February 2025

12B — February 2025 — Owners, Developers & Managers — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal


P eople on the M ove

Active member for over 20 years The NJBA elects Debra Tantleff for a 2nd term

MAG Partners’ Hearn elected to NAIOP MD BOD

governmental relations, and property entitlements. Prior to joining the Balti- more Peninsula Development Team, Hearn worked as an Associate Development Man- ager with St. John Properties, Inc. on mixed- use develop- ment projects throughout their Southern Maryland portfolio. Hearn earned her bachelor’s degree from St. Lawrence University where she majored in Political Science and En- vironmental Studies. During her time at St. Lawrence, she studied Sustainable Develop- ment in Copenhagen, Denmark and was a four-year member and two-year captain of the squash team. “MAG Partners values the work and importance of NAIOP Maryland and remains an advocate and long-term supporter of the organization,” stated Hearn. “This appoint- ment will allow me to lend my voice to the efforts designed to ensure the continued vitality of the regional commercial real estate industry. I look forward to interacting with my peer group to tackle, and find creative solutions to, the ongoing challenges faced by the commercial real estate industry.” MAREJ

BALTIMORE, MD — Jen- nifer Hearn , director of de- velopment for MAG Part-

ners LP , has been elected to the Board of Directors of NAIOP Maryland . N A I O P Maryland is comprised of commer-


meeting the housing needs of all NJ residents. NJBA serves as a resource for its members through continuing education and advocacy and its members strive for a more vibrant, more sustainable, and more afford- able housing market in NJ. Tantleff, founding principal of TANTUM Real Estate , has been an active member of NJBA for over 20 years, serving as both Co-Chair of the association’s Mixed Use Developers group and Vice Chair of the Builders PAC. With $2B in construction and 7,000 residential units state- wide, her expertise drives NJBA’s advocacy to tackle New Jersey’s housing crisis. At the board meeting, Tan- tleff and the NJBA team pro - vided a recap of 2024 advocacy efforts, highlighting several significant legislative and regulatory advances includ- ing plan review reform and home improvement contrac- tor licensing initiatives, while outlining other policy positions that are gaining momentum. The passage of the 4th round affordable housing law in 2024 was crucial to bringing New Jersey closer to addressing its housing crisis but with sys- temic issues still burdening the housing ecosystem there Currently, Meyerhoff is lead- ing Consigli’s work with the National Park Service on the Lincoln Memorial Undercroft project. This transformative renovation will create 15,000 s/f of new exhibit space be- neath the monument, while maintaining full public access and operational continuity. “Sam’s proven experience and expertise in the manage- ment of revitalization and new construction projects in museum, cultural and federal market sectors has left a last- ing mark on some of D.C.’s most well-known and iconic in- stitutions,” said Brian Hamil- ton , vice president of Consigli Construction Co., Inc. “Her deep relationships with clients and project partners have been critical to Consigli’s continued success in the region, and we are thrilled to have her step

is significant work left to be done. Chair Tantleff noted, “I am pleased to be elected to a second term at a time when New Jersey is starting to make progress on housing policy reform. NJBA continues to be an advocate for policy changes that would allow for accessory dwelling units, stranded asset conversion and reduced park- ing standards, and we look forward to working with the Legislature and Administra- tion over the coming year to address their mutual goals of affordability and to revive New Jersey’s housing market.” The Board of Directors meet- ing concluded with a fireside chat led by Tantleff between Senator Vin Gopal (D-11) and Senator Declan O’Scanlon (R- 13) both representing Mon- mouth County, with a discus- sion that touched on various issues from home rule and associated fiscal and procedural impacts to more specific Jersey shore related issues such as the proposed changes to DEP regu- lations and the need to balance economic investment with envi- ronmental sustainability. The dialogue was a clear example of the collaborative approach NJBA takes in engaging in elected officials on both sides of the aisle. MAREJ into this well-deserved new role as project executive.” Professionally, Meyerhoff is a member of the International Association of Museum Facil- ity Administrators, as well as a member of the Federal City Council’s (FC2) Emerging Leaders Program. Consigli Construction Co., Inc. is a construction man- ager in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Consigli services clients across all markets, in- cluding academic, healthcare, life sciences, institutional, energy, corporate and federal. Founded in 1905, Consigli is now a 100% employee-owned (ESOP) company, providing its people a direct benefit of its success and creating a culture of accountability. The company has offices in Massachusetts, Washington, DC, Maine, Con- necticut, New York, North Carolina, New Hampshire and the Caribbean. MAREJ

OLMDEL, NJ — The New Jersey Builders Associa-

tion (NJBA) announced that Debra Tant lef f , was elected to a second term as Chair of the NJBA along with NJBA’s

Jennifer Hearn

cial real estate development companies and profession- als engaged with affiliated service companies including the architectural, brokerage, construction, interior design, and legal industries. Hearn is responsible for managing all aspects of the development process, includ- ing but not limited to mas- ter planning, infrastructure, parks and public spaces, en- vironmental remediation, placemaking design and in- stallation, and various stra- tegic initiatives throughout Baltimore Peninsula and the surrounding communities. She has more than twelve years of diversified real estate development experience and specializes in new opportu- nity due diligence and acquisi- tions, repositioning of assets,

Debra Tantleff

2025 Elected Officers at its January 28th Board of Direc - tors meeting at Bell Works. Serving with Tantleff for the 2025 term are: • Vice Chair, Christpher Amato, CMM • Treasurer, John Kirkenir, Alliance Homes • Secretary, Kristie Veri, Cleanscape Construction • Builder Vice Chair, James Pittenger, Pittenger Builders • Associate Vice Chair, Stanley Graser, General Plumbing Supply • 2nd Associate Vice Chair, Thomas Trautner, Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi P C NJBA is a housing industry trade association with a mem- bership of builders, developers, remodelers, subcontractors, suppliers, engineers, archi- tects, consultants, and other professionals dedicated to

CRC promotes Kimbers to investor relations manager

of private equity funds. This group consists of institutional investors, investment advi- sors, high-net-worth individu- als, foundations and endow- ments. Kimbers manages a team focused on strategically positioning funds to instill and maintain investor confidence, strengthening existing inves- tor relationships, organizing and executing investor meet- ings and roadshows, and serv- ing as a liaison with various stakeholders and audiences. Kimbers has more than 10 years of diversified finan - cial and investor relations experience. She previously functioned as senior associ- ate, Global Development and Strategy for LaSalle Invest- ment Management Securities. Kimbers earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Georgetown University and a Master of Professional Studies in Public Relations and Corporate Communica- tions, with a concentration in Integrated Marketing Com- munication, from Georgetown University. MAREJ

BALTIMORE, MD — Continental Realty Corpo- ration (CRC) announced the

WASHINGTON, DC — Consigli Construction Co., Inc. has promoted Sam Consigli Construction elevates Meyerhoff to project executive in Washington, DC office coordination to support artifact preservation and relocation.

promotion of Amanda Kimbers to investor re- lations man- ager. Active in 13 states, the private- ly-held firm owns and

Meyerhoff to project ex- ecutive in its Washington, DC office. In her new role, Meyerhoff will build on her extensive experience

Amanda Kimbers

operates more than eight million s/f of retail space and more than 10,000 apartment homes. Since 2012, CRC has raised nearly $1 billion in equity for retail and multi- family investments across five real estate funds and associ- ated co-investments. Kimbers joined CRC in 2020 as senior investor relations associate. In her continuing role with the company, Kimbers is responsible for organizing multiple fundraising initia- tives designed to attract new investors and impact the di- verse mix of existing investor entities and individuals with interests in the CRC family

Sam Meyerhoff

leading teams and overseeing high profile complex projects, as well as her invaluable ef- forts to develop and manage client relationships through- out the DC area. Meyerhoff has extensive ex- perience in the museum, cul- tural and federal market sec- tors, as well as an impressive portfolio of work. She oversaw the Smithsonian Institution’s revitalization of the National Air and Space Museum, in- cluding meticulous logistics

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