Frontier Community College 2023-24 Annual Report

ABOVE: PTK students set up at bake sale to raise money for St. Louis Children’s Hospital BELOW: PTK taco bar to raise money for local family

PTK/One Love Fundraiser During the solar eclipse, Phi Theta Kappa and One Love Christian Club partnered to sell baked goods and drinks to those on campus, which included travellers from all over the nation. All proceeds from the event were donated to the St. Louis Children’s Hospital toy fund. Phi Theta Kappa and One Love were at the center of multi- ple fundraising efforts on campus throughout the year and made a huge difference on and off campus. 

about the collective effort it took to make the fund - raiser successful. “We have such a great group of students who are always more than willing to lend a hand to help others, but also a community full of businesses and people who truly care about one another, and this was yet another example of that,” said Monge. Cultural Diversity Fundraiser The Cultural Diversity class sold Chicago-style hot dogs in the Workforce Development Center, in a fundraising effort last fall. In yet another success, the group sold out of hot dogs and had raised approximately $1,100 through three separate fund- raising events during the academic year up to that point, with all proceeds going toward the class trip to Chicago. Additionally, the class hosted a ‘Cultural Cookie Extravaganza’ on Wednesday, December 6th, in Mason Hall. The class handed out Christmas cookies from around the world for anyone that stopped by, free of charge.

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