Crisis in Morality
O N OPENING DAY, a public School teacher asked one boy in her class the name t>f his father. The students in the room were all a twitter when he responded, “Which one, teacher? I have had three.” This too tragically realistic picture has long been made the subject of jokes. It is time we realized that the destiny of our nation is not nearly so much in danger of collapse from atomic bombs as it is from the destruction of millions of families through DIVORCE! If the people in America were just a fraction as much interested in preserv ing their marriages as they are in pre serving their possessions, we would have a true revival of the fast disap pearing institution known as the home —the true bulwark against the satanic tide of communist oppression. I want to bring you a number of statistics in this report, but before I do, there are some remarks which need to be made at the outset. Concerning the matter of divorce, from time to time I have asked various Christian leaders to give us their comments for broad cast over the air on the subject. Gen eral response has been, “That’s an issue
which is too hot, or too delicate to han-' die. You will step on too many toes. With all of the people coming into the church today who have been divorced, or who are on the verge of it, with all divergence of opinion on the subject, it would be best to let it pass by.” I am also amazed, and perhaps naively dis appointed, that there are so few books on the subject from a truly evangelical Christian standpoint. In the many vol umes which have been written on the subject of the happy home, there seem to be very few which ever touch on the subject of divorce. But friends, after all, before we finish this discussion, regard less of our personal views, let us re member two things. First of all, mar riage is an institution established by God, and violation of that act is not something which can be rectified by the laws of the state, for it is a sin against the Almighty. And secondly, since it is a sacred institution appointed of God, let us look for final authority on the matter to God’s Word in which His Son, our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, has given us a very clear picture. There is a further realization, and (continued on next page) 33
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