العدد 2 – يوليو- تموز 2023

Abstract: After a critical review of the translation of the German word, "öffentlichkeit", in Arabic and foreign research, it becomes necessary to distinguish the differences between the two overlapping and intersecting concepts : public space and public sphere . This distinction helps us define the various scientific productions that have attempted to determine the contribution of media and "self - mass communication" to the revitalisation of the concept of the "Arab public sphere" . In view of these productions, the question, "Does social media constitute a public sphere in the Arab region ? " appears inappropriate, and even scientifically unproductive, relative to, "If we consider social media in the Arab region a public space, can it turn into a public sphere ? And to what extent does political and ideological polarisation hinder the transformation of said public space into a public sphere in the Arab world ? " Based on the dialectic approach, the study presents theses and antitheses to extract a synthesis to discuss two basic concepts, "mosaic public spheres" and "networked public spheres", to provide a better explanation of the status of social media in media practices and the various forms of political communication in the Arab region . The study concludes that political, ideological and emotional polarisation poses a significant obstacle to transforming social media into a public sphere . This is because it is a dynamic political and ideological context that creates divisions among citizens and leads to the formation of two or more opposing poles on intellectual issues and issues related to public affairs . It also concludes that there are fundamental and procedural reasons preventing social media from becoming public spheres . Technological tools cannot solve the social and cultural imbalances in society ; and many political systems and social and cultural structures restrict dialogue let alone opposition . In addition, the nature of social media is not conducive to conducting debates on controversial topics . Keywords: Social Media, Public Sphere, Public Web Space, Mosaic Public Space, Opposing Public Space, Plebeian Public Space .

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