Biola Broadcaster - 1962-03

neither can it be eliminated by any formula that comes out of the test tube in the scientific laboratory. There is only one possible solution to the problem that afflicts mankind, and that solution is found in the in­ spired, infallible Word of God. It is spoken of in a number of different ways in the Bible but it is probably best illustrated by the phrase, “the new birth” — “Ye must be born again” (John 3:7) and that new birth is brought about through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as one’s own person­ al Saviour from sin. Sin is the disease which has eaten at the heart of man­ kind and with which men are com­ pletely incapable of dealing. It must be handled by God, Himself, in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ as He was offered an atonement for sin in His death on Calvary’s cross. It is this great and monumental fact, as revealed in the Word of God, that is the center and core of the teaching which all stu­ dents who attend BIOLA receive. And it is this great doctrine, along with the other doctrines found in the Word of God with which the students become thoroughly acquainted during their course of study and which they are prepared to proclaim wherever the Lord directs them to go—and to all those with whom they come in con­ tact. BIOLA is the only school in the country that offers such an intensive course of study in the Word of God and at the same time provides a re­ gionally-accredited Baccalaureate de­ gree upon completion of the curricu­ lum. We thank God, every day, for these hundreds and hundreds of young peo­ ple who come to BIOLA’s halls of learn­ ing for the express purpose of receiving the training that is offered here. We covet your earnest, Spirit-filled, pre­ vailing prayer that the Lord will con­ tinue to bless and direct in the affairs of BIOLA because here the Word of God is proclaimed and the great truths of the Holy Bible are studied so that the students might become thoroughly equipped and ready for the Master’s service in the world of today.

learning than are graduates of the secu­ lar schools. We have the abiding con­ viction here that the ills of the world will not be corrected or healed by philosophies of men or by the techni­ cal advances which have been or may yet be discovered in the realm of sci­ ence. We are very interested in what


Have you come to the "Red Sea" place in your life? Where, in spite of all you can do There is no way out, there is no way back There is no other way but — through. Then wait on the Lord with a trust serene 'Til the night of your fear is gone He will send the wind, He will heap the floods He says to your soul, "Go on." And His hand will lead you through— clear through Ere the watery walls roll down No foe can reach you, no wave can touch you No mightiest sea can drown. The tossing billows may rear their crests Their foam at your feet may break. But over their bed you may walk dry- shod In the path that your Saviour will make. And your fears shall pass as your foes have passed, And you shall be no more afraid. You shall sing His praise in a better place A place that His hand has made. — Annie Johnson Flint mankind thinks, as developed in his philosophical concepts, and we are deeply appreciative of all that men of science have contributed to the physi­ cal well-being of the human race. But there is something tragically wrong with the human heart and it cannot be corrected by philosophical thoughts,

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