about the Tabernacle in Sunday School. We have talked all about it, and my teacher said that she will show us the place where God lives —I so want to go where God lives.” The doctor held her little hands tightly in his and said, “You w ill sweetheart, I believe that by Sun day you w ill be where God lives.” The surgeon’s words were accur ate for by Sunday the white bed was empty and the little one was at home with the Lord. Only the Chris tian can say, “If I live it w ill be grace; if I die it w ill be glory.”
THE KEFAUVER INVESTIGATIONS on drugs reveal that Americans are spending about $300,000,000.00 an nually on tranquilizers while ex perts are writing such volumes as “Peace of Mind,” “How Not To Worry,” “The Easy Way,” “How to be Happy” “The Mind at Rest” and other similar titles. Perhaps John Steinbeck has capsulized the true picture of America today as he writes, “There is a creeping, all- pervading nerve gas of immorality which starts in the nursery and does not stop until it reaches the highest offices, both corporate and govern mental. There is a growing restless ness, a hunger, a thirst for peace, not only nationally, but individual ly.” The Bible predicted that it would be so — men are crying “Peace, peace” and yet there is no peace, in spite of the wonderful legacy left by the Lord Jesus Christ — “My peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth, give 1 unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” * * * "W hen a youth begins to sow wild oats, it's time for his father to use the threshing machine." * * * IT IS A LW AY S DIFFICULT to have to stand by and see little ones suffer ing — our hearts immediately go out to them. This causes me to re call a lovely youngster who was about to go under surgery for an incurable disease. She asked her Christian surgeon, “W ill I be well by Sunday? — I must be well then.” The doctor asked her why and her face lighted up as she told him, “Because we have been studying
" If you have been bom once, you will die twice; but, if you have been bom twice, you will die but once." * * *
IT IS A W ONDER that more of us do not wind up at the end of the day w ith sore throats, for according to statistics, the average person spends at least 13 years of his life just talk ing. On a normal day for us some thing like 18,000 words are likely to be used; roughly, that is equiva lent to a book of 54 pages. On this estimate, in a single year onefs words would fill 66 large books of 800 pages each. Think what a life time would mean! No wonder the poet left us these words, “Life is a book in volumes three, the past, the present, the yet to be. The past is finished and laid away. The present we’re living every day. The third and last of volumes three is hidden from sight, God holds the key.” In the light of what Christ has done for us, may we redeem the time knowing that the days are exceed ingly evil. 14
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