questions and answers
will be disciplined in their minds, in their activities, and in their conduct. There is a crying need for such young men today. Should there be a shooting war — and God forbid — a young man of military training would have a dis tinct advantage. Q. Burbank, California. An interested list ener asks: “Should a Christian sue for slander?” A. If a believer has been slandered by an unbeliever, he should by no means go to law because it would be a case of going before those who are not in the church. I would very strongly sug gest that our listener read I Cor. 6:1-11. Q. From Redlands, California this ques tion comes: “Why does the New Testa ment speak of devils? I have always thought of just one devil namely, Satan.” A. There is only one devil and his name is Satan. He is also called the prince of the power of the air — and, in Isaiah he is spoken of as Lucifer. Then there are other names. There are two or three words that have been translated devil or devils. However, in the original text we find that the words should have been translated “demons.” There is only one devil, but there are many, many demons or fallen angels who are seeking to destroy the effec tiveness of the work of the Lord Jesus Christ as far as possible. Q. In Seattle, Washington we have a listener who would like the distinction drawn between a synagogue and a tem- (eontinued on next page) 25
Q. Denver, Colorado friends send us this question: “Is it right for Christians to send their boys to a M ilitary Academy? Also, should Christians help to main tain such schools?” A. Let me say that there are some acad emies that are just for military train ing — but I know some that have def inite Christian sponsorship, and I can see a very real reason for t h e i r existence. I would suggest that if par ents desire to send their boys to a Mili tary Academy, they would do well to send them to one that is Christian. There they would be trained physical ly and mentally and be under a dis cipline so gravely needed in this hour of laxness. I feel sometimes, that to send them to a non-Christian military school might be detrimental as it seems too early to subject them, possibly, to being the only witness or so for the Lord in the whole school. As to the second part of the question — I think that Christians can help maintain Christian schools of this na ture. Q. May we include another question from a listener who sent a query in this same letter? The query: “Should a boy participate in m ilitary activi ties?” A. A great company of believers in this country are conscientious objectors and we would not, for a moment, try to argue against their conscientious de cision. But for those who are not con scientious objectors there are tremen dous advantages for their boys — they
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