ASB FINE HARNESS CLASSES To be shown with a full mane and tail to an appropriate vehicle, preferably a small buggy with four wire wheels, but without a top. Light harness with blinkers, snaffle bit and overcheck are required.

7 ASB Fine Harness Open

Friday Morning

60 ASB Fine Harness Amateur

Saturday Morning

149 ASB Fine Harness Open Championship To be eligible, horses must have been entered, shown and judged in any class in this section. Sunday Afternoon AMERICAN SADDLEBRED PLEASURE DIVISION Entries in all classes must be shown with a full mane and tail. Note: Horses shown in any other class in the Saddlebred Division are ineligible to show in a Saddlebred Pleasure Horse Class at the same show. Cross-entering prohibited between Show Pleasure and Country Pleasure and between Three-Gaited and Five-Gaited Pleasure.

ASB THREE-GAITED ENGLISH SHOW PLEASURE CLASSES To be shown at a flat walk, trot and canter.

12 ASB Three-Gaited Show Pleasure Adult

Friday Morning

71 ASB Three-Gaited Show Pleasure Jr. Exhibitor Saturday Morning

97 ASB Three-Gaited Show Pleasure Jr. Exhibitor/Adult Championship To be eligible, horses must have been entered, shown and judged in Class 12 or 71. Saturday Afternoon ASB FIVE-GAITED SHOW PLEASURE CLASSES To be shown at a flat walk, trot, slow gait, rack at moderate speed and canter. 46 ASB Five-Gaited Show Pleasure Friday Afternoon

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