العدد 2 – يوليو- تموز 2023

media professionals, the ethics of public use of social networking sites, and the ethical standards adopted by social media platforms . Despite the importance of these efforts, they are not sufficient to establish an actual ethical regulation of the use of social media platforms for several reasons, including the commercial orientation of these platforms . To approach the aforementioned four levels, the study adopts a complex research strategy that combines digital anthropology ; the mechanisms, rules and basic principles of decision - making science ; and the descriptive approach to present models of the most important ethical orientations for using social media networks . It analyses them and tries to prove how they represent only the ethics of communication content . Ultimately, the study proposes another perspective for thinking about the ethics of social media platforms, which it calls "ethical design for social media networks" . This facilitates individuals ’ use of those platforms in an ethical manner, or at least in a way that does not expose them to harm and exploitation . The study also explores the potential of this new perspective and the challenges it poses, and offers practical proposals that concern Facebook as a model . Keywords: Ethics, Social Media, Ethical Design, Facebook .

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