Frontier Community College 2023-24 Annual Report

Student-led Collection Efforts


good with them to the event.

he IECC annual food drive includes all four IECC colleges and took place from November 1st through November 30th. The drive is always a friendly competition between campuses as they look to collect as many donations as possible to benefit our campuses and local communities. One Love Christian Club has sponsored the food drive on Frontier’s campus for the last three years. During the first year, 945 items were collected, followed by 1,065 items the second year and around 900 this year. Students, faculty, and staff have consis - tently participated, bringing in donations to help in the collective district-wide effort. The donations are first utilized to fill the food cabinet located on campus in West Hall. After it’s full, the remaining items are sent to the food pantries in the commu- nity and to Feed My Sheep Soup Kitchen in Fairfield. This year, the FCC Foundation played a vital role in spreading the word of the drive to community members as they asked those who attended the Fran Carter Memorial Scholarship Fashion Show to bring canned

ABOVE LEFT: Total collection of donations from FCC campus during food drive ABOVE RIGHT: Cultural Diversity class members working to raise money for class trip

One Love Christian Club Advisor Catherine Singleton spoke about what it means to participate in the collection every year. “The food collection is a great way to remember there are ways we can personally support the needs of our community, both on campus and in town. The friendly competition between schools is another added component that challenges you even further,” said Singleton.

PTK Hosts Fundraiser

In March, Phi Theta Kappa hosted a taco bar/fundraiser to raise money for the family of an FCC student’s family who tragically lost their home in a fire. La Fuente Mexican Restaurant in Fairfield generously donated food to assist PTK with the fundraiser. PTK raised approximately $1,000 for the family, and the participation of the FCC students, faculty & staff, and community members is another example of the continuous support and camaraderie between the college and community. PTK Advisor Linda Monge spoke

14 FCC Annual Report

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