العدد 2 – يوليو- تموز 2023

digital attack . Individuals may be targeted simply for sharing a post or a sympathetic or biased tweet that conveys an incomplete picture of the narrative of the Palestinian - Israeli conflict . The issue at hand is that what has been referred to as "digital aggression" involves the violation of digital rights and freedoms, thus threatening freedom of expression globally . Understanding the framework of the conflict urgently requires attention to this fact, to ensure that the reading of the conflict evolves in the face of the spread of the unspoken due to the scarcity of data or the tyranny of ideologies . After analyzing various samples from a quantitative and qualitative perspective, the study concludes that the Palestinian - Israeli conflict is experiencing a turning point from a digital perspective, creating new means of expression and diverse discourses, and establishing innovative traditions of communication . In addition, social media networks today raise questions about their relationship to human rights and freedoms . Keywords: Palestinian Narrative, Digital Aggression, Palestinian Content, Social Media, Digital Rights, Digital Freedoms .

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