العدد 2 – يوليو- تموز 2023

between its objectives and those of the extreme right-wing parties, whose popularity is rising at a regular and unprecedented pace around the world since World War II. It analyses an intentional sample of the 100 most watched videos about the issue on TikTok ; and sample includes the accounts most followed by both Muslims and Hindus as well as the accounts that posted about the issue the most between September 2021 and December 2022. The research finds that the percentage of content in favour of understanding and coexistence between the two sides is higher than that expressing oppression and conflict. In addition, emojis were used more frequently in the content about love, friendship and marriage. The research also finds that most users tend to only like the posts ; and that the most shared and commented posts are those that call for understanding the nature of the conflict with its cognitive and historical facts. Keywords: Polarisation, Ideology, Muslims, Hindus, Social Media, TikTok.

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