part of Germany below the Danube and the other southern European kingdoms. Turkey in Europe and Turkey in Asia and parts of Iraq and Israel on the Sinai peninsula and the northern part of Egypt and Lybia and Tunisia and Morocco, at least in part — and all of the islands of the Mediterannean Sea, all of this was in the Roman Em pire originally. But during the course of the centuries, though southern Euro pean kingdoms England, France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal all acquired them selves oversea colonial dominions in other parts of the world that were nev er in the Roman Empire in its original form. And you will recognize, if you trace these things down carefully, that one after another these great European colonial powers, originally constitut ing the western half of the Roman Em pire, have been compelled to give up their overseas colonial dominions as God has evidently been whittling them back down again to their original con dition to constitute the fourth empire in its final form as the prophecy puts it before us. This would guarantee the success of our own American revolution because America was never in the Ro man Empire to begin with nor any thing in the western hemisphere. This is why Ireland subsequently separated from England because Ireland was not in the empire. This is why Belgium emerged from domination by Holland because Holland never was in the em pire and Belgium was. Now all of this poses very significant implications so far as the ultimate his tory of Germany is concerned because only the southern part of Germ any- south of the Danube was originally in the empire. None of the rest of it ever was and incidentally this also H P I Dr. Philip R. Newell Extension Department Mooay Bible Institute Bible Conference Speaker
C O L O N IA L IS M (continued) dream is continuous and that the fourth kingdom began as we know it — the Roman Empire — and is seen existing in the final head membered form rep resented by the toes of the image at the end of the age when the stone strikes it. Therefore, we have to con clude basically, that a principle is established here of which history has demonstrated its truth, that only four world dominions, beginning with Ne buchadnezzar’s day — 600 B.C. — were to take place on the stage of human affairs before the second advent of Jesus Christ (and of course history has demonstrated the truth of this for after the rise of the Roman Empire to world supremacy, even though its west ern division succumbed in 410 A.D., its eastern division succumbed in 1453 A.D., a thousand years later and na turally no other Gentile dominion has become worldwide in its extent of dominion over mankind since the Ro man Empire became the fourth king dom of prophecy. Now then, since it is to be in this ten membered form at the end of the age as the final mani festation of Gentile dominion, it fol lows that the territory it must include at the end of the age must include only that territory which originally was within the territorial limitations of these kingdoms of prophecy because the stone striking the image of the second advent of Christ finds all of the constituent materials present — the gold, and the silver, and the brass and the iron, and the clay, as well so all of the kingdoms that had originally made up parts of this image of proph ecy must represent its final form when Jesus Christ comes again. Now if you go back with me to the first form of this 4th kingdom you will find that there is an interesting terri torial arrangement that for long cen turies during the middle ages and until comparatively recently were different from the original form of the empire. Originally the empire included only Great Britain as far north as half of Scotland. Did not include Ireland. It included Belgium, only the southern
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