these, of course, are the continental and sub-continental layers of the earth’s crust and below that an undetermined expanse winding up in what is theo logically entitled the line of discontin uity at which point the interior of the earth becomes what we are told is the mantel zone. Right at the present time our government for several years has been spending large sums of mon ey on an attempt to drill through the continental and sub-continental lay ers of the earth’s crust to reach this line of discontinuity if possible and to determine what is in the mantel zone beneath. The drilling operations that have been done have been done at sea be cause the crust of the earth comes far closer to the surface there than it does on dry land and it is easier to reach. So far as ultimate drilling operations are concerned and off the coast lines of southern California and Puerto Rico in recent years we have been attempting drilling on an operation never before attempted, in a desire on the part of man, to find out what actually under lies the foundation of the continents. Evidently this is a realm in which mankind ultimately is going to be doomed to full failure because God uses it, as we have seen He used the other one, to pledge the eternal existence of this remarkable people that right now are once again occupying the headlines of the public press each day. How won derful and consistent is the Word of God and I hope you are rejoicing in it as to the certainty of its truth in every area of life itself. — A T T E N T I O N — Billings, Montana NEW STATION COVERAGE "The Bible Institute Hour” now heard Monday through Friday KURL, 730 ON THE DIAL, 8:00 A.M.
Tonight I heard a mother call an other child Who bore my darling's name. And my heart trembled. Evenings like this we used to sit before the fire, Her curly head within the circle of my arm; A cold rain beating on the window panes. It beats again tonight, And I am all alone. She was so warm and sweet, All pink and blue and gold; Strange that I could produce such loveliness. Such exquisite fruition of my girl hood dreams! She was so young that she had never learned to dream; There are no dreams in Heaven— Only dreams' fulfillment. She seemed so small to go so far alone— She was only seven. And her whole world was still Her mother and her playmates. And a foolish little dog. She took such pride in her new shoes. And now she wears winged sandals on her feet. How has she changed who has been five years in Heaven? Her beauty has begun to blossom, Her eyes grown deep From looking on the wonder of His face; She knows no tears nor loneliness. And sorrow never touched her brow. Little daughter grown so wise! She would not have me sit alone be fore my fire And eat the bitter bread of grief. A little time, my Very Dear, A few more sunsets fading in the west, And then, as sweetly as before, Your curly head within the circle of my arm. And you and I, together, looking on His face! Martha Snell Nicholson
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