Biola Broadcaster - 1962-03

February Torrey Bible Conference Radio Message



by Phillip R. Newell

image by the brass and arms of silver — this was to be the Medo-Persian Kingdom. Then following that was the next part of the image — the belly and thighs — a picture of the Greco- Macedonian dominion which the 8th chapter of Daniel plainly identifies for us. Following the Grecian there was to be a fourth kingdom propheti­ cally of Gentile dominion represented in the image first, by the legs of iron and then, remarkably enough, the feet and toes of this image consisting of the strange mixture of iron and clay. Now the point of interest lying here is that the dream Nebuchadnezzar had was a continuous one. He saw this image representing Gentile dominion in the earth standing until it was des­ troyed by a descending stone that was cut out without hands, typifying the supernatural birth of the Lord Jesus, His first advent, and incarnation. This stone was seen striking the image upon its feet in its final form at the end of the age and wiping all of the constituent material into powder as the chaff of the summer threshing floor and the stone itself representing the coming of Christ at His second ad­ vent, replacing this entire fabric of Gentile dominion and filling the whole earth. Now it is of full interest that the (continued on next page)

A mong t h e sign ifican t indications of the imminent return of Jesus Christ to this planet in fulfillment of all prophecy concerning Him, are the political developments taking place in some very surprising places. Practical­ ly everyone is familiar with the rise of nationalism that has been going on around the world for a number of years. One of the most important, but almost unnoticed, developments arising out of this has been the giving up of the overseas colonial possessions on the part of many European nations who, during the course of the centuries, have gradually acquired these dominions and then were compelled to relinquish them. This fact is of note because it has to do with the setting of the stage for the condition of Gentile nations at the end of the age, as the Word of God so plainly puts it before us. One of the significant prophecies along this line is in the second chapter of the Book of Daniel. It deals with the vision of the Great Image which Nebuchadnez­ zar of Babylon had concerning the en­ tire future of Gentile dominion on earth. In his dream, Nebuchadnezzar saw an image with a head of gold, which he was told represented himself, and after him there was to rise another kingdom inferior to him, then a second kingdom typified in his vision of the

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