Biola Broadcaster - 1962-03

The strongest argument for the truth of Christianity is the true Chris­ tian."

Is it that you have wandered from His loving care? Then confess your wand'ring to Him dear friends, And next Wednesday night be there. When heaven's doors are opened wide To let in the ransomed few, And we're gathered home to be with Him May it also include you. Oh, won't you meet with us, Get down on your knees and pray And if your heart is right with God, You'll carry a blessing away. " A great many open minds would be better closed for repairs." "IT DOES!" Does it pay to serve Jehovah and re­ ject the world’s applause, Does it pay to serve Jehovah, though oppressed? While the wicked seek their comfort in a rich and gilded hall. Does it pay to simply lean on Him and rest? Does it pay to serve Jehovah and re­ ject the world's applause, And receive instead but ridicule and jeers? Does it pay to be subjected to false witness without cause? Does it pay to wait for heaven's fu­ ture cheers? Does it pay to take the Saviour and refuse to take the world? Does it pay to think of worldly fame as loss? YES, it pays when all the glories of God's heaven are unfurled, To rejoice that we have stood be­ side the Cross!

HERE IS A STORY of a stranger who entered a church when the minister had gotten to the halfway mark in his sermon. Seating himself on the back pew, he moved restlessly and then leaning over to the man sitting next to him he asked, “How long has he been preaching?” The an­ swer he received was, “Thirty or forty years, 1 think.” “I’ll stay then he replied, for he must be about through now.” Ministers often like to tell such stories on themselves. However, one leading Christian counsellor has stated, “Some children become prod­ igals because there is entirely too much adverse discussion of the Pas­ tor, Church Officers, and Sunday School teachers in their presence.” So le fs be careful.




"Liberty is from God. Liberties are from the Devil."




"PRAYER MEETING" Mr. J. J. Schooen, an eighty-seven year old member, faithful in attend­ ance at the Hayward, California First Baptist Church, has written this very useful poem. The other eve a thought came to me As we gathered on Wednesday night, Why aren't more folk assembled here? It just doesn't seem quite right.

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