العدد 2 – يوليو- تموز 2023

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) يمكن اإلشــارة إلى أن الغناء والموســيقى اســتُعمال أداة نضالية قبل أحداث الربيع العربي 73 ( والحراك في الجزائر والمغرب، انظر: - Nancy Demerdash, "Consuming Revolution: Ethics, Art, and Ambivalence in the Arab Spring," New Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 2, (2012), "accessed January 17, 2023". https://bit.ly/3G8ybjS. في الجزائر، مرجع سابق. " البديل " - الهادفي، آليات تشكل الفضاء العمومي (74) Yochai Benkler, The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006), 225. (75) Aziz Douai, Hala Nofal, Commenting in the Online Arab Public Sphere: Debating the Swiss Minaret Ban and the "Ground Zero Mosque", Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol. 17, No. 3, (April 2012): 266-282. (76) Al-Saggaf, "The Online Public Sphere in the Arab World: The War in Iraq on the Al Arabiya Website,": 311–334. ) انظر: 77 ( Al-Saggaf, "The Online Public Sphere in the Arab World: The War in Iraq on the Al Arabiya Website,": 311–334. (78) Nathaniel Poor, "Mechanisms of an Online Public Sphere: The Website Slashdot," Journal of Computer -Mediated Communication, Vol. 10, issue 2, January 2005, "accessed January 16, 2023". https://bit.ly/40zAip4. (79) Lynch, "Beyond the Arab Street,": 55-91. ، (نيويورك، برنامج األمم المتحدة اإلنمائي، المكتب 2022 ) تقرير التنمية اإلنسانية العربية للعام 80 ( . 88 اإلقليمي للدول العربية)، ص ) انظر: 81 ( David Coulson, "Dynamics of Social Media, Politics and Public Policy in the Arab World," Global Media Journal, Vol. 12, No. 22, (2013): 1-20. (82) Cécile Brasseur, Edien Bartels, "Arab Spring in Morocco: Social Media and the 20 February Movement," afrika focus, Vol. 27, No. 2, (2014): 9-22.

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