Frontier Community College 2023-24 Annual Report provides hundreds of program rankings on its website as well as information about financial aid, internships, and even study strategies. A complete list of rankings is available on the site. 

family feel and I believe that is appealing to students. With smaller faculty/student and advisor/student ratios, we are able to provide students the time needed to answer their questions, and overall help meet their needs. We strive to keep students engaged in and out of the classroom and help them have a positive experience on campus. These aspects of FCC certainly contribute to our excellent retention and completion metrics and have contributed significantly to our ability to consistently receive national recognition such as this,” said Edgren. Illinois, a nexus of Midwestern values and urban innovation, boasts com- munity colleges that embody what it takes as a college to prepare students to successfully graduate and excel in their respective fields. Receiving recognition such as this is an indicator of the hard work that FCC students, faculty, and staff continue to put forth to make Frontier Community College one of the most successful and desirable community colleges in the state.

ABOVE: Professor Linda Monge leading a statistics class

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