Biola Broadcaster - 1962-03


school in September. The prime rea­ son for this advancement program is that out of the present student body’s enrollment of 1,000 more than 250 have to be transported to classes 50 miles a day. Facilities to house them are not now available on the La Mirada Campus. The 75-acre site now includes nine key buildings. Distinc­ tive features are that the entire cam­ pus is completely debt-free, and that no money has been borrowed from the federal government at any time.

MUCH NEEDED BUILDINGS TO BE STARTED IN APRIL Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, presi­ dent of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., has announced that a special drive to secure $600,000 in order to build two dormitories and one classroom structure will be con­ ducted during April. A central committee has been ap­ pointed to guide in the program of urgent development. The group is pic-

tured here and includes: (seated Rev. Ray C. Weiskopf, director of the Biola Stewardship Department; Mr. Paul Poelstra, president of the Associated Student Body; Mrs. Irene Boyd, Biola faculty; Miss Doris Wetzler, admin­ istrative assistant; Dr. James O. Henry, Biola faculty; (standing) Rev. Robert Phillips, Biola extension de­ partment; Mr. A1 Sanders, vice-presi­ dent of public relations; Mrs. Mabel Peek, Biola Women’s Auxiliary; Mr. Paul Schwepker, Biola Controller; Dr. Lowell C. Wendt, pastor, Hope Union Church; and Dr. Sutherland. Not pic­ tured are Mr. Claude Edwards, presi­ dent, Alpha Beta Stores; Dr. Milton C. Gould, pastor, First Baptist Church of Downey; and Rev. Thomas E. Steele, Biola extension director. The drive, started during April, will have as its objective the comple­ tion of buildings for the opening of

V n Dr. Martin R. DeHaan, founder-di- rector of the Radio Bible Class is to be featured speaker for the two Biola Family Bible Conferences this sum­ mer. August 12 to 18 the Biola staff will be at Mount Hermon, seven miles from Santa Cruz, California. August 19 to 26 the team will move to the Firs Bible and Missionary Conference near Bellingham, Wash­ ington. Their addresses are: Mount Hermon Conference, Mount Hermon, California; and The Firs Bible and Missionary Conference, 4605 Cable S t r e e t , Bellingham, Washington. Rates and descriptive information will be sent upon request. 32 n f f

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