Frontier Community College 2023-24 Annual Report

“We are excited to offer this new training and extremely thankful to everyone who helped bring this to fruition” - President Edgren

to provide local instruction and were hired to bring this program to life:

Creating a dedicated, on-campus training space for trailer back up drills, as well as storage, is the next (and probably last) major component that will be addressed for the program. FCC Administration is diligently researching grant opportunities as well as other means to raise capital for this last phase of the project. Bringing Truck Driver Training to Frontier Community College to meet an identified local need was a collaborative effort between community businesses and organizations, the State of Illinois, and the college. 

Doug Collins: A former Airtex manager with over 40 years’ experience driving tractor-trail - ers for companies such as Hoosier Wheel and Stamping, Grainergy Farms, Aydt Farms, and Airtex Products. Ed Foley: Owner of Foley and Son Trucking with 37 years of experience behind the wheel. Robert Reed: Driver and trainer for JB Hunt with seven years of experience.

The first Truck Driver Training classes were offered at FCC during the spring of last year. The initial class schedule was tailored to fit the needs of students in the EDS program. The students were split and drove two or three days a week, depending on sections, and all EDS students completed Class A CDL train - ing prior to graduating. As the program settled in, classes began to be offered for local business, municipalities, current students, and the public. At this time, a search for a flat-bed trailer was underway, to use for additional training opportunities: safe loading and unloading of cargo, proper tie-down techniques to secure loads, back - ing and maneuvering a semi with a secured load,etc.

ABOVE LEFT: Two of the first CDL students at FCC with Instructor Robert Reed. ABOVE RIGHT: Flatbed trailer utilized in the Truck Driving Program. Purchased from Vauhan Equipment.

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