العدد 2 – يوليو- تموز 2023

آرائهم في نقاش عام عبر قنوات البيئة الجديدة لالتصال بشكل أفضل من ظروف بيئة االتصال التقليدية. نظرية دوامة الصمت، البيئة االتصالية الجديدة، اليمن، الرأي العام، كلمات مفتاحية: االتصال السياسي. Abstract: This study explores the potential effects of the new communication environment on the function of the mechanisms of the spiral of silence using three controversial issues relating to the Yemeni crisis: the role of the Arab coalition in Yemen, the legitimacy of former President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi, and the call to disengage the Yemeni southern governorates from the unified Yemeni state. By adopting the survey method and using the snowball sample method, which consisted of 438 respondents, the study finds that the effects of the new communication environment on the function of the mechanisms of the spiral of silence are limited. At the psychological level, respondents confirmed that they felt less fear of isolation in their virtual communications than in direct communications, despite their high expectations of hostility from others in response to opposing opinions. On the other hand, study findings provide evidence of the impact of the spiral of silence in the new communication environment on the function of the social mechanism, as the percentage of conformity with mainstream views and the difference between those who conform to the climate of hypothetical opinion and those who do not have declined. This means that the idea of the mainstream trend is shaky; and thus, the effect of pressure for social harmony is diminished. Despite the effectiveness of the new communication environment in alleviating the fear of isolation and relieving social pressure, it was not a sufficient incentive to encourage respondents to express their views in a public debate through the platforms of the new communication environment in a way that is better than the circumstances of the traditional communication environment. Keywords: Spiral of Silence, New Communication Environment, Yemen, Public Opinion, Political Communication.

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