects as biology, and botany; and in the latter division we find chemis
try, physics, mathematics, and other allied subjects. In religion lies man’s concept of God and the future life. Of course, we make a very keen dis tinction between religion, as such, and Christianity. Religion may be ex plained as individuals reaching out and blindly groping after God, hoping in some way to find Him; whereas, Chris tianity is revealed in the Bible as God reaching down to redeem man back to Himself. But into these general areas all knowledge may be placed. (continued on next page) 3
of God there is nothing being taught except an enlightened paganism, if I may be allowed to use such a contra diction of terms. It seems strange, indeed, that any one would consider himself well- rounded in his education when, at best, he has studied in only two of the great areas of knowledge. But man is an ex tremely vain creature; he likes to think o f b e i n g quite s e l f - c o n t a i n e d and master of any situation in which he finds himself. The rather popular song, “Invectus” which concludes with the words, “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul,” is typical of the attitude of natural man. So, people today are searching fran tically for a philosophy of life which will satisfy the innermost longings of the human heart. They are searching in the field of science in an effort to discover the whence and the whither of life itself, in the vain hope that it will be discovered that men have, with in themselves, both creative ability and the ability to work out an eternity of bliss after this span of life has been completed. Of course, were such a pro gram to be developed, it would be con sidered quite a feather in the cap of vanity which human beings wear in stinctively. And men would be able to say, “See what we have done.” But some of us have the conviction that no person can be considered, nor should he consider himself, well-rounded in his training unless he has included in his area of study a detailed considera tion of his own relationship to God Almighty. And it is for this reason that BIOLA has its cause for existence. Whereas some institutions of higher learning emphasize the sciences or the humanities, BIOLA emphasizes theolo gy. But we differ from so many other schools in that, while they emphasize the humanities or the sciences, many of them have nothing whatever to do with religion as such and particularly with vital Christianity. We offer studies in all three of these great areas of knowledge so that, in a very definite sense, the graduates of BIOLA are more fully rounded in their
T R A IN IN G YOUTH (continued) Multiplied hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent annually to provide thorough training in one or more of these general fields. There are great colleges and universities through out this country and other parts of the civilized world, which offer exten sive studies in the humanities and the sciences. There are great technical in stitutes which deal primarily with the sciences. We read frequently in various newspapers and periodicals of large sums contributed, by great men of fi nance, toward the development of our technical and scientific institutes of higher learning. Only young men who are outstanding in one or more of the areas of science are admitted to these schools — this, that the fine minds of youth may yield the highest possible contribution to the general area of knowledge in the particular fields. Since the sputniks have been put into orbit, it has been advocated, in some high governmental circles, that the United States should institute a crash program lest our nation fall be hind. Other government leaders and academic circles advocate a continua tion of a broader, more well-rounded type of education in the colleges and universities of the country so far as under-graduate work is concerned and then, on the graduate level, specializa tion in the particular area of study in which the student is proven to be most apt. But, my dear friends, there is a dou ble tragedy that is occurring in the realm of higher education. One tragedy is that, in the effort to provide a well- rounded program of education and knowledge, the secular institutions of higher learning are giving training in only two-thirds of the general field in that they will not even allow religion to be taught in the schools. The other tragedy is that even in those schools where religion is taught, all too fre quently any semblance of vital Chris tianity is completely ignored and in stead of presenting historic Christian ity as it is found in the inspired Word
neither can it be eliminated by any formula that comes out of the test tube in the scientific laboratory. There is only one possible solution to the problem that afflicts mankind, and that solution is found in the in spired, infallible Word of God. It is spoken of in a number of different ways in the Bible but it is probably best illustrated by the phrase, “the new birth” — “Ye must be born again” (John 3:7) and that new birth is brought about through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as one’s own person al Saviour from sin. Sin is the disease which has eaten at the heart of man kind and with which men are com pletely incapable of dealing. It must be handled by God, Himself, in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ as He was offered an atonement for sin in His death on Calvary’s cross. It is this great and monumental fact, as revealed in the Word of God, that is the center and core of the teaching which all stu dents who attend BIOLA receive. And it is this great doctrine, along with the other doctrines found in the Word of God with which the students become thoroughly acquainted during their course of study and which they are prepared to proclaim wherever the Lord directs them to go—and to all those with whom they come in con tact. BIOLA is the only school in the country that offers such an intensive course of study in the Word of God and at the same time provides a re gionally-accredited Baccalaureate de gree upon completion of the curricu lum. We thank God, every day, for these hundreds and hundreds of young peo ple who come to BIOLA’s halls of learn ing for the express purpose of receiving the training that is offered here. We covet your earnest, Spirit-filled, pre vailing prayer that the Lord will con tinue to bless and direct in the affairs of BIOLA because here the Word of God is proclaimed and the great truths of the Holy Bible are studied so that the students might become thoroughly equipped and ready for the Master’s service in the world of today.
learning than are graduates of the secu lar schools. We have the abiding con viction here that the ills of the world will not be corrected or healed by philosophies of men or by the techni cal advances which have been or may yet be discovered in the realm of sci ence. We are very interested in what
Have you come to the "Red Sea" place in your life? Where, in spite of all you can do There is no way out, there is no way back There is no other way but — through. Then wait on the Lord with a trust serene 'Til the night of your fear is gone He will send the wind, He will heap the floods He says to your soul, "Go on." And His hand will lead you through— clear through Ere the watery walls roll down No foe can reach you, no wave can touch you No mightiest sea can drown. The tossing billows may rear their crests Their foam at your feet may break. But over their bed you may walk dry- shod In the path that your Saviour will make. And your fears shall pass as your foes have passed, And you shall be no more afraid. You shall sing His praise in a better place A place that His hand has made. — Annie Johnson Flint mankind thinks, as developed in his philosophical concepts, and we are deeply appreciative of all that men of science have contributed to the physi cal well-being of the human race. But there is something tragically wrong with the human heart and it cannot be corrected by philosophical thoughts,
The spring tour will take the young people as far north as Femdale, Washington during their eleven days of visiting churches. The Sacred Musical program will include an thems ranging from the 16th century to the present.
More than 15 churches will be giv en concerts by the 40 voice Biola Col lege Chorale, directed by Professor Marvin McKissick, chairman of the Music Department. The group starts March 18 and returns to the La Mira da Campus March 29.
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The following are the churches in which concerts will be given:
First Baptist Church Salem, Oregon March 25, Sunday a.m. First Baptist Church Eugene, Oregon March 25, Sunday p.m. Jerome Prairie Community Grants Pass, Oregon March 26, Monday p.m. Evangelical Free Church Yuba City, California March 27, Tuesday p.m. Melrose Baptist Church Oakland, California March 28, Wednesday p.m. Western Baptist Bible College El Cerrito, California March 29, Thursday a.m. Twin Lakes Baptist Church Santa Cruz, California March 29, Thursday p.m. Grace Church Santa Barbara, California March 30, Friday p.m.
Kern Union Church Bakersfield, California March 18, Sunday p.m. Arcade Baptist Church Sacramento, California March 19, Monday p.m. First Baptist Church Ashland, Oregon March 20, Tuesday p.m. First Baptist Church Prineville, Oregon March 21, Wednesday p.m. Lake City Community Church Tacoma, Washington March 22, Thursday p.m. First Baptist Church Femdale, Washington March 23, Friday p.m. Portland Youth for Christ Portland, Oregon March 24, Saturday p.m.
A great many people have been sur prised recently at the coming back into existence on May 1948, of a political entity calling itself Israel. Some folk long ago decided that all the promises of the Old Testament, con cerning the nation of Israel and its fu ture glory, were to be taken spiritually. As a matter of fact they have already found their ultimate fulfillment in the church of our day. Nothing could pos sibly be farther from the truth than this. One of the amazing demonstra tions of the truth of the Bible has been the literal fulfillment of prophecies concerning this ancient people. Espe cially does this fulfilled prophecy of Ezekiel 22 indicate the reconstitution of this State gathered back to its land in preparation for the last and most fearful time of persecution that this people have ever known.
I would like to call your attention to a remarkable pledge that God gave long ago concerning the eternal exis tence, not only of the people but of Israel, as such. There are two things by which God pledges Himself, and these two things are, at the moment, occupying the forefront of the tension in the world, at least one of them is. In Jeremiah 31:35 we read words like these: “Thus said the Lord, which giv- eth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divid- eth the sea when the waves therefore roar, I the Lord of hosts is His name.: If those ordinances depart before me, saith the Lord, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me forever. Thus saith the Lord: if heaven above can be measured, and (continued on next page) 7
the new radio type telescopes which do not photograph light waves but receive radio waves instead, the space frontier was around a billion light years dis tant — That is, light had been pho tographed from objects so far away that it had taken light travelling 186,- 000 miles per second one billion years to reach our planet. But with the de velopment of the new radio telescopes which do not photograph light but rather absorb radio waves, the space frontier has been pushed back at least twice that far and matter is still dis- cemable in space even at that incredi ble distance. So apparently the Lord was on quite safe ground using this criterion espe cially as a measure of the eternal pres ervation of His people. If heaven above can be measured “I will also cast off all the seed of Israel” meaning, of course, that He was never going to cast off His people finally and permanently and therefore by implication that hea ven above is never ultimately going to be measured by man. now notice the other one very interesting. If the foun dation of the earth can be searched out beneath and this needs to be recognized as to exactly what it means for it does not mean what ignorant skeptics and critics of the Bible suggest it means, namely, that this is an insinuation that the earth is flat and rests on founda tions of some kind. The Bible recog nizes the fact that the earth is an oblate spheroid and rotates on its own axis. This fact is clearly indicated in several passages but I would like you to no tice that the name or designation “earth” was first applied by God in the first chapter of Genesis not to the entire planet but simply to that portion of it that consists of the dry land and the continents about 23 per cent of earth’s surface on which all liv ing things, as far as you and I know them, have their existence except the creatures of the sea. In Genesis 1 we’re told that when God divided the sea from the dry land He called the dry land earth, there fore the foundations of the earth are the foundations of the dry land. And 8
ISRAEL (continued) the foundations of the earth searched out beneath. I will also cast off all of the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the Lord.” Now here are two distinct promises namely 1—that the nation of Israel was to be preserved forever without ceasing. 2—that the people as distinct from the nation were similarly to be preserved. Now you may ask what is the difference between the people and the nation. I think this is quite appar ent in the little prophecy of Amos which tells us that (Amos 9:8) this prophecy was uttered hundreds of years before Christ, “Behold, the eyes of the Lord our God are upon the sinful king dom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth.” The kingdom of Israel officially came to an end in 70 A.D. when Titus and his Roman leaders destroyed the city, but the pro phecy goes on to state saying that “I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, saith the Lord.” Now here is one statement that covers both areas and the assurance that the kingdom, as a political entity, was to have a lapse of existence, which it has had for 1878 years, until May of 1948. But the peo ple, the house of Jacob, as such, God said He would never destroy and this literally has come to pass as we know— for in spite of the persecution, and dispersion of the centuries, the people of Israel have continued to exist. Now notice this tremendous state ment here in Jeremiah 31 with which we began: “If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel -for all that they have done, said the Lord.” The measurement of the heavens above is the objection of the scientists in the entire world at this present moment and the latest sober conclusions of as tronomers who have carefully weighed all their findings thus far are this, that apparently there is no determin able limit to that which outer space may include in the way of created matter. Up until the development of
these, of course, are the continental and sub-continental layers of the earth’s crust and below that an undetermined expanse winding up in what is theo logically entitled the line of discontin uity at which point the interior of the earth becomes what we are told is the mantel zone. Right at the present time our government for several years has been spending large sums of mon ey on an attempt to drill through the continental and sub-continental lay ers of the earth’s crust to reach this line of discontinuity if possible and to determine what is in the mantel zone beneath. The drilling operations that have been done have been done at sea be cause the crust of the earth comes far closer to the surface there than it does on dry land and it is easier to reach. So far as ultimate drilling operations are concerned and off the coast lines of southern California and Puerto Rico in recent years we have been attempting drilling on an operation never before attempted, in a desire on the part of man, to find out what actually under lies the foundation of the continents. Evidently this is a realm in which mankind ultimately is going to be doomed to full failure because God uses it, as we have seen He used the other one, to pledge the eternal existence of this remarkable people that right now are once again occupying the headlines of the public press each day. How won derful and consistent is the Word of God and I hope you are rejoicing in it as to the certainty of its truth in every area of life itself. — A T T E N T I O N — Billings, Montana NEW STATION COVERAGE "The Bible Institute Hour” now heard Monday through Friday KURL, 730 ON THE DIAL, 8:00 A.M.
Tonight I heard a mother call an other child Who bore my darling's name. And my heart trembled. Evenings like this we used to sit before the fire, Her curly head within the circle of my arm; A cold rain beating on the window panes. It beats again tonight, And I am all alone. She was so warm and sweet, All pink and blue and gold; Strange that I could produce such loveliness. Such exquisite fruition of my girl hood dreams! She was so young that she had never learned to dream; There are no dreams in Heaven— Only dreams' fulfillment. She seemed so small to go so far alone— She was only seven. And her whole world was still Her mother and her playmates. And a foolish little dog. She took such pride in her new shoes. And now she wears winged sandals on her feet. How has she changed who has been five years in Heaven? Her beauty has begun to blossom, Her eyes grown deep From looking on the wonder of His face; She knows no tears nor loneliness. And sorrow never touched her brow. Little daughter grown so wise! She would not have me sit alone be fore my fire And eat the bitter bread of grief. A little time, my Very Dear, A few more sunsets fading in the west, And then, as sweetly as before, Your curly head within the circle of my arm. And you and I, together, looking on His face! Martha Snell Nicholson
your Bible. There is too much to be done. No. 2. You w ill probably cease to pray, at least a prayer when you have true communion with God. No. 3. There is a spirit of criticism of others. Finding fault w ith the preacher, and church leaders while not suspecting fault in one’s self. No. 4. There is a failure to win Jesus Christ. We do not bring others to church because, well, no one else does. No. 5. There is irregularity in church attendance. He hasn’t been feeling well, too much else to do, busy life, etc. No. 6. He w ill probably stop giv ing. Things have tightened up. He has been faithful in the past but now we need to consider our own selves. REMEMBER Christ has no hands but our hands to do His work today; He has no feet but our feet to lead men in His way. He has no tongue but our tongue to tell men that He died; He has no help but our help to bring men to His side. " A soft answer has often been the means of breaking a hard heart." THE WORLD HAS YET TO SEE what God can do through the life of one man “wholly and completely given into the hands of Jesus Christ.” When Robert Morrison, that great Ambassador of the Cross, made plans to go to China, someone asked him, w ith a critical tinge in his voice, “And do you expect to make an im pression upon such an Empire?” Morrison calmly smiled and with steady aim at the depths of the man’s understanding, sent forth these words, “No sir, I do not, but I expect that God w ill.”
ONE TH IN G THA T IS PARTICULARLY D ISTURBING is the way in which profanity has secured such firm lodgment in our society. Television no longer bars certain words from usage over its medium. Someone has written ten interesting reasons why we should swear — we give them here: First—It pleases mother so much. Second—-It is a fine mark of man liness. Third—It proves I have self-con trol. Fourth—It indicates how clearly my mind operates. Fifth—It makes my conversation so pleasing to everyone. Sixth—It leaves no doubt in any one’s mind as to my good breeding. Seventh—It impresses people that I have more than an ordinary edu cation. Eighth—It is an unmistakable sign of culture and refinement. N inth—It makes me to be a very desirable personality among women and children and in respectable so ciety. Tenth—It is my way of honoring God who said, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord w ill not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain” (Exodus 20:7). "Liberty is from God. Liberties are from the Devil.” * * * ONE OF THE MO ST DIFFICULT TIMES in life is when a spiritual chill de scends over a marts soul. Sometimes this is called backsliding. This us ually comes on gradually and unno ticed. Here are some signs: No. 1. You w ill forget to read * * *
O n e of t h e most remarkable indi cations that our times are in God’s Paul in I Thessalonians 5, where he told the folk of Thessalonica that con cerning the times and the seasons there was no need that he write to them since they were children of light and of the day, and not of the night or darkness. This certainly applies to be lievers today. As you and I look around us in the worjd there are unmistakable indica tions, on every hand, of the fact that we are very close, indeed, to the end of this age and to the glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ. One of the most significant of these indications is the present condition of God’s people Israel. I am sure you know that since 1948, just 14 years ago, there has been a tremendous mass migration back to the eastern end of the Mediterranean, which has brought into existence, after a lapse of 1878 years, a nation calling itself by the name or designation of Israel, the name of God’s ancient peo ple. This little nation has diplomatic re lations with 55 countries around the world, a membership in the United Na tions, and is seemingly taking its place in the family of nations of the earth. Now this is remarkable because it is the first time since the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. that anything resembling a political entity, calling itself by this name, has been in exis tence. It is a miracle of the preserva tion of this remarkable people, without a home and scattered abroad through the centuries following their dispersion. This is one of the outstanding proofs of the truth of the Word of God. Many people are asking themselves whether this is the final regathering of the Jewish people to which so many Old Testament passages refer us. We need to be sure that we understand all the statements of God’s Word on the subject. The prophecy of Isaiah, as given in the 11th chapter, definitely states that it shall come to pass in that day. The (continued on next page)
program, is suggested by the words of
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tives whom Nebuchadnezzar had car ried away. Thus, the first restoration, nationally, not having occurred, so far as we have any Biblical record—what then, is that which is presently going on and has been continuing since May 1948? I believe we will find the answer to this question, prophesied in Ezekiel 22:17 — it is given in these words: (And you will recognize therefore, that we have been witnessing the literal fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy in these 13 years since May of 1948.”) “And the word of the Lord came un to me, saying, Son of man, the house of Israel is to me become dross: all they are brass, and tin and iron, and lead, in the midst of the furnace; they are even the dross of silver. Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Because ye are all become dross, behold, therefore I will gather you into the midst of Jerusa lem. As they gather silver, and brass, and iron and lead, and tin, into the midst of the furnace, to blow the fire upon it, to melt it; so will I gather you in mine anger and in my fury, and I will leave you there, and melt you. Yea, I will gather you, and blow upon you in the. fire of my wrath, and ye shall be melted in the midst there of. As silver is melted in the midst of the furnace, so shall ye be melted in the midst thereof; and ye shall know that I the Lord have poured out my fury upon you.” The gathering of Israel that has been going on since 1948, in fulfillment of this prophecy, is for the most terrible time of trouble and persecution the na tion of Israel has ever known. They are presently thinking to take their place in the family of nations. This, incidentally, is contrary to God’s expressed will for them, for we read in the book of Numbers, that they were never to be counted among the nations. They are counting upon the desert blossoming as the rose, and waters of the Jordan being used to irrigate the land, restoring its fertility. Undoubt edly, all of these things are about to come to pass on a larger scale than 12
ISRAEL A N D PROPHECY (continued) day there referred to is obviously from the preceding verses of Isaiah 11 which tell us in detail about conditions that will pertain on earth during our Lord’s millennial reign. Let us read that sec tion of Isaiah: “And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathos, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shin- ar, and from Hamath, and from the is lands of the sea” verse 11. In other words from all over the face of the globe. You will notice that a remnant of His people is mentioned here and this remnant is referred to in Isaiah 10:20 where we are told that “. . . the rem nant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth.” This remnant is the very small minority of the whole race that will be supematurally pre served through the terrible time of the tribulation that will wind up this age. I would like you to notice that that time of tribulation has not yet come, it is still future. Our Lord Jesus Christ, speaking of the tribulation in Matthew 24, said that immediately after the trib ulation of those days, God would send forth His angels with the great sound of the trumpet and gather together His elect from the four winds of hea ven. Now obviously, this reference by the Lord Jesus to that gathering after the tribulation, at the end of this age, when Christ comes in His second ad vent, is a reference to this same gath ering of which Isaiah speaks, describ ing it as the second gathering. The immediate question then is, when was the first gathering of the Jews nationally? We cannot say that the first gathering of them took place after the Babylonian captivity (B.C.), as only those who were restored from the captivity in Babylon were the cap
we have ever seen them. But all of this is in anticipation of the terrible time that awaits them when, after making a political treaty with the last head of Gentile domin ion — as the man of sin is described variously in the Bible —- he, himself, breaking this in the middle of the duration of that treaty, will turn upon this Nation and terribly and fearfully persecute them. The Lord Jesus plainly said in Matthew 24, “Let them which be in Judaea flee to the mountains. . . ” Therefore, this regathering of Israel that you and I have seen taking place in literal fulfillment of these verses in Ezekiel 22, is just in anticipation of that terrible final scattering of them abroad from whence ultimately, as the Lord Jesus said so plainly in Matthew 24, after the tribulation is run its course, then, this remnant that is to be spared through the tribulation, the THE BUSINESS OF THE DAY It's just the way we carry through The business of the day That makes and molds the charac ter— The things we do and say; The way we act when we are vexed; The attitude we take; It's not the big events alone That make us what we are; And not the dizzy moments when We're swinging on a star; It's just the things that happen as Along the road we plod; The little things determine what We're really worth to God. — Patience Strong company of 144,000 sealed Israelites, that we see in Revelation 7, will be gathered back again, and restored for ever in their land — they will consti tute the nucleus with which God will begin the center of His government at Jerusalem on earth when the Lord Je sus comes again. How wonderfully this glorious truth should thrill our hearts as we see prophecy literally being ful filled! The sort of pleasures we enjoy, The kind of friends we make.
Sarah Farris, one of our listeners in Duarte, California, wrote the fol lowing interesting poem concerning the way in which the children of Is rael continually turned their backs up on the Lord. Note its parallel with our own Nation today. Consider the story of Israel of old: How they were protected by Power from above. For our admonition this story is told. How much do we value the country we love? They drank of the Rock, and that Rock was our Lord Crossed o'er River Jordan, went through on dry land. Yet, after all this, they obeyed not His Word, But went their own way — yes, the way that they planned. And then they repented, so God heard their cry; Gave rest fo ty years; and again they did wror Then, did they obey Him? No, they did not try. So punishment came, But God’s pa tience was long. Again they had freedom; again they had peace. Then God was forgotten. So, free dom was lost. And thus went the cycle: sin, sorrow, release. We must keep our freedom, whatever the cost. Are we doing wrong? Will we shed bitter tears? We, too, need a Jonah, the warning to raise. Time must be redeemed; are there yet forty years? Or — friend, think it through — are there yet forty days. " A man who kicks continuously soon loses his balance/' * * * " I f amatter is not forgotten, then it is really not forgiven." * * *
about the Tabernacle in Sunday School. We have talked all about it, and my teacher said that she will show us the place where God lives —I so want to go where God lives.” The doctor held her little hands tightly in his and said, “You w ill sweetheart, I believe that by Sun day you w ill be where God lives.” The surgeon’s words were accur ate for by Sunday the white bed was empty and the little one was at home with the Lord. Only the Chris tian can say, “If I live it w ill be grace; if I die it w ill be glory.”
THE KEFAUVER INVESTIGATIONS on drugs reveal that Americans are spending about $300,000,000.00 an nually on tranquilizers while ex perts are writing such volumes as “Peace of Mind,” “How Not To Worry,” “The Easy Way,” “How to be Happy” “The Mind at Rest” and other similar titles. Perhaps John Steinbeck has capsulized the true picture of America today as he writes, “There is a creeping, all- pervading nerve gas of immorality which starts in the nursery and does not stop until it reaches the highest offices, both corporate and govern mental. There is a growing restless ness, a hunger, a thirst for peace, not only nationally, but individual ly.” The Bible predicted that it would be so — men are crying “Peace, peace” and yet there is no peace, in spite of the wonderful legacy left by the Lord Jesus Christ — “My peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth, give 1 unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” * * * "W hen a youth begins to sow wild oats, it's time for his father to use the threshing machine." * * * IT IS A LW AY S DIFFICULT to have to stand by and see little ones suffer ing — our hearts immediately go out to them. This causes me to re call a lovely youngster who was about to go under surgery for an incurable disease. She asked her Christian surgeon, “W ill I be well by Sunday? — I must be well then.” The doctor asked her why and her face lighted up as she told him, “Because we have been studying
" If you have been bom once, you will die twice; but, if you have been bom twice, you will die but once." * * *
IT IS A W ONDER that more of us do not wind up at the end of the day w ith sore throats, for according to statistics, the average person spends at least 13 years of his life just talk ing. On a normal day for us some thing like 18,000 words are likely to be used; roughly, that is equiva lent to a book of 54 pages. On this estimate, in a single year onefs words would fill 66 large books of 800 pages each. Think what a life time would mean! No wonder the poet left us these words, “Life is a book in volumes three, the past, the present, the yet to be. The past is finished and laid away. The present we’re living every day. The third and last of volumes three is hidden from sight, God holds the key.” In the light of what Christ has done for us, may we redeem the time knowing that the days are exceed ingly evil. 14
February Torrey Bible Conference Radio Message
by Phillip R. Newell
image by the brass and arms of silver — this was to be the Medo-Persian Kingdom. Then following that was the next part of the image — the belly and thighs — a picture of the Greco- Macedonian dominion which the 8th chapter of Daniel plainly identifies for us. Following the Grecian there was to be a fourth kingdom propheti cally of Gentile dominion represented in the image first, by the legs of iron and then, remarkably enough, the feet and toes of this image consisting of the strange mixture of iron and clay. Now the point of interest lying here is that the dream Nebuchadnezzar had was a continuous one. He saw this image representing Gentile dominion in the earth standing until it was des troyed by a descending stone that was cut out without hands, typifying the supernatural birth of the Lord Jesus, His first advent, and incarnation. This stone was seen striking the image upon its feet in its final form at the end of the age and wiping all of the constituent material into powder as the chaff of the summer threshing floor and the stone itself representing the coming of Christ at His second ad vent, replacing this entire fabric of Gentile dominion and filling the whole earth. Now it is of full interest that the (continued on next page)
A mong t h e sign ifican t indications of the imminent return of Jesus Christ to this planet in fulfillment of all prophecy concerning Him, are the political developments taking place in some very surprising places. Practical ly everyone is familiar with the rise of nationalism that has been going on around the world for a number of years. One of the most important, but almost unnoticed, developments arising out of this has been the giving up of the overseas colonial possessions on the part of many European nations who, during the course of the centuries, have gradually acquired these dominions and then were compelled to relinquish them. This fact is of note because it has to do with the setting of the stage for the condition of Gentile nations at the end of the age, as the Word of God so plainly puts it before us. One of the significant prophecies along this line is in the second chapter of the Book of Daniel. It deals with the vision of the Great Image which Nebuchadnez zar of Babylon had concerning the en tire future of Gentile dominion on earth. In his dream, Nebuchadnezzar saw an image with a head of gold, which he was told represented himself, and after him there was to rise another kingdom inferior to him, then a second kingdom typified in his vision of the
part of Germany below the Danube and the other southern European kingdoms. Turkey in Europe and Turkey in Asia and parts of Iraq and Israel on the Sinai peninsula and the northern part of Egypt and Lybia and Tunisia and Morocco, at least in part — and all of the islands of the Mediterannean Sea, all of this was in the Roman Em pire originally. But during the course of the centuries, though southern Euro pean kingdoms England, France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal all acquired them selves oversea colonial dominions in other parts of the world that were nev er in the Roman Empire in its original form. And you will recognize, if you trace these things down carefully, that one after another these great European colonial powers, originally constitut ing the western half of the Roman Em pire, have been compelled to give up their overseas colonial dominions as God has evidently been whittling them back down again to their original con dition to constitute the fourth empire in its final form as the prophecy puts it before us. This would guarantee the success of our own American revolution because America was never in the Ro man Empire to begin with nor any thing in the western hemisphere. This is why Ireland subsequently separated from England because Ireland was not in the empire. This is why Belgium emerged from domination by Holland because Holland never was in the em pire and Belgium was. Now all of this poses very significant implications so far as the ultimate his tory of Germany is concerned because only the southern part of Germ any- south of the Danube was originally in the empire. None of the rest of it ever was and incidentally this also H P I Dr. Philip R. Newell Extension Department Mooay Bible Institute Bible Conference Speaker
C O L O N IA L IS M (continued) dream is continuous and that the fourth kingdom began as we know it — the Roman Empire — and is seen existing in the final head membered form rep resented by the toes of the image at the end of the age when the stone strikes it. Therefore, we have to con clude basically, that a principle is established here of which history has demonstrated its truth, that only four world dominions, beginning with Ne buchadnezzar’s day — 600 B.C. — were to take place on the stage of human affairs before the second advent of Jesus Christ (and of course history has demonstrated the truth of this for after the rise of the Roman Empire to world supremacy, even though its west ern division succumbed in 410 A.D., its eastern division succumbed in 1453 A.D., a thousand years later and na turally no other Gentile dominion has become worldwide in its extent of dominion over mankind since the Ro man Empire became the fourth king dom of prophecy. Now then, since it is to be in this ten membered form at the end of the age as the final mani festation of Gentile dominion, it fol lows that the territory it must include at the end of the age must include only that territory which originally was within the territorial limitations of these kingdoms of prophecy because the stone striking the image of the second advent of Christ finds all of the constituent materials present — the gold, and the silver, and the brass and the iron, and the clay, as well so all of the kingdoms that had originally made up parts of this image of proph ecy must represent its final form when Jesus Christ comes again. Now if you go back with me to the first form of this 4th kingdom you will find that there is an interesting terri torial arrangement that for long cen turies during the middle ages and until comparatively recently were different from the original form of the empire. Originally the empire included only Great Britain as far north as half of Scotland. Did not include Ireland. It included Belgium, only the southern
gives us the answer, perhaps, in the case- of the little country of Albania which the Soviet Union is now threat ening to expel because Albania was originally in the empire and does not belong to any ultimate confederation that would include an outsider like Russia. But America, this beloved coun try of ours, has had a very significant place in the acomplishing of God’s ul timate program, prophetically, because you see America has been very instru mental in the anti-Colonial process. Our late secretary of State, Mr. John Foster Dulles, insisted that our sym pathies and assistance go with those Mediterranean countries that were seeking independence—this contrary to the popular idea that communists would represent our country as being a great colonial power. If any nation in the world has been an anti-colonial power ours has. At one point in his negotiations with Winston Churchill Mr. Franklin Roosevelt so insisted upon the giving up of some of Britain’s colo nial dominions that Mr. Churchill said. Mr. President, “I do believe you’re try ing to do away with the entire British empire.” So, behind the scenes, you see that there is definite progress being made in some of the every day political developments around the earth that doesn’t seem to have any immediate importance in this case for example whereby God is preparing, politically, the scene of the final operation of ful filled prophecy in the Mediterranean area by the reduction of these countries again to the geographical status that they had when they were the constit uent parts of the Roman Empire in its first form. The Word of God continues to live and to be fulfilled day by day. I trust by God’s grace that He is your daily guide and comfort. "When God measures a man. He puts the tape around his heart, not his head." * * * "Being overcome withenvy is like running intoquicksand, thedeeper you go in the harder it is to get out." * * *
"YOUR PLACE IN HIS SERVICE?" What matter if you cannot go to dis tant lands and preach What matter if you somehow fail with eloquence to teach What matter if you cannot sing or lead in any way? There is a place which you can fill, Just get behind and pray! The missionaries need your prayers, the preachers need them too, Without the help of praying saints, There's not much they can do. You, too, can give your hearts to Him To use in His own way And may He help us all to get be hind and pray.
If you have just moved, or are planning to do so, you know all that is involved. But did you realize that your move can also cost the Lord's work? If you have moved and have not as yet informed us, from now on it will cost Biola 8 cents (rather than 4) in order to have the post office give us the in formation concerning your new address. If you use a post card, or the forms provided by the post office, this will mean a sub stantial savings for the work of the Lord. With a quarter of the population moving every year, according to statistics, you can well imagine what this will ulti mately mean for Biola. Thank you for your prayer ful help in this, as well as in our other ministries for the Lord Jesus Christ.
ONE DISEASE OF OUR DAY which we have spoken against most forcefully is that of the use of alcohol. Some folk have said, “You should not speak so unkindly for after all it is merely a disease, just like any other d is e a s e In reply we ask that you remember it is the only disease that is contracted by an act of the will. It is the only disease that requires a license to propagate. It is the only disease that is bottled and sold. It is the only disease that requires out lets to spread. It is the only disease that promotes crime. It is the only disease that is habit forming. It is the only disease that is spread by advertising. It is the only disease without germ or virus cause, and for which there is no human corrective medicine. It is the only disease that bars the patient from heaven. “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor effemi nate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind. Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor ex If you are not receiving copies of the BROADCASTER monthly, you may have them come to your home or office auto matically by being a member of the Biola Fellowship. This is a group of faithful donors who invest monthly in the distinctive ministries of the Bible Institute of Los An geles, Inc. Specific monthly amounts are not set; this is a matter between you and the Lord. In maintaining this 53 year old work for the Saviour, we have found that faith fulness on the part of God’s stewards is the important thing. You are invited to become co-laborers with us in this vital testimony. The investment you make will bring you this publication monthly, here after, without your request.
tortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God 1” (I Cor. 6:9, 10). A M IN IST ER CALLED IN THE HOME OF A M A N who had suffered the loss of most of his money. Upon see ing the minister, the man blurted out, “Everything is gone! Every thing is gone! Everything is gone!” The preacher knitted his brow and said, “I’m sorry to hear that your wife is dead! I did not realize your grief.” The man looked up in sur prise and shock, “M y wife! What do you mean?” The minister con tinued, “And 1 am doubly grieved to hear that you have lost your character” — thus the wise man of God continued with bowed head to name one thing after another, until the man finally protested that all of these things remained — he had only lost his money. “But I thought you said you had lost everything? Actually, you have lost nothing which is really worth while.” “For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? . . ” Matt. 16:26. If you are already a member of the Fellowship and have received an extra copy of this publication, please pass it along to a friend so that he may also enroll in the Plan and receive these helpful monthly features from the broadcasts. Since all materials from the Biola radio programs are included in the BROAD CASTER, publication is generally complet ed near the end of the specific month. Your patience is greatly appreciated. □ I would like to become a member of the Biola Fellowship. Biola Fellowship Members receive a packet of envelopes (24 to expire in two years for monthly contributions). I am enclosing $.....................for the ministries of Biola.
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The strongest argument for the truth of Christianity is the true Chris tian."
Is it that you have wandered from His loving care? Then confess your wand'ring to Him dear friends, And next Wednesday night be there. When heaven's doors are opened wide To let in the ransomed few, And we're gathered home to be with Him May it also include you. Oh, won't you meet with us, Get down on your knees and pray And if your heart is right with God, You'll carry a blessing away. " A great many open minds would be better closed for repairs." "IT DOES!" Does it pay to serve Jehovah and re ject the world’s applause, Does it pay to serve Jehovah, though oppressed? While the wicked seek their comfort in a rich and gilded hall. Does it pay to simply lean on Him and rest? Does it pay to serve Jehovah and re ject the world's applause, And receive instead but ridicule and jeers? Does it pay to be subjected to false witness without cause? Does it pay to wait for heaven's fu ture cheers? Does it pay to take the Saviour and refuse to take the world? Does it pay to think of worldly fame as loss? YES, it pays when all the glories of God's heaven are unfurled, To rejoice that we have stood be side the Cross!
HERE IS A STORY of a stranger who entered a church when the minister had gotten to the halfway mark in his sermon. Seating himself on the back pew, he moved restlessly and then leaning over to the man sitting next to him he asked, “How long has he been preaching?” The an swer he received was, “Thirty or forty years, 1 think.” “I’ll stay then he replied, for he must be about through now.” Ministers often like to tell such stories on themselves. However, one leading Christian counsellor has stated, “Some children become prod igals because there is entirely too much adverse discussion of the Pas tor, Church Officers, and Sunday School teachers in their presence.” So le fs be careful.
"Liberty is from God. Liberties are from the Devil."
"PRAYER MEETING" Mr. J. J. Schooen, an eighty-seven year old member, faithful in attend ance at the Hayward, California First Baptist Church, has written this very useful poem. The other eve a thought came to me As we gathered on Wednesday night, Why aren't more folk assembled here? It just doesn't seem quite right.
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