O n e of t h e most remarkable indi cations that our times are in God’s Paul in I Thessalonians 5, where he told the folk of Thessalonica that con cerning the times and the seasons there was no need that he write to them since they were children of light and of the day, and not of the night or darkness. This certainly applies to be lievers today. As you and I look around us in the worjd there are unmistakable indica tions, on every hand, of the fact that we are very close, indeed, to the end of this age and to the glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ. One of the most significant of these indications is the present condition of God’s people Israel. I am sure you know that since 1948, just 14 years ago, there has been a tremendous mass migration back to the eastern end of the Mediterranean, which has brought into existence, after a lapse of 1878 years, a nation calling itself by the name or designation of Israel, the name of God’s ancient peo ple. This little nation has diplomatic re lations with 55 countries around the world, a membership in the United Na tions, and is seemingly taking its place in the family of nations of the earth. Now this is remarkable because it is the first time since the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. that anything resembling a political entity, calling itself by this name, has been in exis tence. It is a miracle of the preserva tion of this remarkable people, without a home and scattered abroad through the centuries following their dispersion. This is one of the outstanding proofs of the truth of the Word of God. Many people are asking themselves whether this is the final regathering of the Jewish people to which so many Old Testament passages refer us. We need to be sure that we understand all the statements of God’s Word on the subject. The prophecy of Isaiah, as given in the 11th chapter, definitely states that it shall come to pass in that day. The (continued on next page)
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