your Bible. There is too much to be done. No. 2. You w ill probably cease to pray, at least a prayer when you have true communion with God. No. 3. There is a spirit of criticism of others. Finding fault w ith the preacher, and church leaders while not suspecting fault in one’s self. No. 4. There is a failure to win Jesus Christ. We do not bring others to church because, well, no one else does. No. 5. There is irregularity in church attendance. He hasn’t been feeling well, too much else to do, busy life, etc. No. 6. He w ill probably stop giv ing. Things have tightened up. He has been faithful in the past but now we need to consider our own selves. REMEMBER Christ has no hands but our hands to do His work today; He has no feet but our feet to lead men in His way. He has no tongue but our tongue to tell men that He died; He has no help but our help to bring men to His side. " A soft answer has often been the means of breaking a hard heart." THE WORLD HAS YET TO SEE what God can do through the life of one man “wholly and completely given into the hands of Jesus Christ.” When Robert Morrison, that great Ambassador of the Cross, made plans to go to China, someone asked him, w ith a critical tinge in his voice, “And do you expect to make an im pression upon such an Empire?” Morrison calmly smiled and with steady aim at the depths of the man’s understanding, sent forth these words, “No sir, I do not, but I expect that God w ill.”
ONE TH IN G THA T IS PARTICULARLY D ISTURBING is the way in which profanity has secured such firm lodgment in our society. Television no longer bars certain words from usage over its medium. Someone has written ten interesting reasons why we should swear — we give them here: First—It pleases mother so much. Second—-It is a fine mark of man liness. Third—It proves I have self-con trol. Fourth—It indicates how clearly my mind operates. Fifth—It makes my conversation so pleasing to everyone. Sixth—It leaves no doubt in any one’s mind as to my good breeding. Seventh—It impresses people that I have more than an ordinary edu cation. Eighth—It is an unmistakable sign of culture and refinement. N inth—It makes me to be a very desirable personality among women and children and in respectable so ciety. Tenth—It is my way of honoring God who said, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord w ill not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain” (Exodus 20:7). "Liberty is from God. Liberties are from the Devil.” * * * ONE OF THE MO ST DIFFICULT TIMES in life is when a spiritual chill de scends over a marts soul. Sometimes this is called backsliding. This us ually comes on gradually and unno ticed. Here are some signs: No. 1. You w ill forget to read * * *
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