T he V ital R ole of the O hio UMADAOP F ederation : A Model for the Nation CONTINUED...
Lucas County was awarded a grant which began on May 1st, 2023, from the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. The purpose of the grant is for UMADAOP Lucas County to serve as the project lead and fiduciary agent to design and implement a comprehensive multi-marketing and social media campaign geared to help reduce the drug overdoses re- lated to fentanyl, fake pills, and the misuse of prescription pain pills. The campaign has been designed to address individuals throughout the numerous urban zip code areas that are served by the eleven Ohio UMADAOP organizations. The title of the campaign is Think, Act and Live! & Know the Real, One Pill Can Kill. The cam- paign has been designed to engage the eleven Ohio UMADAOP organizations in a collabo- rative mass marketing campaign to address the fentanyl overdoses occurring among African and Hispanic Americans throughout the state of
Ohio. The campaign uses various platforms, such as live stream tv, videos, me- mes, digital ads, radio PSAs, podcasts, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, billboard displays, newspaper ads, widespread literature distribution and peer outreach workers to share information on the importance of Naloxone® (also referred to as Narcan) to help reduce deaths resulting from fentanyl overdoses in addition to the distribution of literature on treatment and recovery resources. The content of the media products is tailored to raise awareness about the fen- tanyl crisis by targeting the specific media consumption habits and interests of the target audience. The statewide initiative offers a “turn-key solution” that utilizes media research data derived from geotargeted analytical tracking met- rics to determine the most effective times, channels, stations, and billboard lo- cations for these ads and the people that view them. The project has developed community outreach partnerships with local restaurants, churches, schools, community organizations and business workplaces to disseminate informa- tion on the dangers of fentanyl and illicit pain pills, including information about resources available for prevention, treatment, and recovery.
As of August 10th, 2023, the campaign has generated more than 6 million views statewide.
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